
DG Diana's Official Visit Schedule

District 6910 Conference in Asheville, NC
We flew to Charlotte, fortunately avoiding any of the devastating tornadoes. After an overnight stay in Charlotte, we drove through the beautiful countryside of North Carolina, finally catching a glimpse of the Blue Ridge Mountains which serve a s a scenic backdrop for the city of Asheville. Before arriving at our destination, we stopped for about three hours in the small community of Hendersonville, a beautiful and hostorc town 15 miles south of Asheville. Here we enjoyed a pleasant breakfast and an opportunity to browse the many craft and art shops of Hendersonville. This window shopping turned into an opportunity to purchase a centerpiece for our dining table for which we had been hunting for some time. We will look forward to seeing it in place when we arrive home.
The short drive to Asheville took us to the Crowne Plaza Hotel, the venue for the Conference. The evening started with a welcome party hosted by the hotel followed by a reception for donors to The Rotary Foundation. Each of the guests had their photo taken and then were offered a choice of beautiful photo frames in which to place the photo...such a great idea and the brainwave of PDG Rich Panyik's lovely wife, Marla.
The opening ceremony for the conference took place the following morning and started with a tribute to all Rotarians who had served their country in the armed forces. This was followed by the guard of honour presenting the flag of the USA and Rotary and an address by their RI Presidents Representative, Joe Mulkerrin from Virginia. There were many interesting presentations interspersed with lots of door prizes! We also had an opportunity to meet this year's class of students from the GRSP program who hailed form Scotland, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Columbia, Poland, Italy and Wales. The students had brought intersting items from their countries and these were displayed for a silent auction to raise funds for the GRSP program. The afertnoon gave us some free time to take a look at the historical sites of Asheville and to do some shopping befoer gathering for dinner with DG Gene Windham and Denise and their family.
The following day, there was another varied program which included Roger giving a presentation on buiding relationships and partenships and citing examples of success stories between Districts 6910 and 7020. We were free for lunch to go and find one of the many great restaurants in the area dn to do some more sitseeing before returning to the hotels for the DG Banquet which took place in the evening. This was a very pleasant evening with Winnie Morgan as the guest speaker. Those of you who have had the pleasure of hearing Winnie speak will know that it was an entertaining time with a serious message.



We departed on time from St. Thomas on the usual early morning flight to Miami, and it would prove to be the last flight which was on time for the day. With seriously severe weather in Washington DC and the Northeastern USA, many flights were cancelled out of Miami. Although no reason was given, our flight to Port au Prince, Haiti was also cancelled. We immediately contacted AG’s Kyss and Ted but too late to prevent them making the journey to the airport.
Mardi 25 janvier
Nous sommes partis sur le temps de saint Thomas sur le vol tôt le matin d'habitude à Miami, et il se révélera être le dernier vol qui était à l'heure de la journée. Avec sérieux les phénomènes météorologiques violents à Washington DC et les Etats-Unis du Nord, de nombreux vols ont été annulés à partir de Miami. Bien qu'aucune raison n'a été donnée, notre vol à destination de Port-au-Prince, Haïti a également été annulé. Nous avons immédiatement contacté Kyss AG et Ted, mais trop tard pour les empêcher effectuant le voyage à l'aéroport.
After a night at the Courtyard Airport hotel, we arrived in Port au Prince on the first flight out of Miami in the morning which enabled us to avoid the large crowds usually evident at the PAP arrivals building. AG Ted was held up in the inevitable chaotic traffic but had a family member at American Airlines who skillfully led us through the back corridors and out into the parking area.
By this time we were almost late for our long arranged meeting at the US Embassy but Ted managed to get us there in time and the session proved to be very productive.
We then drove to the Visa Lodge Hotel where we delighted to be greeted by our Rotarian host, hotelier and President Hervé Denis. Staying at the Visa Lodge is always a joy; President Hervé is a gracious host and wonderful company. We spent several very pleasant dinners in his company during our visit.
Later in the afternoon, it was time to meet with the board and the club members of Port au Prince, Champs de Mars club. Since we had both been present at the Charter Ceremony of this club, it was very gratifying to see their progress. The Champs de Mars area of the city once was the centre of family activity at the weekends in the beautiful tree-lined park which houses the National Museum and statues of all the heroes of Haiti. Sadly, it is now strewn with tents providing temporary living quarters to thousands and is no longer a place of solitude or enjoyment for the people of the city.
AG Kyss met us at the hotel to take us to the meetings, both of which were enjoyable despite the normal thirty minute journey through the city taking two hours! The members of the club are enthusiastic but have felt constrained recently by being unable to achieve funding for their many projects. This is a perfect club for a District 7020 partnership, many of the members can communicate well in English so a twinning relationship would be welcomed by the club. Members of this club had lots of questions for the DG, further evidence of their enthusiasm for Rotary. We were beautifully entertained by Rotary and Rotaract talent, singing, guitar playing and poetry – a beautiful presentation. The evening culminated in a presentation to the DG of a portrait of her – what a surprise! Roger received a carved wooden statue. Beautiful and thoughtful gifts, thank you all.
Mercredi 26 janvier
Après une nuit à l'hôtel Courtyard Aéroport, nous sommes arrivés à Port-au-Prince sur le premier vol de Miami dans la matinée qui nous a permis d'éviter les grandes foules habituellement évident à l'arrivée du PAP du bâtiment. Ted AG a eu lieu dans la circulation chaotique, mais inévitable eu un membre de la famille à American Airlines, qui nous a conduit habilement à travers les couloirs de retour et à la sortie dans la zone de stationnement.
A cette époque, nous étions presque en retard pour notre réunion organisée longtemps à l'ambassade des États-Unis, mais Ted réussi à y arriver dans le temps et la session s'est avérée très productive.
Nous avons ensuite conduit à l'Hôtel Visa Lodge où nous ravis d'être accueillis par notre hôte, hôtelier et président Rotarien Hervé Denis. Séjourner à l'Auberge Visa est toujours une joie; président Hervé est un hôte aimable et formidable entreprise. Nous avons passé plusieurs dîners très agréable en sa compagnie lors de notre visite.
Plus tard dans l'après-midi, il était temps de rencontrer le conseil d'administration et les membres du club de Port-au-Prince, Champs de Mars club. Comme nous avions tous les deux présents à la cérémonie d'été Charte de ce club, il a été très gratifiant de voir leurs progrès. Les Champs de Mars zone de la ville était autrefois le centre d'activité de la famille le week-end dans les arbres du parc bordée qui abrite le musée national et des statues de tous les héros d'Haïti. Malheureusement, il est maintenant parsemé de fourniture de tentes logement temporaire à des milliers et n'est plus un lieu de solitude ou de la jouissance pour les gens de la ville.
AG Kyss nous a rencontrés à l'hôtel pour nous emmener à des réunions, qui étaient tous deux agréables malgré la normale trente minutes de trajet à travers la ville en prenant deux heures! Les membres du club sont enthousiastes, mais se sont sentis contraints récemment par l'impossibilité d'obtenir un financement pour leurs nombreux projets. C'est un club parfait pour un partenariat District 7020, de nombreux membres peuvent bien communiquer en anglais pour une relation de jumelage serait bien accueillie par le club. Les membres de ce club a eu beaucoup de questions à la DG, une preuve supplémentaire de leur enthousiasme pour le Rotary. Nous avons été magnifiquement divertir par le talent du Rotary et Rotaract, chanter, jouer de la guitare et de la poésie - une belle présentation. La soirée s'est terminée dans une présentation à la direction générale d'un portrait d'elle - quelle surprise! Roger a reçu une statue en bois sculpté. Belle et petits cadeaux, je vous remercie tous.
We had a morning at the hotel filled with answering e-mails and getting some Rotary admin up to date. We then met with the board and the membership of Delmas Aeroport club. Since President Hervé is the proprietor of the hotel, the club meets there so it was an easy “journey” for us up the stairs. Both meetings were enjoyable and productive and gave the DG some research projects. After lunch we drove with PP Huguens and AG Ted to Mirabelais, through stunning scenery and an opportunity to see the clubs water project on the way. At one point the traffic was particularly bad and the clutch on the truck gave out, we thought we would need to change vehicles but it suddenly seemed to repair itself and we were underway once again – arriving at the Mirage Hotel in plenty of time for our meetings. We had a full evening meeting Rotaractors as well as the board and club of Mirabelais. The evening finished with a very pleasant dinner and presentations to two visiting Rotarians who have undertaken many projects with this club over the years. Two young girls presented gifts to Roger and the DG of some local ceramics, thank you all for a very enjoyable time.
Jeudi 27 janvier
Nous avons eu une matinée à l'hôtel rempli de répondre à des courriels et prendre une place Rotary admin à ce jour. Nous avons ensuite rencontré le conseil et les membres de Delmas Aeroport club. Depuis que le président Hervé est le propriétaire de l'hôtel, le club y rencontre alors qu'il s'agissait d'un simple «voyage» pour nous monter les escaliers. Les deux réunions ont été agréable et productive et donne la DG certains projets de recherche. Après le déjeuner, nous avons roulé avec Huguens PP et AG à Ted Mirabelais, à travers des paysages magnifiques et une occasion de voir le projet d'eau clubs sur le chemin. À un moment donné le trafic a été particulièrement mauvaise et l'embrayage sur le camion a distribué, nous avons pensé que nous aurions besoin de changer de véhicule mais il semblait soudain à se réparer et nous avons en cours une fois de plus - d'arriver à l'Hôtel Mirage, en beaucoup de temps pour nos réunions. Nous avons eu une réunion en soirée Rotaractiens complète ainsi que le conseil et le club de Mirabelais. La soirée s'est terminée par un dîner très agréable et des présentations à deux visites Rotariens qui ont entrepris de nombreux projets avec ce club au fil des ans. Deux jeunes filles a offert des cadeaux à Roger et le DG de certaines céramiques locales, je vous remercie tous pour un moment très agréable.
We set off early for the drive back to Port au Prince, this time without incident. The schedule was set for us to meet in Carrefour with the Carrefour Mon Repos club for their board and general meeting. However, there had been some disturbance in the area and we were advised not to make the journey. At very short notice AG Kyss, President Mara and the board members joined us at the Visa Lodge - probably the largest board representation for this visit so we were impressed and grateful to them for making the effort to do this, particularly as they had to drive back to Carrefour at the end of the meeting. Carrefour is a very active club with an astounding number of projects – this membership is certainly involved! The board members brought with them two beautiful gifts for the DG and Roger. A unique wall hanging displaying the logo of the Conference for this year as well as a portrait of Diana and Roger, both very thoughtful gifts, thank you! That evening we enjoyed a pleasant dinner at the hotel (provided by the talented chef) and were joined by President Hervé.
Vendredi 28 janvier
Nous partons tôt pour le retour à Port-au-Prince, cette fois sans incident. Le calendrier a été établi pour nous de répondre à Carrefour avec le club Carrefour Mon Repos pour leur conseil d'administration et assemblée générale. Cependant, il ya eu quelques perturbations dans la région et nous avons été avisés de ne pas faire le voyage. À très court préavis AG Kyss, président Mara et les membres du jury nous a rejoint au Lodge Visa - probablement le plus grand tableau de représentation pour cette visite si nous avons été impressionnés et reconnaissants de les avoir fait l'effort de le faire, d'autant plus qu'ils avaient à conduire Retour à Carrefour à la fin de la réunion. Carrefour est un club très actif avec un nombre impressionnant de projets - cette adhésion est certainement en cause! Les membres du jury ont apporté avec eux deux beaux cadeaux pour la DG et Roger. Une tenture unique affichant le logo de la Conférence pour cette année ainsi qu'un portrait de Diana et Roger, deux cadeaux très gentil, merci! Ce soir nous avons dégusté un dîner agréable à l'hôtel (fourni par le chef de talent) et ont été rejoints par le président Hervé
It was planned that we visit some club projects on this day but the political disturbances prevented us from doing so. However, AG Ted did drive us to Champs de Mars where we were able to see the statues of all the heroes. We also walked by the Presidents Palace, once such a glorious edifice but now a ruin, is a very sad and moving site to behold. Although a dinner had been planned with Ted and Lyseska, it was decided to cancel due to the unrest and we ate at the hotel joined by President Hervé and a very enjoyable bottle of Bordeaux!
Samedi 29 janvier
Il était prévu que nous visitons certains projets du club en ce jour, mais les troubles politiques nous ont empêchés de le faire. Toutefois, AG Ted ne nous conduire à Champs de Mars où nous avons pu voir les statues de tous les héros. Nous avons aussi marché par le Palais de présidents, une fois un tel édifice glorieux mais aujourd'hui en ruine, est un site très triste et émouvante à voir. Bien que d'un dîner avait été planifiée avec Ted et Lyseska, il a été décidé d'annuler en raison des troubles et nous avons mangé à l'hôtel rejoint par le président Hervé et une bouteille très agréable de Bordeaux!
An early start for what will be a long day. We left for the commuter airport and were in plenty of time for our Tortuga Air flight to Cap Haitien. The flight was almost on time – certainly Haiti time and DGE Guy, AG Adele, AGE Debreus and Secretary Elect Merline were there to meet us. After a pleasant breakfast at the Roi Christophe Hotel, we were on our way to meeting with the newest Haiti club in Ouanaminthe. This town is right on the border with the Dominican Republic and it was interesting to see the gateway to the neighbouring country and the somewhat flexible border crossing arrangements.
We were staying at The Ideal Hotel and after checking in, had an opportunity to meet with the board and also to see some of the club projects. For the newest club in the District, there is plenty of activity and the work of the club with the Univers Medical Center is commendable. The board meeting prompted a good deal of discussion as well as some progress. The general meeting followed with many invited guests and families and an excellent buffet dinner. The DG was presented with a painting of Marie Louise Croix David, a native of Ouanaminth who was the wife of Henri Christophe. A stunning and imaginative painting of this Queen which will grace our halls soon.
Dimanche 30 janvier
Un début précoce de ce qui sera une longue journée. Nous sommes partis pour l'aéroport de banlieue et ont été dans beaucoup de temps pour nos Tortuga Air vol à destination de Cap-Haïtien. Le vol a été presque à l'heure - le temps certainement Haïti et DGE Guy, AG Adele, AGE Debreus et Secrétaire élu Merline étaient là pour nous rencontrer. Après un agréable petit déjeuner à l'Hôtel Roi Christophe, nous étions sur le chemin de rencontre avec le club le plus récent Haïti à Ouanaminthe. Cette ville est située sur la frontière avec la République dominicaine et il était intéressant de voir la porte d'entrée du pays voisin et la frontière assez souple de passage des arrangements.
Nous étions logés à l'Hôtel Idéal et après l'enregistrement, a eu l'occasion de rencontrer le conseil d'administration et aussi de voir certains des projets du club. Pour le club le plus récent dans le district, il ya beaucoup d'activité et le travail du club avec l'Univers Medical Center est louable. La réunion du conseil invité une bonne partie de la discussion ainsi que certains progrès. L 'assemblée générale suivie avec de nombreux invités et les familles et un dîner buffet. Le DG a été présenté avec un tableau de Marie-Louise David Croix, originaire de Ouanaminth qui était la femme d'Henri Christophe. Une peinture magnifique et d'imagination de cette reine qui orneront nos salles prochainement.
This was the day that Roger had long been looking forward to. Roger’s has had a keen interest in the history of Haiti over several years and a visit to the Sans Souci Palace and La Citadelle had been on his list of places to visit for some time. Today was the day and we set out early from Ouanaminthe with DGE Guy and AG Adele on the road back to Cap Haitien. Although our journey to the site was delayed in waiting for the vehicle, we still had plenty of time to view the sights…and what a sight they were. We were honored to be escorted by past Minister of Culture, Eddi Lubein who was wealth of information and gave us a fascinating and informative tour. In addition, it was observed that the DG was not too excited about the idea of riding by mule so the tourism department provided her and Roger with a small ATV which afforded a very comfortable ride both up and down to La Citadelle. The memory of the visit has more than equaled the anticipation, thank you all for making our day so memorable.
The evening afforded us the opportunity for a quiet evening in preparation for the project visit the following day.
Lundi 31 janvier
Ce fut le jour que Roger était depuis longtemps avec impatience. Roger a eu un vif intérêt dans l'histoire d'Haïti depuis plusieurs années et une visite du Palais Sans Souci et la Citadelle a été mis sur sa liste de lieux à visiter pendant un certain temps. Aujourd'hui est le jour et nous partîmes de Ouanaminthe avec la DGE et Guy AG Adele sur le chemin de Cap-Haïtien. Bien que notre voyage vers le site a été retardée dans l'attente pour le véhicule, nous avions encore beaucoup de temps pour voir les curiosités ... et quel spectacle ils ont été. Nous avons été honorés d'être escortés par ancien ministre de la Culture, Eddi Lubein qui a été la richesse de l'information et nous a donné un tour fascinant et instructif. En outre, il a été observé que le DG n'était pas trop enthousiaste à l'idée de monter à dos de mulet de sorte que le ministère du Tourisme a fourni son et Roger avec un petit VTT qui a donné un tour très à l'aise à la fois haut et en bas à La Citadelle. Le souvenir de la visite a plus de égalé l'anticipation, je vous remercie tous d'avoir fait de nos jours si mémorable.
La soirée nous a donné l'occasion d'une soirée tranquille en préparation pour le projet, visitez le lendemain.
Cap Haitian club has some impressive projects and we were delighted to have the opportunity to see the assistance being given to the hospital by the installation of a water pump and purification system. We also were able to take part in the distribution of Aquatabs to the communities at high risk for Cholera. The Aquatabs come in small boxes of 50 tablets each and each tablet purifies five gallons of water. Every effort was made to distribution to the women of the community but the desire for the supplies made this a big challenge as is evidence by the photographs.
Later in the day, we had the opportunity to meet with Interact and Rotaract as well as the Rotary club and a very interesting and lively discussion took place with the younger generation. We will look forward to watching the progress of these enthusiastic young people.
The DG had invited our Citadel guide, M. Eddi Lubein to the meeting along with his wife so it was a pleasure to see them there. M. Lubein was impressed with the program and comments and vowed to visit again..perhaps a Rotarian in the making!
Mardi 1 février
Cap-Haïtien club a des projets impressionnants et nous sommes ravis d'avoir l'occasion de voir l'assistance qui est donnée à l'hôpital par l'installation d'une pompe à eau et système de purification. Nous avons également été en mesure de prendre part à la distribution de Aquatabs pour les communautés à haut risque de choléra. Le Aquatabs venir dans de petites boîtes de 50 comprimés chacune et chaque comprimé purifie cinq gallons d'eau. Tous les efforts ont été faits à la distribution aux femmes de la communauté, mais le désir pour les fournitures faites à ce défi est un gros titre de preuve par les photos.
Plus tard dans la journée, nous avons eu l'occasion de rencontrer Interact et Rotaract ainsi que le Rotary club et une discussion très intéressante et animée a eu lieu avec la jeune génération. Nous sommes impatients de voir les progrès de ces jeunes gens enthousiastes.
La DG a invité notre guide Citadelle, M. Eddi Lubein à la réunion avec sa femme, donc c'était un plaisir de les voir là. M. Lubein a été impressionné par le programme et les commentaires et a juré de se rendre à nouveau .. peut-être un Rotarien en devenir!
We have now discovered that DGE Guy is an early riser, this was the first of several times he insisted we should depart at 5:00 am to avoid the traffic! Maybe he was right but the DG was hardly awake enough to notice! This soon changed, however when we turned off towards Pignon and the condition of the road was enough to awaken anyone! We drove the 50 kilometers, a journey which took two and a half hours, arriving to a welcome party and a banner across the road to the entrance of Pignon. Although we had both visited Pignon before, we had not had the opportunity to see the projects of the club so this time we were delighted to visit them…and there are many! The home club of the DGE and AG keeps the members very busy and they should be congratulated for their efforts. Many schools are being built or rebuilt and clean water supplies, back to school supplies and benches are being provided for hundreds of children.
We took some time out to visit Caleb and Debbie Lucien, their school and to see their new home, it was good, as always to see them. On we went to the Bienfaisance Hopital and then to Guy’s home where we were to spend our time in Pignon. Some of you may know that Guy has a pet goose “Zoi” who seems to rule the entire house and grounds, squawking away even louder than the peacocks who also roam there. Zoi follows Guy everywhere and greets him with as much enthusiasm as any dog I have seen!
The cooks at the house always produce great food for everyone, it seems there are always at least eight people at the table so meals are an extended family affair. We had a pleasant meeting with the club board and then the general meeting at which three new members were installed and we were entertained by a member who does magic tricks which was a first for us. Meetings take place in the hospital and many of the members are members of the staff there.
Mercredi 2 février
Nous avons maintenant découvert que DGE Guy est un lève-tôt, ce fut la première de plusieurs fois, il a insisté pour que nous devrions partir à 05h00 pour éviter le trafic! Peut-être qu'il avait raison, mais le DG était à peine assez éveillé pour avis! Ce vite changé, mais quand on éteint vers Pignon et l'état de la route a suffi à réveiller quelqu'un! Nous avons roulé les 50 km, un voyage qui a duré deux heures et demie, en arrivant à une fête de bienvenue et une bannière sur la route à l'entrée de Pignon. Bien que nous ayons deux Pignon visité avant, nous n'avions pas eu l'occasion de voir les projets du club pour cette fois nous avons été ravis de leur rendre visite ... et ils sont nombreux! Le club de la DGE et AG tient les membres très occupés et ils doivent être félicités pour leurs efforts. De nombreuses écoles sont construites ou reconstruites et approvisionnement en eau potable, de retour à des fournitures scolaires et des bancs sont prévus pour des centaines d'enfants.
Nous avons pris un certain temps pour visiter Caleb et Debbie Lucien, leur école et de voir leur nouvelle maison, il était bon, comme toujours, à les voir. Sur nous sommes allés à l'Hôpital Bienfaisance, puis à la maison de Guy, où nous devions passer notre temps dans Pignon. Certains d'entre vous savent peut-être que Guy a un animal de compagnie d'oie "Zoi" qui semble exclure toute la maison et des terrains, se balader à l'écart encore plus fort que les paons qui parcourent aussi là-bas. Zoi suit partout et Guy le salue avec autant d'enthousiasme que tous les chiens que j'ai vu!
Les cuisiniers à la maison toujours produire de la nourriture pour tout le monde, il semble qu'il ya toujours au moins huit personnes à la table pour les repas est une affaire de la famille élargie. Nous avons eu une agréable rencontre avec le comité du club et l'assemblée générale à laquelle trois nouveaux membres ont été installés et nous ont été divertis par un membre qui ne tours de magie qui était une première pour nous. Les réunions ont lieu à l'hôpital et de nombreux membres sont des membres du personnel là-bas.
Another early start – again apparently to avoid the traffic but probably because the road to Hinche is somewhat of a challenge! We arrived in Hinche and were so impressed with how neat and tidy it is. Most of the streets in the town are paved and it is obviously a mini HQ for the NGO’s, of which there were many. We were met by the Rotarians who took us to visit the schools where they had provided the evacuee children with school supplies and benches. After this visit, we drove to our hotel, which is owned by AG Kyss and his lovely wife, Nicole. It is called L’Ermitage and is very aptly named, a quiet oasis outside the town and a peaceful escape from the hubbub of the city. We had a productive meeting with the club board followed by the regular meeting with some fascinating cultural entertainment. This provided great variety from poetry to a skit about the Good Samaritan. this involved the talent of two actors being the front and back end of the donkey! Take a look at the photo of AG Adele giving it a friendly pat!
AG Kyss had been telling us for some time that Hinche is the most beautiful place in Haiti! I am not sure he is correct but we do know his hotel is a haven of peace and we had a wonderful visit. This brought our club visits for the year to a close. We began and ended in Haiti and this country will always be one of our favourites, its unique history has created a fascinating country and people and we hope to make many more visits in the future.
Jeudi 3 février
Un autre démarrage rapide - encore une fois, apparemment pour éviter le trafic, mais probablement parce que la route de Hinche est un peu un défi! Nous sommes arrivés à Hinche et ont été tellement impressionné par la façon propre et bien rangé, il est. La plupart des rues de la ville sont pavées et il est de toute évidence un mini QG pour les ONG, dont il y avait beaucoup. Nous avons été accueillis par les Rotariens qui nous a emmené visiter les écoles où ils avaient fourni les enfants évacués de fournitures scolaires et des bancs. Après cette visite, nous sommes allés à notre hôtel, qui est détenue par AG Kyss et sa charmante épouse, Nicole. C'est ce qu'on appelle l'Ermitage et est très bien son nom, une oasis de calme à l'extérieur de la ville et une évasion paisible du brouhaha de la ville. Nous avons eu une rencontre productive avec le comité du club suivie par la réunion régulière avec un divertissement culturel fascinant. Cette variété fourni beaucoup de la poésie à un sketch sur le Bon Samaritain. cela impliquait le talent des deux acteurs étant l'extrémité avant et arrière de l'âne! Jetez un oeil à la photo de AG Adèle en lui donnant une tape amicale!
AG Kyss nous avait été dit depuis un certain temps que Hinche est le plus bel endroit en Haïti! Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il est correct, mais nous savons son hôtel est un havre de paix et nous avons eu un merveilleux séjour. Cela a porté nos visites au club pour l'année à sa fin. Nous avons commencé et s'est terminée en Haïti et ce pays sera toujours l'un de nos favoris, son histoire unique a créé un pays fascinant et de personnes et nous espérons faire de nombreuses visites à l'avenir.
Another early start to our journey back to the capital, this time on a good road and we made good time. We then went for our appointed follow up meeting with the US Consul General and had a productive discussion regarding the process for the visa applications which we hope will help to make the process of application as easy as possible for the Rotarians so we can welcome them in St. Thomas in April. President Hervé had organized a meeting in the afternoon with Rotarian and Salvation Army representatives (Rotarian) Lucien Lamartiniere and Major Ron Busroe who told us about their very interesting microcredit program throughout Haiti. Much food for thought on how we may be able to help with this program and many thanks to Hervé for arranging it. Hervé is certainly a great host and hotelier and we are very grateful for all his help. Thanks go to both Hervé and Phillipe Chatelain for their assistance in helping us to ship some of the wonderful gifts we received during our stay.
Vendredi 4 février
Un autre début rapide de notre voyage de retour vers la capitale, cette fois sur une bonne route et nous avons fait du bon temps. Nous sommes ensuite allés pour notre nommé réunion de suivi avec le général consul américain et a eu une discussion productive sur le processus de demandes de visa qui nous l'espérons, contribuera à rendre le processus d'application aussi facile que possible pour les Rotariens afin que nous puissions les accueillir dans St. Thomas, en avril. Président Hervé avait organisé une réunion dans l'après-midi avec les représentants de l'Armée du Salut et de Rotarien (Rotarien) Lucien Lamartinière et Major Ron Busroe qui nous a dit au sujet de leur très intéressant programme de microcrédit à travers Haïti. Matière à réflexion sur la façon dont nous pouvons être en mesure d'aider à ce programme et un grand merci à Hervé pour qu'il organisation. Hervé est certainement une grande armée et hôtelier et nous sommes très reconnaissants pour toute son aide. Merci à la fois Hervé et Philippe Chatelain pour leur aide en nous aidant à expédier quelques-uns des merveilleux cadeaux que nous avons reçu durant notre séjour.


We are on the morning flight from St. Thomas to Miami to make the connection to Montego Bay to start our last official visit to Jamaica. Both flights are on time and AG Lynden Rose is there to meet us and take us into MoBay for an early dinner and then on to Savannah-la- Mar and the Commingle Hotel where we stay that night.
Lundi 10 janvier
Nous sommes sur le vol du matin de Saint-Thomas à Miami pour faire la connexion à Montego Bay pour commencer notre dernière visite officielle en Jamaïque. Les deux vols sont à l'heure et AG Lynden Rose est là pour nous rencontrer et nous tenir MoBay pour un dîner au début, puis à Savannah-la-Mar et l'Hôtel mélanger où nous passer la nuit.
After breakfast AG Lynden drove us to the Ferris Primary School which has received a variety of help from RC Sav la Mar and we were met by PP Douglas and the school Principal to view the latest project, a Peace Garden which is still under construction. The garden is just one portion of the Peace Program for the school which has involved certifying teachers and Rotarians to educate primary school students in conflict resolution. The Principal is most appreciative of allthe support her school receives from Rotary. We then moved on to the nearby Coke’s View Primary School to view their completed Peace Garden, also a project of RC Sav la Mar . Tragically a student had died at the school the previous day in an accident where the football goal posts had fallen on him and our Rotary group expressed our condolences to the Principal at this very sad news.
On leaving the school we were able to take a short side trip to PAG Busha Clarke’s Paradise Park and Busha’s Tyres. This wonderful peaceful spot provides what must be the most attractive location for a tyre facility in the entire world!! Thank you PAG Busha for the visit. Then we returned to town for lunch with AG Lynden, PP Douglas Rotarian Viviene. After lunch we moved to Great George Street to view the continued growth of the 250 black olive trees planted down both sides of this street as the centennial project of the club. The trees provide a greening of this main thoroughfare as well as shade for the residents. We observed three policeman were using one of the trees for this purpose while writing traffic tickets to errant motorists!! From there we went to the historic Mannings School which traces its ancestery back to 1711. We visited the large and active Interact club which is well supported by its sponsor Rotary club.
We then returned to the Comingle Hotel to meet with the President Linus and the board of the RC Sav la Mar. A great meeting complete with President Linus’s unique sense of humour!
The regular dinner meeting of the club followed immediately after the board meeting with a very complimentary introduction of the DG by Rotarian Dionne. Attendance was boosted by visiting Rotarians from Michigan and Sweden who were involved in a community project with the Fisherman and Farmers Association. The club presented the DG with a basket of Jamaican products which included a new spice which has yet to be released on the market. Thank you Sav-la-Mar Rotarians for the gift and for a very pleasant evening. At the end of the club meeting we were able to meet with the board of the Rotaract club together with President Linus and AG Lynden and had the opportunity to listen to their plans, goals and also their concerns.
We drove with AG Lynden to Mandeville where, despite the late hour, PDG Garfield Thomas and Judith were waiting to greet us at their lovely home complete with a log fire! The Thomas’s home is a beautiful oasis with mature trees and an impressive vegetable and flower garden.
Mardi 11 janvier
Après le petit déjeuner AG Lynden nous conduisit à l'école primaire Ferris qui a reçu une variété de l'aide de la RC Sav Mar et nous avons été accueillis par PP Douglas et directeur de l'école pour voir le dernier projet, un jardin de la paix qui est encore en construction. Le jardin est juste une partie du programme de paix pour l'école qui a impliqué des enseignants de certification et les Rotariens à éduquer les élèves du primaire dans la résolution des conflits. Le principal est très reconnaissante de l'appui tous Le son école reçoit du Rotary. Nous sommes ensuite passés à la proximité de Coke, AOS Voir l'école primaire à consulter son complété Jardin de la paix, aussi un projet de RC Sav la Mar. Malheureusement un élève était mort à l'école la veille dans un accident où les poteaux de but de football est tombé sur lui et notre groupe Rotary exprimé nos condoléances à la principale de ces nouvelles très triste.
En sortant de l'école, nous Awere en mesure de prendre un petit détour à PAG Busha Clarke, AOS Paradise Park et Busha, AOS Pneus. Cet endroit magnifique et apaisante prévoit ce qui doit être l'endroit le plus attrayant pour une installation de pneus dans le monde entier! Merci PAG Busha pour la visite. Puis nous sommes retournés en ville pour déjeuner avec AG Lynden, PP Douglas Rotarien Viviene. Après le déjeuner, nous avons déménagé à la rue Great George pour afficher la croissance continue des 250 noires plantées en oliviers, des deux côtés de cette rue que le projet du centenaire du club. Les arbres procurent un verdissement de cette artère principale, ainsi que de l'ombre aux résidents. Nous avons observé trois policiers ont été en utilisant l'un des arbres à cette fin lors de l'écriture des contraventions aux automobilistes errants! De là, nous sommes allés à l'école historique qui retrace son Mannings ancestery retour à 1711. Nous avons visité le club Interact nombreuse et active qui est bien appuyé par son Rotary club parrain.
Nous sommes ensuite retournés à l'Hôtel Comingle de rencontrer le président Linus et le conseil de la RC mars Sav la Une grande rencontre avec le président Linus, AOS sens de l'humour!
Le dîner-réunion régulière du club suivie immédiatement après la réunion du conseil par une introduction très élogieux de la DG par le Rotarien Dionne. La fréquentation a augmenté en visitant les Rotariens du Michigan et de la Suède qui ont participé à un projet communautaire avec le pêcheur et l'Association des agriculteurs. Le club a présenté le DG avec un panier de produits jamaïcains qui comprenait une nouvelle épice qui doit encore être mis sur le marché. Merci Sav-la-Mar Rotariens pour le don et pour une soirée très agréable. À la fin de la réunion du club, nous avons pu rencontrer le conseil d'administration du club Rotaract avec le président et Linus AG Lynden et ont eu l'occasion d'écouter leurs plans, objectifs et leurs préoccupations.
Nous avons roulé avec AG Lynden à Mandeville, où, malgré l'heure tardive, PDG Garfield Thomas et Judith attendaient pour nous saluer à leur belle maison avec un feu de bois! Le Thomas, la maison AOS est une belle oasis avec des arbres matures et un légume impressionnant et jardin fleuri.

Breakfast with the Thomas’s and we could now see the wonderful garden. The DG worked on her emails in the morning but Roger took a walk around the garden and was pleased to report 17 species of bird of which four were endemics he had not seen before. We had lunch at with PDG Garfield and Judith at the nearby Bloomfields Great House from where there is a great view across Mandeville town. After lunch we were collected by AG Lynden for our visit with RC Christiana which began at Holmwood Technical High School and where we were met by President Donovan and Christiana Rotarians. This school has a thriving Interact club with a remarkable Rotary supported remedial reading program for teenagers. Under the leadership of Rotarian and Interact advisor, Patricia Clarke it has proved very successful in raising reading levels of these students to their age level, sometimes where they were non-readers to start with. The welcome and vote of thanks was given by students from this program and we were also entertained by their choir as well as the Interact Singers. Both of these items can be found on the video section of the blog. We also pleased to present two computers to the reading program on behalf of RC Christiana as well as a plaque of commendation to Rotarian. Paul Patmore who has been very involved in the project. This event also gave us an opportunity to meet President Vanessa and the Interactors of the High School and learn about their projects and ambitions.
Then it was on to the Skills Center which is housed in a Rotary owned building. Rotarian Patricia is also spearheading this program in her capacity as an educator as well as a Rotarian. Both of these programs benefit large numbers of people in the community. The Christians Club is to be commended for these projects, for their ambition and for the consistency of their support.
Then it was time to meet the board of RC Christiana at the home of Past President Vernon Chong, followed immediately by a well attended club meeting which included Rotaractors and provided a full room and good fellowship.
Mercredi 12 janvier
Petit déjeuner avec le Thomas et nous pouvons maintenant voir le magnifique jardin. Le DG a travaillé sur ses courriels le matin, mais Roger se promenait dans le jardin et est heureux d'annoncer 17 espèces d'oiseaux dont quatre étaient endémiques qu'il n'avait pas vu avant. Nous avons déjeuné au PDG avec Garfield et Judith à la proximité de la Chambre des Grands Bloomfields d'où il ya une vue superbe sur la ville de Mandeville. Après le déjeuner nous avons été recueillis par AG Lynden de notre visite avec le RC Christiana qui a commencé à Holmwood Technical High School et où nous avons été accueillis par le président Donovan et Rotariens Christiana. Cette école a un club Interact prospère avec un remarquable programme soutenu par le Rotary de rattrapage en lecture pour les adolescents. Sous la direction de Rotarien et conseiller Interact, Patricia Clarke il s'est avéré très réussi à élever les niveaux de lecture de ces élèves à leur âge, parfois où ils ont été non-lecteurs, pour commencer. L'accueil et le vote de grâce a été donné par les étudiants de ce programme et nous avons également été divertis par la chorale ainsi que les chanteurs Interact. Ces deux articles peuvent être trouvés sur la section vidéo du blog. Nous avons également le plaisir de présenter deux ordinateurs pour le programme de lecture au nom du RC Christiana ainsi qu'une plaque de recommandation auprès de Rotarien. Paul Patmore qui a été très impliqué dans le projet. Cet événement nous a aussi donné l'occasion de rencontrer le président Vanessa et les Interactiens de la Haute Ecole et en apprendre davantage sur leurs projets et ambitions.
Puis ce fut sur le centre de compétences qui est logé dans un bâtiment appartenant Rotary. Rotarien Patricia est aussi le fer de lance de ce programme en sa qualité d'éducateur ainsi que d'un Rotarien. Ces deux programmes bénéficient un grand nombre de personnes dans la communauté. Les chrétiens Club est d'être félicité pour ces projets, de leur ambition et de la cohérence de leur soutien.
Puis ce fut le temps de rencontrer le conseil d'RC Christiana à la maison du président sortant Chong Vernon, immédiatement suivie d'une réunion du club ainsi assisté qui comprenait Rotaractiens et a fourni une salle pleine et de bonne camaraderie.

A later start today for the drive to Black River via the very scenic route which included a tour and lunch at the Appleton’s Rum Factory. This was very enjoyable although our guide was disappointed that the DG had to restrict her intake as she was on her way to make a presentation! The drive from Mandeville to Siloah was beautiful as was the continuation to Black River. We met President Clovis, PP Lloyd and other Rotarians at the Black River High School and specifically in the Dr. Harold Roy Francis Memorial Building where we met with the board of the Interact Club. This two storey classroom building was funded by the RC Black River over a period of several years and they are to be commended for both meeting a pressing need of the school but also for their perseverance in completing the project.
This is a shift school which necessitates the Interact Club also having two “shifts” making projects and meetings challenging. However, the Interactors have planted a garden in the school and provided gifts for children who were in hospital at Christmas – a great idea! We met with the school principal, Rotarian Barrington Donovan and then moved on to the Luna Club to meet with the board of RC Black River, a small club with a significant history in terms of its projects. After a short break we attended the regular dinner meeting of the club. It was encouraging that four prospective members attended the meeting.
Jeudi 13 janvier
A plus tard dès aujourd'hui pour le lecteur de Black River par la route très pittoresque qui comprenait une visite guidée et déjeuner à l'usine d'Appleton Rum. Ce fut très agréable bien que notre guide a été déçu que le DG a dû limiter son apport en tant qu'elle était sur son chemin pour faire une présentation! Le trajet de Mandeville à Siloah était belle comme la poursuite de Black River. Nous avons rencontré le Président Clovis, PP Lloyd et d'autres Rotariens à l'École de Black River High et plus particulièrement dans le Dr Harold Roy Francis Édifice commémoratif où nous avons rencontré le conseil d'administration du Club Interact. Ce bâtiment de deux étages en classe a été financé par la rivière Black RC sur une période de plusieurs années et ils méritent d'être félicités pour les deux répondent à un besoin pressant de l'école mais aussi pour leur persévérance dans la réalisation du projet.
C'est une école de changement qui nécessite le Club Interact aussi avoir deux "équipes" aux projets et de rencontres difficiles. Toutefois, les Interactiens ont planté un jardin dans l'école et remis des cadeaux pour les enfants qui ont été à l'hôpital à Noël - une excellente idée! Nous avons rencontré le directeur de l'école, Rotarien Barrington Donovan et ensuite sur le Luna Club de rencontrer le conseil d'administration de RC Black River, un petit club avec une histoire importante en termes de ses projets. Après une courte pause nous avons assisté au souper-rencontre régulière du club. Il est encourageant que quatre membres potentiels ont assisté à la réunion.

We spent the morning catching up on emails before having Roger’s favorite patties for lunch with the Thomas’s at their home. AG Lynden arrived to take us to May Pen where on arrival at the Versalles Hotel we immediately met jointly with the boards of RC May Pen and the Inner Wheel Club. AG Dennis is the AG for this club but due to his recent car accident, AG Lynden was standing in for him. The purpose of this meeting was to explore ways to reinvigorate the relationship between the two clubs which has waned in recent years. We hope that some of the ideas and suggestions put forward will enable a new start for these two members of the Rotary family from which both will benefit. Following this we met with the board of RC May Pen and discussed some challenges and ideas with them? We then adjourned to the hotel bar (where else would you find the early arrivals for the Inter Club Assembly?) which was to be held at the hotel over the weekend.
Vendredi 14 janvier
Nous avons passé la matinée rattrapage sur les emails avant d'avoir galettes favorites de Roger pour le déjeuner avec le Thomas à leur domicile. AG Lynden est arrivé pour nous emmener à May Pen où à l'arrivée à l'Hôtel Versalles, nous avons immédiatement rencontré conjointement avec les conseils de RC May Pen et l'Inner Wheel Club. AG Dennis est l'AG pour ce club, mais à cause de son accident de voiture récente, AG Lynden était debout pour lui. Le but de cette réunion était d'étudier les moyens de relancer les relations entre les deux clubs qui a décliné ces dernières années. Nous espérons que certaines des idées et des suggestions formulées permettront un nouveau départ pour ces deux membres de la famille du Rotary à partir de laquelle les deux vont en bénéficier. Suite à cela, nous avons rencontré le conseil de RC May Pen et discuté des défis et des idées avec eux? Nous avons ensuite ajournée au bar de l'hôtel (où trouveriez-vous les premiers arrivés à l'Assemblée Inter Club?) qui se tiendra à l'hôtel le week-end.

Breakfast at the hotel with PRID Barry, PDG Errol and PAG Haresh to discuss the District Training meeting set for Miami at the end of February and we were able to meet more arrivals for the Assembly which formally began at 1 p.m. The attendance on Saturday seemed good and included PRID Barry Rassin and PDG Errol Alberga. We were welcomed by a great poster advertising the St. Thomas District conference produced by Past President Simone and we were able to provide shirt sales for the conference thanks to new Rotarian Triana who ran the table for us. Thanks to both of you for your efforts. The sessions were lively but ended in enough time for about 50 of us to take the bus ride to the dock for a boat ride with dinner and dancing. We had understood the return time was 10 pm but somehow we did not get back to the hotel until after midnight – a good time was had by all!
Samedi 15 janvier
Petit déjeuner à l'hôtel avec PRID Barry, PDG Errol et PAG Haresh pour discuter de la réunion de formation du district fixé pour Miami à la fin de Février et nous avons pu rencontrer plus de l'arrivée pour l'Assemblée qui a officiellement débuté à 13 heures La présence le samedi semblé bon et inclus PRID Barry Rassin et PDG Errol Alberga. Nous avons été accueillis par une affiche publicitaire grand Saint-Thomas Conférence de district produite par le président sortant Simone et nous avons été en mesure de fournir de vente shirt pour la conférence grâce à de nouveaux Rotariens Triana qui dirigeait la table pour nous. Merci à vous deux pour vos efforts. Les séances ont été animées mais il a fini dans le temps suffisant pour environ 50 d'entre nous de prendre le bus à la station d'accueil pour une promenade en bateau avec dîner et danse. Nous avions compris le temps de retour est de 10 heures, mais en quelque sorte, nous n'avons pas revenir à l'hôtel après minuit - un bon moment a été pour tous!

The second day of the Assembly started with smaller numbers probably connected to the events of the previous evening and we were joined by PDG Garfield Thomas and Judith. President Clovis from RC Black River presented the DG with a bottle of Appleton’s as a memento of her visit to that club – Thank you Black River. The Assembly closed with a lunch hosted by RC May Pen which incorporated the official visit of the DG to that club. Then it was time to pack, say farewells and Judith Thomas drove us back to their home in Mandeville.
Dimanche 16 janvier
Le deuxième jour de l'Assemblée a commencé avec un plus petit nombre probablement liée aux événements de la veille et nous avons été rejoints par PDG Garfield Thomas et Judith. Clovis président du RC Rivière Noire a présenté le DG avec une bouteille de Appleton comme un souvenir de sa visite à ce club - Je vous remercie de la Rivière Noire. L'Assemblée fermé avec un déjeuner organisé par RC May Pen qui a incorporé la visite officielle de la DG à ce club. Puis ce fut le temps d'emballer, dire adieux et Judith Thomas nous a ramené à leur domicile à Mandeville.

Another morning for emails which does enable us to keep up with, at least, the most urgent items of district business. We were able to take PDG Garfield and Judith back to Bloomfields Great House for lunch before AG Lynden collected us for the short trip into Mandeville town to meet with the Interact board and Rotary President Keith. We were able to discuss the Interactors concerns and address ways in which the two clubs could improve their communication and the willingness to work on this was evident from both clubs. This meeting was immediately followed by a meeting with the boards of the three Rotaract Clubs and DRRE Keitho. Interclub communication was, once again, a topic of concern. Our meeting with the board of RC Mandeville followed and was somewhat curtailed due to the DG’ next appointment. We left this meeting at 7 pm in order to return to the Thomas’s home where the DG was to be the guest speaker, via Skype, at RC Cayman Brac – the wonders of technology! Roger was also able to update the Brac Rotarians on the Haiti project of which they have been very generous supporters.
Lundi 17 janvier
Un autre matin, des e-mails qui ne nous permettent de suivre, au moins, les éléments les plus urgents du quartier des affaires. Nous avons été en mesure de prendre PDG Garfield et Judith Retour à Bloomfields Great House pour le déjeuner avant AG Lynden nous collectés pour le court trajet en ville Mandeville à rencontrer le conseil d'administration et président du Rotary, Interact Keith. Nous avons pu discuter des préoccupations et des moyens Interactiens discours dans lequel les deux clubs pourraient améliorer leur communication et la volonté de travailler sur ce qui était évident des deux clubs. Cette réunion a été immédiatement suivie par une réunion avec les conseils d'administration des Clubs Rotaract et trois DRRE Keitho. Communication Interclub a été, encore une fois, un sujet de préoccupation. Notre rencontre avec le conseil de RC Mandeville suivi et a été quelque peu réduite à cause de prochain rendez-vous de la DG. Nous avons quitté la séance à 19 heures afin de retourner à la maison de Thomas, où le DG a été d'être le conférencier invité, via Skype, au RC Cayman Brac - les merveilles de la technologie! Roger a également pu mettre à jour les Rotariens Brac sur le projet de Haïti où ils ont été très généreux supporters.

This morning we are collected by President Keith of RC Mandeville who took us to the Bishop Gibson High School to meet with the newly formed Interact Club. The school has a prominent 4 Way Test sign to remind everyone about Rotary. We were also able to visit the computer lab at the school which was also provided by Rotary. From here we went for a brief visit to the Waltham Early Childhood School where Rotary has provided a water tank and is now hoping to complete an office for the principal and as an administration area. Then it was on to the Mandeville Hospital which has been the recipient of much Rotary support. We were met there by IPP Alajedi and toured the facility. We were pleased to see much signage around the hospital announcing Rotary involvement which included the centennial garden provided by the Interact Club of Belair School. We were suited up so that we could visit the surgical department where Rotary was much in evidence as was the appreciation of the staff. We were also impressed by the bus shelter outside the hospital which is strategically painted the same colour as the hospital and proudly displays “Rotary Club of Mandeville Project”. Very impressive set of projects which are having a major impact on those served by this hospital. Over the years of this partnership, the Mandeville Club has donated some US$$200,000 worth of medical equipment and has ensured that the Rotary signage is on each piece proudly displayed throughout the building. Congratulations Mandeville Rotarians. Then it was on to the regular lunch meeting with RC Mandeville home to many District leaders including PDG Garfield. The Mandeville club have an attractive way of displaying their banners which also incorporates the Jamaica flag and the Rotary emblem. We were treated to a song from well known local singer Anthony Cruz and the DG received two ceramic plates from the club as a memento of her visit. Thank you Mandeville!
After lunch AG Lynden drove us to his home club, RC Santa Cruz, but first we met with the boards of the two Interact clubs of brother and sister schools, Munro College and Hampton College. As always it is exhilarating to meet with these younger members of the Rotary family and much of the discussion was around the opportunity to meet and fellowship with other Interact clubs. Next we met with President Nathan and the board of RC Santa Cruz and then to the regular evening meeting of the club. This was a special evening as the DG was to draw the winner of their raffle for a lap top computer which had proved very popular. With appropriate ceremony the drum was turned and the winning ticket extracted. President Nathan telephoned the winner and her excitement was clearly heard!!! Then it was, late, back to the Thomas’s to pack ready to leave the following morning.
Mardi 18 janvier
Ce matin, nous sommes collectées par le président du RC Keith Mandeville qui nous a emmenés à l'école Mgr Gibson Haut de rencontrer le nouveau club Interact. L'école occupe une place importante 4 Way test du signe pour rappeler à tous sur le Rotary. Nous avons également pu visiter le laboratoire informatique de l'école qui a également été fournie par le Rotary. De là, nous sommes allés pour une brève visite à l'école de la petite enfance Waltham où le Rotary a fourni un réservoir d'eau et est maintenant l'espoir de terminer un bureau pour le principal et comme une zone d'administration. Ensuite, il a été à l'hôpital Mandeville qui a été le bénéficiaire du soutien du Rotary beaucoup. Nous avons été accueillis là par IPP Alajedi et visité les installations. Nous avons été heureux de voir la signalisation beaucoup autour de l'hôpital annonçant la participation du Rotary qui comprenait le jardin centenaire fournis par le Club Interact de Belair école. Nous avons été adaptée de façon à ce que nous avons pu visiter le service de chirurgie où le Rotary a été bien en évidence comme cela a été l'appréciation du personnel. Nous avons également été impressionnés par l'abri bus en dehors de l'hôpital qui est stratégiquement peint la même couleur que l'hôpital et affiche fièrement "Rotary Club de Mandeville projet". Très impressionnant ensemble de projets susceptibles d'avoir un impact majeur sur ceux desservis par cet hôpital. Au fil des ans de ce partenariat, le Club de Mandeville a fait don de quelque US $ $ 200 000 de dollars de matériel médical et a veillé à ce que la signalisation du Rotary sur chaque morceau fièrement dans tout le bâtiment. Félicitations Mandeville Rotariens. Puis ce fut à la réunion régulière du déjeuner avec le RC Mandeville abrite de nombreux chefs de district, y compris PDG Garfield. Le club Mandeville ont un moyen intéressant d'afficher leurs bannières qui intègre également le drapeau Jamaïque et l'emblème du Rotary. Nous avons eu droit à une chanson de la chanteuse bien connue Anthony Cruz et le DG a reçu deux plaques de céramique du club comme un souvenir de sa visite. Merci Mandeville!
Après le déjeuner AG Lynden nous a conduit à son club d'origine, RC Santa Cruz, mais d'abord nous avons rencontré les conseils d'administration des clubs Interact deux écoles frère et sœur, Munro College et Hampton Collège. Comme toujours, il est jubilatoire de rencontrer ces jeunes membres de la famille du Rotary et une grande partie de la discussion a été autour de la possibilité de rencontrer et de fraternité avec d'autres clubs Interact. Suivant nous avons rencontré avec le Président Nathan et le conseil de RC Santa Cruz, puis à la réunion du soir réguliers du club. Ce fut une soirée spéciale que le DG était d'attirer le gagnant de leur tirage au sort pour un ordinateur portable qui s'est avéré très populaire. Avec une cérémonie appropriée le tambour a été tourné et le billet gagnant extrait. Président Nathan a téléphoné à la personne gagnante et son enthousiasme a été clairement entendu! Puis ce fut, à la fin, retour à la Thomas de pack prêt à quitter le lendemain matin.

Our final morning at the Thomas’s who had been exceptional hosts. It is a thoughtful tradition that PDG Garfield and Judith host each DG during the official visit to Jamaica South West and it adds greatly to the enjoyment of a visit to this area. For us it was a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better and we thank them both for their gracious hospitality. An early start as AG Lynden drove us from Mandeville to the Wyndham Hotel in Kingston where we were met by AG Ruth Palmer who, together with AG Andre Hylton, deputized for AG Dennis Chong while he recovers from his motor accident. We went immediately to meet President Ertis and the board of RC Spanish Town and saw an impressive presentation of their activities. We then checked in to the Spanish Court Hotel where we stayed for our nights in Kingston. For anyone visiting Kingston, this hotel, owned and operated by Past President of RC Kingston, Chris Issa, and is well worth considering. We have received great service during every visit – congratulations Chris on a very professionally run business! Having checked in, we went to meet with the board members of RC Portmore and following this meeting we returned to the Wyndham for a joint dinner meeting with both Spanish Town and Portmore clubs and we were also joined by PDG Errol Alberga. This was special meeting for several reasons. First, the DG inducted five new members of RC Portmore and today was Roger’s birthday. It seemed that Rotarians had become aware of this since both boards had sung the Jamaican version of “Happy Birthday” at the start of their meetings!! However, the joint club meeting produced an impressive choir which sang it for a third time and Roger was presented with a lovely cake which was shared with everyone there. The club presented the DG with a beautiful, new edition book, of Jamaican photographs, thank you Rotarians for your singing prowess and thoughtfulness. After the meeting we were able to fellowship with a number of Rotarians and further celebrate Roger’s birthday.
Mercredi 19 janvier
Notre dernière matinée à la Thomas qui avaient été des hôtes exceptionnels. C'est une tradition réfléchie que PDG Garfield et d'accueil Judith chaque DG au cours de la visite officielle en Jamaïque du Sud-Ouest et il ajoute beaucoup à la jouissance d'une visite dans cette région. Pour nous, c'était une merveilleuse occasion de les connaître mieux et nous remercions tous les deux pour leur gracieuse hospitalité. Un départ tôt que AG Lynden nous chassa de Mandeville à l'Hôtel Wyndham à Kingston, où nous avons été accueillis par AG Ruth Palmer qui, avec AG Andre Hylton, remplaça AG Dennis Chong tandis qu'il se remet de son accident de voiture. Nous sommes allés immédiatement à rencontrer le président Ertis et le conseil de la ville espagnole RC et j'ai vu une présentation impressionnante de leurs activités. Nous avons ensuite vérifié à l'Hôtel Cour espagnole où nous avons séjourné pour nos nuits à Kingston. Pour tous ceux qui visitent Kingston, cet hôtel, détenu et exploité par l'ancien président de RC Kingston, Chris Issa, et il est intéressant de réfléchir. Nous avons reçu un excellent service lors de chaque visite - félicitations Chris sur une entreprise très professionnellement! Après avoir vérifié dans, nous sommes allés rencontrer les membres du conseil de la RC Portmore et à la suite de cette réunion nous sommes retournés à l'hôtel Wyndham pour un dîner-réunion conjointe avec les deux clubs espagnols et la ville de Portmore et nous avons aussi été rejoints par Errol Alberga PDG. Cette assemblée extraordinaire a été pour plusieurs raisons. Premièrement, la DG intronisé cinq nouveaux membres du RC Portmore et aujourd'hui c'était l'anniversaire de Roger. Il semble que les Rotariens ont pris conscience de cela depuis deux conseils avaient chanté la version jamaïcaine de "Happy Birthday" au début de leurs réunions! Toutefois, la réunion conjointe club a produit un impressionnant chœur qui a chanté pour une troisième fois et Roger a été présenté avec un merveilleux gâteau qui a été partagé avec tout le monde. Le club a présenté le DG avec un beau livre en édition de nouvelles, des photographies jamaïcaine, je vous remercie pour vos prouesses Rotariens chant et de réflexion. Après la réunion, nous avons pu être en communion avec un certain nombre de Rotariens et d'autres célèbrent l'anniversaire de Roger.

We were collected by AG Andre and taken to the “House of Praise Kindergarten” which has received furniture and a water tank from a Rotary MG. There we met President Patrick Harris, and PP Beverly Clarke. The students welcomed us enthusiastically and the principal gave us a tour of the facility which was followed by an interview with the “Gleaner” which we hope will provide publicity for the project. From there we drove to the beautiful Vale of LLuidas and the home of PP Bev and her amazing collection of orchids. We had a Jamaican lunch prepared by PP Bev and Rotarian Gaynor. After lunch, the “Click and Clack” of Jamaica, AKA AG Andre and Roger, were involved in AG Andre’s weekly radio programme, “Auto World” which gave Roger an opportunity to talk about Morgan cars! After this interlude we moved on to meet the board of RC North St. Catherine which was immediately followed by the evening meeting at the club and which had a 90% attendance! Congratulations Rotarians. The clubs presented the DG with a wooden fruit bowl complete with a Jamaica flag to remind her of her visit. The drive back to Kingston was uneventful until we were nearly there and AG Andre’s car had a puncture. After some adventures with the undersized jack and the flat spare we received help from a passing security vehicle and Sophia came to take us on to the hotel.
Jeudi 20 janvier
Nous avons été recueillis par AG André et conduit à la "House of Praise maternelle" qui a reçu des meubles et un réservoir d'eau à partir d'une MG Rotary. Nous y avons rencontré Patrick Harris Président, et PP Beverly Clarke. Les étudiants nous ont accueillis avec enthousiasme et le directeur nous a donné un tour de l'installation qui a été suivie par un entretien avec le «Gleaner» qui nous l'espérons, une publicité pour le projet. De là, nous sommes allés à la vallée de la belle LLuidas et la maison de PP Bev et son étonnante collection d'orchidées. Nous avons eu un déjeuner préparé par la Jamaïque et PP Bev Rotarien Gaynor. Après le déjeuner, le "Click Clack et" de la Jamaïque, AKA AG André et Roger, ont été impliqués dans le programme AG André de radio hebdomadaire, «Auto World" qui a donné Roger l'occasion de parler sur les voitures Morgan! Après cet interlude nous sommes passés à rencontrer le conseil de la RC du Nord Sainte-Catherine qui a été immédiatement suivie par la réunion du soir au club et qui avait une participation de 90%! Félicitations Rotariens. Les clubs présenté le DG avec un bol de fruits en bois avec un drapeau Jamaïque pour lui rappeler de sa visite. Le retour à Kingston s'est déroulé sans incident jusqu'à ce que nous étions presque là et la voiture AG André a eu une crevaison. Après quelques aventures avec la prise de trop petite taille et l'appartement de rechange, nous avons reçu l'aide d'un véhicule de sécurité passe et Sophia est venu nous chercher à l'hôtel

Up early to pack and then AGE Shirley collected us for the drive to the airport. Both flights were on time and we got home in the evening. A wonderful trip and many thanks to everyone who made it so special. We hope AG Dennis is on the road to a speedy recovery but thanks to AG’s Andre, Ruth and AGE Shirley for pitching in to handle all the details.
Vendredi 21 janvier
Jusqu'à début de paquet, puis AGE Shirley nous collectés pour le conduire à l'aéroport. Les deux appareils se trouvaient sur le temps et nous sommes rentrés dans la soirée. Un voyage merveilleux et un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont si spéciale. Nous espérons AG Dennis est sur la voie d'un prompt rétablissement, mais grâce à André AG, Ruth et Shirley AGE de tangage pour gérer tous les détails.


The morning sun rose to one of the most beautiful days we could wish for and we are ready to be flown by Mark Stephenson (husband of Rotarian Kate of Tortola) to the gourmet capital of the Caribbean – Saint Barthelemy. As we soared over St. Thomas we had perfect views of the US and British Virgin Islands of St. John, Tortola, Virgin Gorda and even Anegada. Veering south, we were soon to pass over Sombrero, Anguilla, Sint Maaarten and finally, Saint Barthelemy is in sight. Anyone who has ever landed in St. Barths has their own account of the experience and this time, we approached from the sea, which was unusual. Having watched two tourists scatter quickly across the runway, we Mark made a perfect landing on what is one of the shortest runways and which requires special pilots clearance. The immigration process was one of the most friendly and hassle free and our welcome party of President Lucien, Secretary Abigail and Past President Nils. Taking an afternoon and evening as tourists, we walked to nearby restaurants and shops in St. Jean Bay, had a leisurely lunch and dined on lobster in Gustavia in the evening. All good preparation for meeting with the Rotarians the following day.
Le soleil s'est levé sur l'un des plus beaux jours que nous puissions espérer, et nous sommes prêts à être piloté par Mark Stephenson (mari de Kate Rotarien de Tortola) à la capitale gastronomique des Caraïbes - Saint-Barthélemy. Comme nous l'avons monté en flèche au cours St. Thomas nous avions une vue parfaite des États-Unis et îles Vierges britanniques de Saint John, Tortola, Virgin Gorda et Anegada même. Virant au sud, nous allions bientôt de Sombrero, Anguilla, Saint Maaarten et enfin, Saint-Barthélemy est en vue. Quiconque a déjà atterri à Saint-Barth a leur propre compte de l'expérience et cette fois, nous nous sommes approchés de la mer, ce qui était inhabituel. Après avoir vu deux touristes disperser rapidement à travers la piste, nous avons Mark a fait un atterrissage parfait sur ce qui est l'une des pistes les plus brefs et qui requiert des pilotes dédouanement. Le processus d'immigration a été l'un des plus conviviale et sans tracas et de notre fête de bienvenue du président Lucien, Secrétaire Abigail et le président sortant Nils. Prenant un après-midi et le soir en tant que touristes, nous avons marché à proximité des restaurants et des magasins à Saint-Jean Bay, avait un déjeuner et dîner sur le homard à Gustavia dans la soirée. Toutes bonne préparation pour une réunion avec les Rotariens du jour suivant.

Time for a French breakfast of croissant and coffee at our hotel before being met by Secretary Abigail who took us to the government offices where AG Jim Ferris (who had just arrived from Sint Maarten), President Lucien, his wife Cherie, PE Venise, PP Nils and were there to meet us. We then met with the Vice President of Saint Barthelemy, M. Yves Greaux. We had a delightful and productive conversation during which M. Greaux expressed his interest in encouraging Rotary in St. Barths and St. Thomas to find a way to record the research of Madame Ann-Marie Danet, a well known French historian. Ms. Danet has been recording the history of the migration of the French families from St. Barths to St. Thomas and there are very strong ties between the French communities of the two islands. Discussions on the unique history of St. Barths were followed by a glass of champagne – altogether a very enjoyable meeting.
Immediately following, we drove to the Wall House restaurant for a productive meeting with the board of St. Barths Club and another glass of champagne! Our meeting with the Club was conducted over a fine lunch with the DG practicing her French during her presentation. She was subsequently told that everyone understood what she had to say, which was very gratifying! The club presented us with some beautiful books of St. Barths as well as some local cosmetics.After lunch, we enjoyed a visit to the “Ligne St. Barths” perfume factory – an amazing business. This led to the perfect opportunity to purchase some gifts for Christmas.
After an opportunity for a small siesta, we were hosted by Pres. Lucien and Chely to a delightful dinner at the Tamarin Restaurant. Good company, good food and a perfect ending to a most enjoyable day.
Nous avons apprécié un petit déjeuner français de croissants et de café à l'hôtel avant d'être remplies par le Secrétaire Abigail qui nous a emmenés dans les bureaux du gouvernement où AG Jim Ferris (qui venait d'arriver de Sint Maarten), président Lucien, son épouse, Cherie PE Venise, PP Nils et étaient là pour nous rencontrer. Nous avons ensuite rencontré le vice-président de Saint-Barthélemy, M. Yves Greaux. Nous avons eu une conversation agréable et productive au cours de laquelle M. Greaux a exprimé son intérêt à encourager Rotary à Saint-Barth et Saint-Thomas de trouver un moyen d'enregistrer les recherches de Mme Ann-Marie Danet, un historien français bien connu. Mme Danet a été l'enregistrement de l'histoire de la migration des familles françaises de Saint-Barth à Saint-Thomas et il ya des liens très forts entre les communautés française des deux îles. Discussions sur l'histoire unique de Saint-Barth ont été suivies par un verre de champagne - tout à fait une rencontre très agréable.
Immédiatement après, nous sommes allés au restaurant Wall House pour une rencontre productive avec le conseil d'administration de Saint-Barth Club au cours de laquelle le président de la Fondation, Didier Gréaux, a présenté le DG avec deux chèques pour leur contribution à la Fondation Rotary. Ceci a été suivi par un autre verre de champagne! Notre rencontre avec le Club a été menée sur un bon déjeuner avec le DG pratiquer son français lors de sa présentation. Elle a ensuite dit que tout le monde comprenait ce qu'elle avait à dire, qui a été très gratifiant! Le club nous a présenté avec quelques beaux livres de Saint-Barth, ainsi que certains produits cosmétiques locaux.
Après le déjeuner, nous avons bénéficié d'une visite à l'usine "Ligne St Barth" parfum - une entreprise extraordinaire. Cela a conduit à l'occasion idéale pour acheter quelques cadeaux pour Noël.
Après une occasion pour une petite sieste, nous avons été accueillis par des Prés. Lucien et Chely à un délicieux dîner au restaurant Tamarind. Bonne compagnie, bonne nourriture et une conclusion parfaite à une journée des plus agréables.


It was time to leave St. Barths after breakfast and we sailed on the MV Shatiwa (owned by Rotarian Bobby Velasquez) thank you Bobby for the complementary journey! The rain fell during most of the ride and we arrived in Phillipsburg to a strong shower of rain and little shelter! Immigration took a little longer than usual due to a gendarme who was trying to enter Dutch Sint Maarten with a passport that was five years out of date! Apparently, he had picked up the wrong document when he left his home – the ladies at immigration were not amused!
Our welcome party, who braved the weather, were St. Martin Nord President – and our host – Paul Harmon, AG Jim and PAG Louis. After a pleasant lunch with Pres. Paul we checked into the hotel and spent a quiet afternoon in preparation for our meeting with the board and the club.
The board meeting with the club was very productive with much discussion regarding membership before the arrival of all the members and many guests. This club enjoys wonderful fellowship and we had a chance to meet and converse with everyone before the start of the meeting. RC St. Martin Nord meetings have, this year, been conducted in English since it is President Paul’s native language, it is always interesting to gather with Rotarians who switch from one language to another with great ease! Thank you to all for a very enjoyable meeting with a fabulous dinner of Coq au Vin and White Chocolate Mousse (what else would you expect in France?). The evening was complete when the club presented the DG and Roger with some samples of local perfume from Tijon, a perfumery owned by Rotarian John and Cyndi.
Il était temps de quitter Saint-Barth après le petit déjeuner et nous avons navigué sur le Shatiwa MV (détenue par le Rotarien Bobby Velasquez) merci Bobby pour le voyage complémentaires! La pluie est tombée pendant la majeure partie de la course et nous sommes arrivés à Phillipsburg à une forte pluie de la pluie et peu d'abri! Immigration a pris un peu plus longtemps que d'habitude à cause d'un gendarme qui tentait d'entrer néerlandais Sint Maarten avec un passeport qui était de cinq ans de retard! Apparemment, il avait ramassé le document tort quand il a quitté son domicile - les dames à l'immigration n'étaient pas contents!
Notre fête de bienvenue, qui ont bravé le temps, ont été Saint-Martin Nord-président - et notre hôte - Paul Harmon, AG Jim et PAG Louis. Après un déjeuner agréable avec Prés. Paul nous avons vérifié dans l'hôtel et j'ai passé une après-midi tranquille dans la préparation de notre réunion avec le conseil et le club.
La réunion du conseil avec le club a été très productive avec beaucoup de discussions concernant l'adhésion avant l'arrivée de tous les membres et de nombreux invités. Ce club bénéficie de bourses merveilleux et nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer et de converser avec tout le monde avant le début de la réunion. RC Saint-Martin réunions Nord ont, cette année, été menées en anglais puisque c'est la langue natale du Président Paul, il est toujours intéressant de se réunir avec les Rotariens qui passent d'une langue à l'autre avec une grande facilité! Merci à tous pour une rencontre très agréable avec un fabuleux dîner du Coq au Vin et mousse au chocolat blanc (que voulez-vous attendre en France?). La soirée était terminée lorsque le club a présenté le DG et Roger avec certains échantillons de parfum local de Tijon, une parfumerie appartenant à Rotarien John et Cyndi.

Time for a leisurely morning before travelling with President Paul to visit the Président de la Collectivité, M. Franz Gumbs. The President is no stranger to Rotary since he is a past (and honorary) member of the Club. The DG and Roger first met him during the conference in St. Martin in 2005. We spent an enjoyable time at his office before going to lunch at a favourite local restaurant “Bistro Nu” where we both enjoyed Rabbit Casserole – something we have not tasted for many years – delicious! We then had time for some relaxation before attending the social gathering of all the clubs on the island plus President Seymour, Ralph and Kitty who travelled over from Anguilla. There were several highlights of the evening: the DG presented three Paul Harris Fellowships, one to Carole Harmon from husband Paul, one to Rotarian Claret from RC St. Martin Sunrise and one to Rotarian Fred Van Der Peijl from RC Sint Maarten. It was unfortunate that Fred and Desirée were unable to be there since they travel unexpectedly to Holland to be with their daughter who recently suffered a bad car accident. Congratulations to all three, very deserving recipients.
This was followed by a presentation to two organizations of $15,000 each. The $30,000 was the money raised at the recent “Musical Magic”, a concert sponsored by all four of the island clubs. This was a first joint fundraiser and it is hoped the first of many. Presentations were made to the Lycée Ile du Nord and to the Belvedere Community Center.
Another presentation of $10,000 from the RC of St. Martin Nord was made to the Haiti Cholera Relief. An extremely generous donation and in particular because this club was responsible for raising from the community the amazing sum of $100,000 immediately after the earthquake. This initial donation was used to purchase 100 Shelter Boxes to house the homeless quake victims in Haiti.
Last, but by no means least, the DG was able to present banners to the RC Sint Maarten Mid-Isle for 2009-2010 contributions to the Rotary Foundation of $100 per member from 100% of the membership.
At the end of the evening, AG Jim and all four Presidents presented two paintings to us, by the well-known local artist the late Alexandre Minguet specially selected by his daughter Rotarian Katherine Minguet.
The evening culminated in a very enjoyable dinner at the hotel with about 15 of the Rotarians – a wonderful finale to a very enjoyable visit to our French clubs.
La journée a commencé avec un peu de temps pour une matinée tranquille avant de se rendre avec le président Paul à la visite du Président de la Collectivité, M. Franz Gumbs. Le Président n'est pas étranger au Rotary depuis qu'il est passé (et honoraires) membre du Club. Le DG et Roger l'ai rencontré lors de la conférence à Saint-Martin en 2005. Nous avons passé un agréable moment à son bureau avant d'aller déjeuner dans un restaurant local préféré "Bistro Nu", où nous avons tous deux aimé Lapin Casserole - quelque chose que nous n'avons pas goûté depuis de nombreuses années - délicieux! Nous avons ensuite eu le temps pour vous détendre avant d'assister à la réunion sociale de tous les clubs de l'île ainsi que le président Seymour, Ralph et Kitty qui ont voyagé au cours d'Anguilla. Il ya eu plusieurs faits saillants de la soirée: la DG a présenté trois bourses de Paul Harris, un à Carole Harmon de son mari Paul, un à Claret Rotarien en provenance du RC Saint-Martin Sunrise et un Rotarien de Fred Van Der Peijl du RC Saint-Martin. Il est regrettable que Fred et Desirée n'ont pas pu être là car ils Voyage de façon inattendue en Hollande pour être avec leur fille qui a récemment subi un grave accident de voiture. Félicitations à tous les trois, très récipiendaires méritants.
Elle a été suivie d'une présentation à deux organisations de 15.000 $ chacun. Le $ 30,000 a été l'argent recueilli lors de la récente "Musical Magic", un concert parrainé par les quatre clubs île. Il s'agissait d'une première collecte de fonds communs et on espère que le premier d'une longue. Présentations ont été faites à l'Ile du Nord Lycée et au Centre communautaire du Belvédère.
Une autre présentation de 10.000 dollars de la RC de Saint-Martin Nord a été faite à l'Office de secours Haïti choléra. Un don extrêmement généreux et, en particulier parce que ce club a été responsable de la collecte de la communauté la somme incroyable de 100.000 dollars immédiatement après le tremblement de terre. Ce don initial a été utilisé pour acheter des boîtes de 100 logements pour les sans-abri victimes du séisme en Haïti.
Dernière, mais non le moindre, le DG a été en mesure de présenter des bannières à la RC Sint Maarten Mid-Isle pour 2009-2010 des contributions à la Fondation Rotary de 100 $ par membre de 100% de l'effectif.
À la fin de la soirée, AG Jim et tous les quatre présidents ont présenté deux tableaux pour nous, par l'artiste local bien connu de la fin Alexandre Minguet spécialement choisis par sa fille Katherine Rotarien Minguet.
La soirée s'est terminée par un dîner très agréable à l'hôtel avec environ 15 des Rotariens - un final merveilleux pour une visite très agréable à nos clubs français.

President Paul transported us to the Grand Case airport where we met up with our pilot, Rotarian Tom Gerker and Barbara. We were on board and ready to go by 10:00 am and had a very pleasant flight. Once again the weather was good and afforded us good views of St. Martin, Anguilla, Virgin Gorda, Tortola, St. John and finally St. Thomas where we touched down at about 11:00.
Président Paul nous a transportés à l'aéroport de Grand Case où nous avons rencontré avec notre pilote, Tom Rotarien Gerker et Barbara. Nous étions à bord et prêt à partir de 10:00 h et a un vol très agréable. Une fois de plus la météo était bonne et nous a donné de belles vues de Saint-Martin, Anguilla, Virgin Gorda, Tortola, St. John et enfin Saint-Thomas, où nous avons touché le sol à environ 11:00.


Just enough time to do some laundry at home and then we were off to catch the seaplane for the short ride from St. Thomas to St.Croix to prepare to meet AG John Harper and the clubs of Virgin Islands South which we started on the following day
Juste le temps de faire un peu de lessive à la maison, puis nous sommes partis pour prendre l'hydravion pour le court trajet de Saint-Thomas à Sainte-Croix se préparer à rencontrer AG John Harper et les clubs des Iles Vierges du Sud le jour suivant le jour prochain.

First we met AG John and were taken to Central High School to meet the Interact Club. A well organized meeting which was attended by RC St. Croix West members and Interact liaison James Sealey and Marion Hazlewood. From there we moved to Gertrude’s Restaurant for a lunch time meeting with President Ishwar Vaswani and the board of RC St.Croix Mid Isle. This is an active club with a variety of projects and the report book which had been prepared for the DG was an impressive document. We had a short break period after this meeting before the drive to Frederiksted for a late afternoon meeting with President Kent Moorhead and the board of RC St. Croix West. West is one of the older clubs in our district and has the distinction of having provided three district governors during its history. They occupy their own building, the Rotary West Community Center, the weekly bingo events are the club’s major annual fund raiser and also serve to fund the running costs of the center. We had a full turn out of board members with some interesting discussion. The club’s dinner meeting immediately followed with some post meeting fellowship before the drive back to Christiansted.
Nous avons d'abord rencontré John et AG ont été prises pour Central High School de rencontrer le Club Interact. Une réunion bien organisée à laquelle ont assisté les membres RC St. Croix Ouest et Interact liaison James Sealey et Marion Hazlewood. De là, nous avons déménagé à Gertrude restaurant pour une réunion avec le président l'heure du déjeuner Ishwar Vaswani et le conseil de Sainte-Croix RC Mid Isle. C'est un club actif avec une variété de projets et le livre du rapport qui avait été préparé pour la DG est un document impressionnant. Nous avons eu une période courte pause après cette réunion avant que le lecteur à Frederiksted pour une réunion avec le président en fin de journée Kent Moorhead et le conseil de RC Saint-Croix Ouest. West est l'un des clubs plus dans notre district et a la distinction d'avoir fourni trois gouverneurs de district au cours de son histoire. Ils occupent leur propre bâtiment, le Rotary West Community Center, les événements de bingo par semaine sont les principaux du club de levée de fonds annuelle et servent également à financer les frais de fonctionnement du centre. Nous avons eu un tour complet sur les membres du conseil avec une discussion intéressante. souper-rencontre du club immédiatement suivie avec une certaine fraternité après la réunion avant le retour à Christiansted

We had an early start to get back to Gertrude’s for the breakfast meeting of RC St.Croix Mid Isle. The special event was the opportunity for the DG to present President Ishwar with the plaque for “Club of the Month” for “Service and Emphases” in October. Each member also received their unique COTM pins. This is the first time we have been able to personally present this award to the entire membership of a winning club. Congratulations to RC Mid Isle for their achievement and the 100 points toward the DG award which comes with it!! After this joyous event we were able to have a short break before traveling to the Good Hope School to meet the Interact club where we were joined by PAG David Beck and President Gail Bourdon from RC St. Croix. This Interact club has an ongoing project supporting an orphanage in Kampala, Uganda which we were able to visit during our trip to that country in 2007. Thanks to leadership of their school liaison, the connection has been continued over the years and they are to be commended for this. They had produced Christmas “star” tree decorations made from “recycled” champagne corks as a fund raiser for the orphanage and all the Rotarians present bought some to help the cause. From Good Hope we went to lunch with District Conference Chair, PP Marston Winkles and representatives from St. Croix clubs to discuss the participation of the St. Croix clubs in the district conference in April.
Shortly thereafter, it was time to meet with President John Farrell and the board of RC St.Croix Harborside at the Brew Pub on the Christiansted boardwalk. This must rank high in the list of attractive locations for Rotary meetings! Although Harborside have experienced membership challenges, they consistently “punch above their weight” as the saying goes with the scope of their projects. We discussed this issue at some length and hope that some of the ideas, particularly of joining forces with another club for project purposes will serve to provide some assistance and added fellowship. The early evening meeting of the club followed immediately with a highlight being the presentation of a PHF to Louise Lewis, a charter member of the club who has consistently supported the club and each of its Presidents. The award was contributed by PP Lionel Downer in recognition of Louise’s contribution to the club since its charter. Congratulations Louise and thank you PP Lionel.
Nous avons eu un début précoce de revenir à Gertrude pour le petit déjeuner du RC Sainte-Croix Mid Isle. La conférence a été l'occasion pour le DG de présenter Président Ishwar avec la plaque pour "Club du mois" pour "Service et des accents" en Octobre. Chaque membre a également reçu leur unique broches CMPE. C'est la première fois nous avons été en mesure de présenter personnellement ce prix à tous les membres d'un club gagnant. Félicitations à mi RC Isle pour leur réalisation et les 100 points en vue de l'attribution DG qui vient avec elle! Après cet événement joyeux que nous avons pu faire une courte pause avant de se rendre à l'école de Bonne-Espérance pour répondre aux club Interact où nous avons été rejoints par David Beck PAG et le président du RC Gail Bourdon Sainte-Croix. Ce club Interact a un projet en cours soutenir un orphelinat à Kampala, en Ouganda que nous avons pu visiter lors de notre voyage dans ce pays en 2007. Merci à la direction de leur liaison avec les écoles, la connexion a été poursuivi au fil des ans et ils doivent être félicités pour cela. Ils ont produit décorations de Noël "star" arbre de "récupération" bouchons de champagne comme une levée de fonds pour l'orphelinat et tous les Rotariens présents acheté pour aider la cause. De Bonne-Espérance, nous sommes allés déjeuner avec la conférence de district président, PP Marston bigorneaux et des représentants de clubs Sainte-Croix pour discuter de la participation des clubs de Sainte-Croix de la conférence de district en avril.
Peu de temps après, il était temps de rencontrer le président John Farrell et le conseil de Sainte-Croix RC Harborside au Brew Pub sur la promenade Christiansted. Cela doit haut rang dans la liste des endroits attrayants pour les réunions du Rotary! Bien que Harborside ont connu des difficultés d'adhésion, ils ont constamment "punch-dessus de leur poids» comme dit le proverbe à la portée de leurs projets. Nous avons discuté de cette question assez longuement et nous espérons que certaines des idées, en particulier l'union des forces avec un autre club pour les fins du projet servira à fournir une aide et a ajouté la fraternité. La réunion en début de soirée du club suivie immédiatement avec un point culminant sera la présentation d'un PHF à Louise Lewis, un des membres fondateurs du club qui a toujours soutenu le club et chacun de ses présidents. Le prix a été contribué par PP Lionel Downer, en reconnaissance de la contribution de Louise au club depuis sa charte. Félicitations et merci Louise PP Lionel.

First stop this morning was to the RC St. Croix Mid Isle sponsored Job Fair at the Vocational school within the St. Croix Educational Complex where we were joined by AG John, PDG Rupert Ross and President Ishwar?. The fair was already well underway when we arrived and the Rotary stand looked very welcoming. The dynamic Principal of the VocEd School, Willard John took us all on a tour of this excellent and well equipped facility which seems to be something of an educational secret in St. Croix. Very impressive and congratulations to Rotary Mid isle for their involvement in this worthwhile exercise. From the school we traveled back to Gertrude’s Restaurant, which is something of a center for Rotary in St. Croix, to meet with President Gail Bourdon and the board of RC St. Croix. This venerable club is one of the oldest in the district. Membership challenges, as with many clubs, was the topic of discussion and the idea of sharing projects and meetings with other clubs was explored. The lunch meeting with this club followed immediately and we enjoyed the fellowship with a club whose energy belies their small numbers. President Gail presented the DG with an ornament from a local artist and a business card holder containing the cards of all the members (this card holder serves as their membership booklet – great idea) and a great memento of the visit. Thank you President Gail and RC St. Croix. We had to leave Gertrude’s a little early as the next stop was Country Day School and their Interact club. This club is planning an international service trip to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic in the spring of 2011. From there we moved on to the Sion Farm shopping center and the Center for Independent Living to attend the presentation of five special computers to the Center. This was the result of a Matching Grant between RC St. Croix Mid Isle and RC Huntsville Lake of Bays in Canada and was the idea of Rotarian Eldon providence of the St.Croix Mid Isle club. We were delighted to be part of this function and to hear the obvious appreciation of the clients who would now have computer access designed for people with disabilities. The presentation received good press coverage of Rotary in action in the community. After this we had time for a quick change and then back into Christiansted for “Crucian Cocktails” in the attractive and historic Pentheny Courtyard. This was well attended and was a most enjoyable fellowship event. Excellent music was provided by three students from a local high school accompanied by their teacher, Rotarian Stan Joines . Thanks to all who organized this event and to AG John for the presentations to both of us of local jewelry on behalf of the clubs of Virgin Islands South.
These gifts were designed from pieces of china found on shipwrecks around St. Croix. Perfect examples of how recycling can produce beautiful and unique results.
Première étape de ce matin était de la RC Sainte-Croix Mid Isle parrainé Job Fair à l'école professionnelle dans le St. Croix Educational Complex, où nous avons été rejoints par John AG, PDG Rupert Ross et le président Ishwar?. Le salon était déjà bien entamée lorsque nous sommes arrivés et le stand Rotary était très accueillant. La principale dynamique de l'École VocEd, Willard John nous a tous pris un tour de cet excellent établissement et bien équipé qui semble être quelque chose d'un secret d'enseignement à Sainte-Croix. Très impressionnant et félicitations à mi île Rotary pour leur implication dans cet exercice utile. De l'école nous sommes repartis au Restaurant de Gertrude, qui est quelque chose d'un centre pour le Rotary de Sainte-Croix, pour rencontrer le président Gail Bourdon et le conseil de RC Sainte-Croix. Ce club vénérable est une des plus anciennes dans le quartier. défis d'adhésion, comme avec de nombreux clubs, a été le sujet de discussion et l'idée de partager des projets et des rencontres avec d'autres clubs a été explorée. Le déjeuner de travail avec ce club, suivie immédiatement et nous avons apprécié la communion avec un club dont l'énergie dément leur petit nombre. Gail Président a présenté le DG avec un ornement d'un artiste local et un porte-carte contenant les cartes de tous les membres (ce titulaire de la carte sert de leur livret de membre - très bonne idée) et un souvenir beaucoup de la visite. Merci Gail président et de la Croix Saint-RC. Nous avons dû quitter Gertrude est un peu tôt que le prochain arrêt a été Country Day School et de leur club Interact. Ce club est la planification d'un voyage de services internationaux à un orphelinat en République dominicaine, au printemps de 2011. De là, nous sommes passés au centre de Sion achats agricoles et le Centre for Independent Living à assister à la présentation de cinq ordinateurs spéciaux au Centre. Cela a été le résultat d'une subvention de contrepartie entre le RC Saint-Croix Mid Isle et RC Huntsville Lake of Bays au Canada et a été l'idée de providence Eldon Rotarien du club Sainte-Croix à mi-Isle. Nous avons été ravis de faire partie de cette fonction et d'entendre l'appréciation évidente des clients qui ont maintenant accès à un ordinateur conçu pour les personnes handicapées. La présentation a reçu une bonne couverture presse du Rotary en action dans la communauté. Après cela, nous avons le temps pour un changement rapide et puis de nouveau en Christiansted pour "Cocktails Crucian" dans une belle et historique Courtyard Pentheny. Cela a été bien suivie et a été un événement de bourses des plus agréables. Excellente musique était assurée par trois élèves d'une école secondaire locale accompagnés par leur professeur, Rotarien Stan Joines. Merci à tous ceux qui ont organisé cet événement et à John AG pour les présentations pour nous deux de bijoux local pour le compte des clubs de Iles Vierges du Sud.
Ces dons ont été conçus à partir de morceaux de porcelaine trouvés sur les épaves autour de Sainte-Croix. de parfaits exemples de la façon dont le recyclage peut produire des résultats magnifiques et uniques.

Time for an early morning email “catch up” before meeting with AG John for a late morning meeting with the Interact Club at the St. Croix Educational Complex. We were also accompanied by PDG Rupert and Rotarian Marion from RC St.Croix West, the sponsoring club. A highlight here is that PDG Rupert’s daughter is the Deputy Principal and the Interact advisor for the school. One of the Interact officers is Rupert’s grandson, Nigel so we had three generations of Rotary involvement in the room which made the meeting extra special. It was a well run and disciplined meeting, chaired at short notice by the VP as the President had been taken ill that morning. The club has lots of interesting ideas and plans and we really enjoyed our meeting with them. This was followed by a final lunch with AG John at a charming restaurant in Christiansted before moving on to the Canegata Ball Park to meet PAG David Beck, President Gail and PP Jim Oliver from RC St.Croix to view the site of the proposed “Bonnie’s Playground” for disabled children. This is a great idea for a project and is named after a deceased member of the club who had worked hard up to the time of her passing to see this playground built. Good luck to St.Croix Rotarians with this project and we look forward to being invited to the official opening. That was the final piece of our visit to St. Croix and thanks to all for your welcome and hospitality and to AG John for all the arrangements.
Temps pour un e-mail tôt le matin "rattrapage" avant sa rencontre avec John AG pour une réunion en fin de matinée avec le Club Interact à l'éducation de Sainte-Croix complexe. Nous avons également été accompagnée par PDG Rupert et Marion Rotarien en provenance du RC Sainte-Croix de l'Ouest, le club parrain. A souligner ici est que la fille de PDG Rupert est le principal adjoint et le conseiller Interact pour l'école. Un des officiers Interact est petit-fils de Rupert, Nigel si nous avions trois générations de la participation du Rotary dans la chambre qui a rendu la rencontre très spéciale. Ce fut une rencontre bien gérée et disciplinée, sous la présidence dans un bref délai par le vice-président que le président était tombé malade ce matin-là. Le club a beaucoup d'idées intéressantes et les plans et nous avons vraiment apprécié notre rencontre avec eux. Elle a été suivie par un dernier déjeuner avec John AG dans un restaurant de charme à Christiansted avant de passer à la Park Canegata Ball pour répondre PAG David Beck, président Gail et PP Jim Oliver, de la RC Sainte-Croix pour voir le site de la proposition de "Bonnie aire de jeu "pour les enfants handicapés. C'est une excellente idée pour un projet et est nommé d'après un membre décédé du club qui ont travaillé dur jusqu'au moment de son passage pour voir ce terrain de jeu construit. Bonne chance à Rotariens Sainte-Croix avec ce projet et nous avons hâte d'être invités à l'ouverture officielle. Ce fut la dernière pièce de notre visite à Sainte-Croix et merci à tous pour votre accueil et d'hospitalité et de John AG pour tous les arrangements.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Having overcome the search difficulties in Provo, our connection in Miami was on time and we arrived at NMIA in Kingston on time and were met by Rotarian Howard Haughton who was filling in for AG Ruth Palmer on this occasion. Howard took us to the Spanish Court Hotel where we had enjoyed our previous stay in Kingston. Since welcome champagne was on offer, Howard joined us for a drink and some enjoyable fellowship with delightful conversation. We were able to unpack and deal with emails before an early dinner.
Après avoir surmonté les difficultés de recherche à Provo, notre connexion à Miami a été le temps et nous sommes arrivés à NMIA à Kingston, le temps et ont été accueillis par le Rotarien Howard Haughton qui était rempli d'AG Ruth Palmer à cette occasion. Howard nous a emmenés à l'Hôtel Cour espagnole où nous avions apprécié notre séjour précédent à Kingston. Depuis champagne de bienvenue a été offert, Howard nous a rejoint pour boire un verre et quelques bourses conversation agréable avec charme. Nous avons été capable de décompresser et de faire face à des courriels avant un dîner au début.
A late start for business meant more time for email and preparation before AG Ruth collected us from the hotel for the short ride to the Rib Cage restaurant for a lunch meeting with the restaurant owner and president of RC ST. Andrew North, David Brown. After lunch we travelled with President David to the Calabar High School where we met up with Past President Donovan to view the club’s project of upgrading the science laboratory. Then it was back to the Rib Cage for the meeting with the board of St. Andrew North. That evening, we attended the St. Andrew North club meeting and afterwards had a chance to catch up with Foundation Chair Bobby and enjoy some fellowship with him.
Un démarrage tardif pour les entreprises signifie plus de temps pour le courrier électronique et de préparation avant AG Ruth nous recueillies auprès de l'hôtel pour le court trajet vers le restaurant Rib Cage pour un déjeuner de travail avec le propriétaire du restaurant et le président du RC ST. Andrew North, David Brown. Après le déjeuner, nous avons voyagé avec le président David à l'école de Calabar haut où nous avons rencontré avec le président sortant Donovan pour voir le projet du club de la mise à niveau du laboratoire de sciences. Il revient ensuite à la cage thoracique de la réunion avec le conseil de Saint-André du Nord. Ce soir-là, nous avons assisté à la réunion de Saint Andrew club du Nord et par la suite eu la chance de rattraper président de la Fondation Bobby et profiter de la communion avec lui.
AG Ruth collected us after breakfast and took us to the offices of UNDP where we were greeted by Rotarian Sonia Gill and then met with Mr. Minh Pham, Resident Coordinator for UNDP. During our conversation we discovered that Mr. Pham is a former Rotarian and we enjoyed discussion about the work of UNDP and possible ways in which Rotary and UNDP could cooperate in the region. We also encouraged him to consider rejoining Rotary! From there we went on to Kings House, the official residence of the Governor General of Jamaica, for a courtesy call on Sir Patrick Allen. We were joined by AG Andre, Presidents David, Lincoln and Dalton, as well as our trusty photographer William “Flash” Foster. Unfortunately, the GG had been taken ill and was unable to see us this time but we were able to briefly see the impressive interior of the residence.
There was time for a quick lunch and then the two hour drive with AG Ruth and Rotarian Bev Campbell to Maidstone in the St. Margaret’s Bay area to meet PP Dr.P and view the ambitious water project organised by RC Port Antonio. This project provided water both to the local school and to the village of Maidstone and benefits an estimated 500 people. The Maidstone area is stunningly beautiful, we were told that all of Portland is beautiful, and Roger’s pleasure was increased as he was able to add another endemic bird species to his list, a Jamaican Pee Wee which kept us company during the school visit! Then we drove on to Port Antonio to lovely house of PP Boyd Lewis for the club board meeting followed immediately by the club meeting on the patio. We discussed the challenges of the Port Antonio and hope that we imparted a few ideas they can use. The club has a long history which has been extremely well recorded in their 40th anniversary booklet. The club meeting was also attended by Interactors and an EarlyAct member and we enjoyed musical contributions from two of them. At the close of the meeting, we drove back to Kingston. Bev was a great chauffeur and we made good time, reaching the hotel at 11.30 after a long but satisfying day.
AG Ruth nous recueillies après le petit déjeuner et nous ont emmenés dans les bureaux du PNUD, où nous avons été accueillis par le Rotarien Sonia Gill et a ensuite rencontré M. Minh Pham, Coordonnateur résident pour le PNUD. Durant notre conversation, nous avons découvert que M. Pham est un ancien Rotarien et nous avons apprécié la discussion sur le travail du PNUD et des moyens pouvant permettre Rotary et le PNUD pourraient coopérer dans la région. Nous lui avons aussi encouragés à envisager de rejoindre le Rotary! De là, nous sommes allés à Kings House, la résidence officielle du gouverneur général de la Jamaïque, pour une visite de courtoisie à Sir Patrick Allen. Nous avons été rejoints par AG André, David présidents, Lincoln et Dalton, ainsi que notre fidèle photographe William "Flash" Foster. Malheureusement, le GG était tombé malade et a été incapable de nous voir cette fois, mais nous avons pu voir brièvement l'intérieur impressionnant de la résidence.
Il était temps pour un déjeuner rapide, puis le lecteur de deux heures avec Ruth AG et Rotarien Bev Campbell à Maidstone dans la région de St. Margaret's Bay pour rencontrer PP Dr.P et consulter le projet ambitieux de l'eau organisé par RC Port Antonio. Ce projet a fourni de l'eau à la fois à l'école locale et du village de Maidstone et les avantages d'environ 500 personnes. La zone de Maidstone est incroyablement beau, on nous a dit que tous Portland est belle, et le plaisir de Roger a été augmenté, comme il a été en mesure d'ajouter une autre espèce d'oiseaux endémiques à sa liste, un Jamaïcain Pee Wee qui nous tenaient compagnie au cours de la visite de l'école! Puis nous sommes allés à Port Antonio jolie maison de PP Boyd Lewis pour la réunion du conseil club immédiatement suivie de la réunion du club sur le patio. Nous avons discuté des défis du Port Antonio et j'espère que nous donnait quelques idées qu'ils peuvent utiliser. Le club a une longue histoire qui a été extrêmement bien enregistré dans leur livret 40e anniversaire. La réunion du club ont également participé à Interactiens et un membre EarlyAct et nous avons apprécié l'apport musical de deux d'entre eux. A l'issue de la réunion, on s'est rendu à Kingston. Bev a été un chauffeur grande et nous avons fait bon moment, de rejoindre l'hôtel à 11h30 après une longue journée, mais satisfaisant.
After the late night we were pleased to have a later start today as AG Ruth collected us and took us to the Wyndham to meet with President Lincoln and board of RC Downtown Kingston by a very full programme in the club meeting. One of the highlights was Rotarian Major Keith Graham, a Salvation Army officer, playing Christmas carols on his trumpet and he also accompanied the singing of the Jamaica national anthem which gave it considerable additional energy!! Thank you for starting our Christmas so happily. The meeting was attended by Interactors and also included the presentation of a new banner to the Rotaract club. The DG also inducted Travis Smith as the newest member of the Downtown club. President Lincoln presented the DG with a lovely painting as a memento of our visit. Immediately following lunch, we were taken to the Denham Town/Tivoli Gardens area of Kingston to view a sanitation project the club is doing in cooperation with JSIF to bring reliable water supplies into the yards of the area. This is a great project which is providing a major improvement in the conditions of several hundreds of people living in one of Kingston’s poorest areas. Our tour was conducted by PE Andrea Sweeney and her husband, who is the JSIF representative for the project. Congratulations to all concerned and thank you for sharing it with us.
We then returned to New Kingston for a late afternoon meeting at Eden Gardens Hotel with representatives of the four Inner Wheel clubs in Jamaica, Kingston, Ocho Rios, May Pen and St. Andres. It was a pleasure for Diana to meet up again with Jean Casserly and Ruth Daley, neither of whom she had seen in a while. We believe this was a productive, and it was certainly enjoyable, meeting and it is hoped that it will start a process of increased cooperation and communication between Rotary and Inner Wheel in Jamaica.
After a quick change at the hotel, we set off to Rotarian Velma’s lovely house for a “partee” for the DG. The house enjoys a spectacular view over Kingston which is very dramatic at night with all the lights and is a great location for Rotary fellowship. A great evening brought this very enjoyable Rotary day to an end. Thanks to Velma for opening her house and to all who organized the food.
Après la fin de nuit nous avons été heureux d'avoir un début plus tardif aujourd'hui AG Ruth nous collectées et nous ont emmenés à l'hôtel Wyndham à rencontrer le président Lincoln et le conseil d'RC Downtown Kingston par un programme très complet de la réunion du club. Un des points saillants a été Rotarien Major Keith Graham, un officier de l'Armée du Salut, en jouant des chants de Noël sur sa trompette, et il a également accompagné le chant de l'hymne national en Jamaïque, qui lui a donné beaucoup d'énergie supplémentaires! Merci pour le démarrage de notre Noël si heureusement. La réunion a été suivie par Interactiens et comprenait également la présentation d'une nouvelle bannière pour le club Rotaract. Le DG a également intronisé Travis Smith en tant que nouveau membre du club du centre-ville. Le président Lincoln a présenté le DG avec une belle peinture comme un souvenir de notre visite. Immédiatement après le déjeuner, nous avons été emmenés à la ville Denham zone / Jardins de Tivoli, de Kingston pour afficher un projet d'assainissement du club fait en coopération avec JSIF de porter les réserves d'eau fiables dans les chantiers de la région. Il s'agit d'un grand projet qui offre une amélioration majeure dans les conditions de plusieurs centaines de personnes vivant dans l'une des régions les plus pauvres de Kingston. Notre visite a été menée par Andrea PE Sweeney et son mari, qui est le représentant JSIF pour le projet. Félicitations à tous les intéressés et je vous remercie de partager avec nous.
Nous sommes ensuite retournés à New Kingston pour une réunion fin d'après midi dans les jardins de l'Eden Hôtel avec des représentants des quatre clubs Inner Wheel de la Jamaïque, Kingston, Ocho Rios, May Pen et Saint Andres. Ce fut un plaisir pour Diana de se retrouver avec Jean Casserly et Ruth Daley, ni de qui elle avait vu depuis un moment. Nous croyons que ce fut un productive, et il est certainement agréable, de rencontre et on espère qu'il va commencer un processus de renforcement de la coopération et la communication entre le Rotary et Inner Wheel en Jamaïque.
Après un changement rapide à l'hôtel, nous partons à la belle maison Rotarien Velma pour une "Partee" de la DG. La maison bénéficie d'une vue spectaculaire sur Kingston qui est très spectaculaire la nuit avec toutes les lumières et est un emplacement idéal pour une bourse du Rotary. Une grande soirée a ce jour très agréable Rotary à sa fin. Merci à Velma pour ouvrir sa maison et à tous qui ont organisé la nourriture.
Today it was the turn of RC New Kingston and we met with President Godfrey and his board at the Pegasus. This board was very inspiring as they told us their plans for the future, a well organized club which has been very forward thinking in terms of strategic planning. The meeting place of the Pegasus was convenient as AG Andre was the sponsor of a new member of his club, RC Kingston, and he had asked the DG to induct him at their lunch meeting. It was nice to have the opportunity to revisit the Kingston club and to meet their very inspirational 27 year old speaker. Then it was on to the St. Patrick’s Foundation Human Resource Centre where we met President Dalton Fowles and some members of RC Trafalgar New Heights to view their proposed project to upgrade this arts and vocational training facility. This is an unusual and exciting project and we were entertained by drummers and a dance routine which ended with the DG learning some of the moves – look at the pictures!! Then we moved on to the Liguanea Club to meet with the board of RC Trafalgar New Heights. This new club, part of the New Generations initiative, is small but very vibrant, which bodes well for their future. We enjoyed this meeting and the club meeting which followed. We could not stay for the post meeting fellowship as we were due at the Rotaract Club of New Kingston meeting and arrived a little late just as the speaker on beer production was about to start her presentation. The DG gave a short presentation to the Rotaractors with the thought that she should not delay the beer presentation which then got underway!! That brought to an end another full and wide ranging Rotary day.
Aujourd'hui c'est au tour du RC New Kingston et nous avons rencontré avec le président Godfrey et son conseil au Pegasus. Ce conseil a été très inspirant comme ils nous ont dit leurs plans pour l'avenir, un club bien organisé qui a été très avant-gardiste en termes de planification stratégique. Le lieu de rencontre de la pratique que Pegasus a été AG André a été le promoteur d'un nouveau membre de son club, le RC Kingston, et il avait demandé à la DG de le introniser lors de leur réunion le déjeuner. Il a été agréable d'avoir l'occasion de revoir le club de Kingston et de répondre à leurs haut-parleur très inspirant de 27 ans. Ensuite, il a été à la Saint-Patrick Fondation Centre de ressources humaines où nous avons rencontré le Président Dalton Fowles et certains membres du RC Trafalgar de nouveaux sommets pour afficher leur projet de mise cette arts et centre de formation professionnelle. Il s'agit d'un projet inédit et passionnant et nous ont été divertis par des batteurs et une routine de danse qui a pris fin avec le DG d'apprentissage certains des mouvements - regardez les photos! Nous sommes ensuite passés au Club Liguanea de rencontrer le conseil d'administration de RC Trafalgar de nouveaux sommets. Ce nouveau club, qui fait partie de la nouvelle initiative des générations, est petite mais très dynamique, ce qui augure bien pour leur avenir. Nous avons apprécié cette rencontre et la réunion du club qui a suivi. Nous ne pouvions pas rester à la bourse après la réunion que nous avons dû au Club Rotaract de New Kingston et de réunion sont arrivés un peu tard tout comme le haut-parleur sur la production de bière a été sur le point de commencer sa présentation. Le DG a donné une courte présentation de la Rotaractiens avec l'idée qu'elle ne devrait pas retarder la présentation de la bière qui a ensuite obtenu en cours! C'est mettre un terme à un autre jour complet et global allant Rotary.
An early start today as we attended the breakfast meeting of RC New Kingston at the Pegasus and then we collected our luggage and headed for the airport at the end of an excellent visit to the clubs of Jamaica North East. Many thanks to AG Ruth, who was a great host for our visit, as well as to the clubs for their hospitality and for the varied and effective work they are doing for the communities of the Kingston area.
Un démarrage précoce aujourd'hui que nous avons assisté à la réunion de petit-déjeuner RC New Kingston au Pegasus, puis nous avons recueilli nos bagages et se dirigea vers l'aéroport à la fin d'une excellente visite aux clubs de la Jamaïque du Nord-Est. Un grand merci à AG Ruth, qui était une grande armée de notre visite, ainsi que pour les clubs pour leur hospitalité et pour le travail varié et efficace qu'ils font pour les collectivités de la région de Kingston.
This weekend was the semi-annual Governor’s Council meeting at the Intercontinental Hotel in Miami and after two nights there we returned to St. Thomas on Sunday, December 5.
Cela a été la réunion de la semi-annuel du Gouverneur du Conseil à l'Hôtel Intercontinental à Miami et après deux nuits nous sommes retournés à St. Thomas le dimanche, Décembre 5.

Early flight from St. Thomas to Miami and on to Provo where we arrived on time to be met in the arrivals area by club President Art Forbes who escorted us very efficiently through Immigration and Customs. Outside, AG Karen Biker and PP Alge, Director Bloneva and Rotarian Joy (the official photographer) were waiting to greet us – Thanks to all for your welcome. AG Karen’s car was in for repair and her temporary transport looked equipped to start a major rally but all it had to do was take us on the short drive to the Royal West Indies Resort to check in. We unpacked and prepared for the early evening meeting with President Art and his board at the Opus Restaurant. This was a well organized meeting complete with power point presentation of the club’s activities and active discussion of its affairs. This was followed by an enjoyable dinner meal at the restaurant with the board and more Rotary discussion.
Au début de vol de St. Thomas à Miami et à Provo où nous sommes arrivés à temps pour être rencontré dans le hall des arrivées par le club Président Forbes Art qui nous escortaient très efficacement par le biais de l'immigration et des douanes. Dehors, AG Karen Biker et PP Alge, Directeur Bloneva et Rotarien Joy (le photographe officiel) attendaient pour nous saluer - Merci à tous pour votre accueil. voiture AG Karen était en réparation et son transport temporaire regardé équipé pour commencer à un grand rassemblement, mais tout ce qu'il avait à faire était de nous emmener sur la courte distance en voiture de la Royal Resort West Indies pour vous inscrire. Nous déballé et préparé pour la réunion en début de soirée avec le président d'Art et son conseil au restaurant Opus. Cette réunion a été bien organisé avec la présentation power point des activités du club et la discussion active de ses affaires. Elle a été suivie par un dîner agréable repas au restaurant avec le conseil et plus de discussions Rotary.

AG Karen collected us at the hotel as we start our trip to Grand Turk, the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is a 25 minute flight and we are again on time and met by President Monica Wilson, Secretary Claudia and Rotarian Oswaldo. President Monica took us to the Osprey Hotel to check in and then on tour of the Cockburn Town area. There are some very attractive buildings here and we were also able to see flamingos in the old salt ponds. We then drove to the Bohio Hotel for a lunch meeting with the board of RC Grand Turk. The club has some membership challenges and their size means that almost all the members are also board members! We discussed their issues and possible actions/solutions to both increasing and retaining members. After lunch we continued with the island tour which included a visit to the historic light house and its adjacent national park. Rotarian Oswaldo is a veritable mine of information so we learned many interesting anecdotes on the history of Grant Turk. Then we returned to the hotel for “email break” and to prepare for the evening Rotaract meeting at the hotel. This was a nice event made more pleasurable by the induction of three new Rotaractors by the DG. The evening was well attended by members of RC Grand Turk and the DG and Roger received a variety of items made in Grand Turk as mementos of the visit. Thanks to everyone for the evening and for the thoughtful gifts.
AG Karen nous recueillies à l'hôtel alors que nous commençons notre voyage à Grand Turk, capitale des îles Turques et Caïques. Il s'agit d'un vol de 25 minutes et nous sommes à nouveau sur le temps et a rencontré le président Monica Wilson, Secrétaire Claudia et Oswaldo Rotarien. Président Monica nous ont emmenés à l'Hôtel Osprey pour archiver et puis en tournée de la région Cockburn Town. Il ya des bâtiments très intéressant ici et nous avons également pu voir les flamands roses dans les marais salants anciens. Nous avons ensuite conduit à l'Hôtel Bohio pour un déjeuner de travail avec le conseil de RC Grand Turk. Le club a des difficultés d'adhésion et leur taille signifie que presque tous les membres sont aussi membres du conseil! Nous avons discuté de leurs problèmes et leurs éventuelles actions / solutions à la fois membres de l'augmentation et le maintien. Après le déjeuner nous avons continué avec la tour de l'île, qui comprenait une visite à la maison de lumière historique et son parc national adjacent. Rotarien Oswaldo est une véritable mine de renseignements que nous a appris beaucoup d'anecdotes intéressantes sur l'histoire de Grant Turk. Puis nous sommes retournés à l'hôtel pour «casser email" et de préparer la réunion Rotaract soir à l'hôtel. Ce fut une belle manifestation rendue plus agréable par l'induction de trois nouveaux Rotaractiens par le DG. La soirée a été bien suivie par les membres du RC Grand Turk et le DG et Roger a reçu une variété d'articles réalisés dans le Grand Turc en souvenir de la visite. Merci à tous pour la soirée et pour les petits cadeaux.

Roger was up early to walk the streets of Cockburn Town and take pictures of the houses, the old prison and the birds! Then President Monica collected us at the hotel and took us to the Turks and Caicos National Museum, a very impressive facility with an enthusiastic group of guides and an interesting and imaginative display of artifacts. We thoroughly enjoyed our tour and believe the museum did well that day as the cruise ship QM 2 was in for the first time! We finished off the rest of the island tour by visiting the donkey sanctuary and then we returned to the Bohio for the lunch meeting with the RC Grand Turk which included a power point presentation of recent projects by the club. After lunch, President Monica took us to two home repair projects which RC Grand Turk had undertaken flowing hurricane damage, good community based projects. Then it was time to return to the airport via the very modern Cruise Center and shopping facility and the flight back to Provo at the end of an interesting and full time in Grand Turk. Thanks to President Monica for her organization and for driving us around and to Oswaldo for his historic observations during our visit. The return flight stopped briefly in South Caicos but this was long enough for AG Karen’s bag to be offloaded there by mistake and she was reunited with it the next day.

Roger a été de bonne heure pour marcher dans les rues de Cockburn Town et prendre des photos des maisons, l'ancienne prison et les oiseaux! Puis le président Monica nous recueillies à l'hôtel et nous a pris aux Turcs et Caicos National Museum, une installation très impressionnante avec un groupe enthousiaste de guides et d'une exposition très intéressante et imaginative des artefacts. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié notre visite et nous croyons le musée a bien fait ce jour-là que le navire de croisière QM 2 a été dans pour la première fois! Nous avons terminé le reste de la tour de l'île en visitant le sanctuaire d'âne, puis nous sommes retournés à la Bohio pour le déjeuner de travail avec le Turc RC Grand qui comprenait une présentation power point des projets récemment par le club. Après le déjeuner, le président Monica nous a pris à deux projets de réparation à domicile qui RC Grand Turk avait entrepris circulant dégâts de l'ouragan, les projets communautaires bonne base. Alors qu'il était temps de revenir à l'aéroport par l'intermédiaire du très moderne Centre de croisière et d'un magasin et le vol de retour à Provo, à la fin d'une époque intéressante et pleine de Grand Turk. Merci au président Monica pour son organisation et pour nous conduire autour et à Oswaldo de ses observations historiques lors de notre visite. Le vol de retour s'est arrêté brièvement à South Caicos, mais ce fut assez long pour le sac AG Karen d'être déchargés là par erreur et elle a retrouvé le lendemain.


A later start this morning as Rotarian Lester collected us from the hotel to begin our visits to three primary schools for the presentation of dictionaries to grades 3 and 4. First stop was the Ianthe Pratt Primary where there was good media coverage from TV, radio and the local newspaper all of whom interviewed the DG and President Art about the project. Director Val acted as MC at each stop. Then it was on to Oseta Jolly Primary where the DG’s request for a student to suggest a word everyone could look for was answered by James and the word, to everyone’s surprise was esophagus ! Finally we visited Enid Capron Primary. In each case the principal and faculty were very appreciative of Rotary’s support in what has become an annual event for the schools. This ended the morning and we returned to the hotel for lunch and an email afternoon. AG Karen collected us for the dinner meeting of RC Providenciales at the Opus Restaurant complete with a “Thanksgiving Special” dinner .The club presented the DG with a beautiful conch shell hors d’oeuvres dish and server and Roger received a bottle of local Bambarra Rum.
Un départ plus tardif ce matin Rotarien Lester nous recueillies auprès de l'hôtel pour commencer nos visites dans les trois écoles primaires pour la présentation des dictionnaires aux grades 3 et 4. Le premier arrêt était le Pratt Ianthe primaire où il y avait une bonne couverture médiatique de la télévision, la radio et le journal local tous qui ont interrogé l'Art DG et président sur le projet. Directeur Val agi en tant que MC à chaque arrêt. Puis ce fut à Oseta Jolly primaire où la demande de la DG pour un étudiant de proposer un mot tout le monde pourrait comparer a répondu par James et le mot, à la surprise a été l'oesophage! Enfin, nous avons visité Enid Capron primaire. Dans chaque cas, le principal et les professeurs étaient très reconnaissants de l'appui du Rotary dans ce qui est devenu un événement annuel pour les écoles. Cela s'est terminé le matin et nous sommes retournés à l'hôtel pour le déjeuner et une après-midi e-mail. AG Karen nous collectés pour le souper-rencontre du RC Providenciales au restaurant Opus complète avec un "Thanksgiving spécial" le dîner. Le club a présenté le DG avec une belle coquille de conque hors d'oeuvres et plat serveur et Roger a reçu une bouteille de rhum local Bambarra

AG Karen collected us after breakfast for the short ride to the ferry dock for our 25 minute trip in the company of PP John Lawson, PP “H”, and Rotarian Mary to North Caicos to meet with Rotary Community Corps president Wilbert Forbes. We all fitted into President Wilbert’s people carrier and set off for the Charles Hubert James Primary School in Kew to present more dictionaries and then on to Adelaide Oemler Primary School in Bottle Creek for the same purpose. Roger also benefited from seeing, and photographing, his first Cuban Crow which has a very distinctive and unusual call. Then we moved next door to the Raymond E. Gardiner High School to view the tools and equipment which had been provided to the vocational education department from a very recent MG. All these projects are very worthwhile and really making a difference as well as raising Rotary’s profile in the community. Congratulations to all concerned. A visit to the Flamingo Pond is a must for all visitors so Roger, who always carries his binoculars with him for bird watching, thoroughly enjoyed the detour to this national park.
We then drove over the hurricane damaged causeway which connects North and Middle Caicos to have lunch at community corps member Daniel’s Café We enjoyed excellent cracked conch and also visited the handicraft cooperative which Danny has established in his compound and which showcases the work of approximately 60 persons from Middle Caicos, We bought two baskets and congratulated Danny on this initiative. From there we visited the Doris Robinson Primary School, for the final delivery of dictionaries. On the return to North Caicos we were able to stop off at the Blue Horizon Resort with its secret tunnel to the beach and spectacular view and, very quickly, the Indian Caves with its mosquitoes and owl roost – we saw the mosquitos but not the owls!! Then we returned to the North Caicos ferry dock and a cold drink before setting off back to Provo. Many thanks to President Wilbert for his hospitality and a for providing a very interesting time for us in North and Middle Caicos. We feel sure that the Community Corps will prosper under his enthusiastic leadership. Thanks also to PP John for organizing the ferry and PP “H” and Rotarian Mary for accompanying AG Karen and us.
AG Karen nous recueillies après le petit déjeuner pour le court trajet vers le quai de traversier pour nos 25 minutes de trajet en compagnie de PP John Lawson, PP "H", et Mary Rotarien à North Caicos rencontrer Rotary Community Corps président Wilbert Forbes. Nous sommes tous montés en porte-président de Wilbert personnes et partit pour l'école primaire Charles Hubert James, Kew de présenter plusieurs dictionnaires, puis à Adelaide Oemler l'école primaire dans Bottle Creek dans le même but. Roger a également bénéficié de voir et de photographier, ses Crow premier cubain qui a un appel très particulier et inhabituel. Puis nous sommes passés à côté de l'Raymond E. Gardiner High School pour afficher les outils et les équipements qui avaient été fournies au département de formation professionnelle à partir d'une MG très récente. Tous ces projets sont très utiles et vraiment faire une différence ainsi que rehausser le profil du Rotary dans la collectivité. Félicitations à toutes les parties concernées. Une visite à l'étang Flamingo est un must pour tous les visiteurs afin Roger, qui porte toujours avec lui ses jumelles pour observer les oiseaux, beaucoup apprécié le détour par ce parc national.
Nous avons ensuite roulé sur la chaussée ravages de l'ouragan qui relie le Nord et le Moyen-Caïques de déjeuner au Café communauté corps député Daniel Nous avons apprécié un excellent conque fissuré et a également visité la coopérative artisanale qui Danny a établi dans son quartier et qui met en valeur le travail d'environ 60 personnes de Middle Caicos, Nous avons acheté deux paniers et a félicité Danny sur cette initiative. De là, nous avons visité le Doris Robinson de l'école primaire, pour la livraison finale des dictionnaires. Sur le retour de North Caicos, nous avons pu faire une escale à l'hôtel Blue Horizon avec son tunnel secret de la plage et vue spectaculaire et, très rapidement, les grottes indiennes avec ses moustiques et la chouette perchoir - nous avons vu les moustiques, mais pas les hiboux ! Puis nous sommes retournés au quai de traversier North Caicos et une boisson fraîche avant de reprendre la route à Provo. Un grand merci au président Wilbert pour son hospitalité et pour fournir une période très intéressante pour nous en Amérique du Nord et du Moyen-Caicos. Nous sommes convaincus que le Corps Communauté prospérer sous sa direction enthousiaste. Merci également à John PP pour l'organisation du ferry et PP "H" et Rotarien Mary pour accompagner AG Karen et nous.

Email morning and then AG Karen collected us to go to the Conch Festival where we were able to enjoy an amazing variety of conch based dishes from 20 restaurants all of whom were vying to be the Grand Champion! One of the dishes surprised the DG with the strength of the sauce but she recovered in time for the visit with the board of the Interact club of Provo. This was a very interactive and productive meeting and was also attended by RC Provo President Art, Director Karl and Provo Rotaract President Nicquell. This combination allowed discussion on how the three groups could work together and concluded that this was the way forward.
We returned to the hotel for a short email break and then Ag Karen took us back to the Conch Festival for the main event, the drawing of the Rotary “Pot O’ Gold” winner by the DG. This annual fundraiser, with a prize of $10,000, provided approximately $6,000 to RC Provo and the DG was able to thank everyone there for their support of Rotary and the work the Provo club does in its community.
On to an early dinner with AG Karen as we had a very early start on
Email matin, puis AG Karen recueillies nous d'aller au Festival de Conch où nous avons pu profiter d'une étonnante variété de plats à base de conques de 20 restaurants qui ont tous été en lice pour le Grand Champion! Un des plats surpris le DG de la force de la sauce, mais elle s'est rétablie à temps pour la visite avec le conseil d'administration du club Interact de Provo. Cette réunion a été très interactif et productif et a également participé à Provo RC Art président, directeur et Karl Provo Rotaract président Nicquell. Cette combinaison a permis la discussion sur la façon dont les trois groupes pourraient travailler ensemble et a conclu que c'était la voie à suivre.
Nous sommes retournés à l'hôtel pour un séjour court email puis Ag Karen nous a ramenés au Festival Conch pour l'événement principal, le dessin du Rotary "Pot of Gold" gagnant par le DG. Cette levée de fonds annuelle, avec un prix de 10.000 $, a fourni environ $ 6000 à Provo RC et le DG a pu remercier tous là pour leur soutien du Rotary et du travail que le club ne Provo dans sa communauté.
Le début d'un dîner avec Karen AG que nous avons eu un début très tôt

With a flight that departed at 7.15 a.m. We had some delay as the Rotary pins we were carrying seemed to cause alarm at the security area but this was overcome and off we went. Many thanks to AG Karen for her organization of our visit and the welcome we received from Presidents Monica and Art and their respective members.
Avec un vol qui a décollé à 07h15 Nous avons eu un peu de retard que les broches Rotary nous menions semblé causer d'alarme dans la zone de sécurité, mais cela a été surmontée et nous partîmes. Un grand merci à Karen AG pour son organisation de notre visite et l'accueil reçu par les Présidents et Monica Art et de leurs membres respectifs.


Early start to get the morning flight from St. Thomas to Miami and then on to Kingston. We were an hour late but Norman Manley airport was quiet when we arrived and we were already through immigration when the representative from the Tourism Department found us and helped us through Customs to where AG Andre Hylton and AG Ruth Palmer where waiting to greet us. We are quickly in AG Andre’s car and off for a brief tour of Port Royal finishing at the Morgan’s Harbour Hotel where we were able to change and prepare for the meeting with President Marcia Barned and the board of RC Kingston East and Port Royal. This was a productive meeting with a committed and active board and immediately following this meeting we moved into the adjoining dining room for the regular dinner meeting of the club. A full agenda included two songs from the excellent choir from Vauxhall High School Altogether Sing Choir which also has an Interact club sponsored by the Kingston East and Port Royal Rotary club. Another highlight was the induction of a new member, Duane Burke, by the DG as well as the presentation of the regalia to three Paul Harris fellows, Winsome Gordon, Howard Haughton and President Marcia (now a multiple PHF) – definitely leading from the front. Another encouraging award was to new member Damian as “Member of the Month” for October after only two months in the club - Congratulations to all concerned. We left Port Royal and AG Andre drove us to the Spanish Court Hotel, owned by PP Chris Issa of RC Kingston, where we were to stay for the week and where we were greeted by a welcome sign in the lobby and a lovely flower arrangement for the DG. Thanks Andre for this original and thoughtful welcome

Nous avons pris le vol du matin de Saint-Thomas à Miami, puis à Kingston. Nous avons été une heure en retard, mais l'aéroport de Norman Manley était calme lorsque nous sommes arrivés et nous étions déjà à l'immigration, lorsque le représentant du ministère du Tourisme nous a trouvés et nous a aidé à la douane de l'endroit où AG Andre Hylton et AG Ruth Palmer, où nous attendait pour nous saluer. Nous sommes rapidement dans la voiture AG André et à pied pour une brève visite de Port-Royal de finition à la Morgan's Harbour Hôtel où nous étions en mesure de changer et de préparer la rencontre avec le président Marcia Barned et le conseil de RC Kingston et Port-Royal Est. Ce fut une réunion fructueuse avec un conseil d'administration engagé et actif et immédiatement après cette réunion nous avons déménagé dans la salle à manger attenante pour le souper-rencontre régulière du club. Un ordre du jour comprenait deux chansons de la chorale excellente Vauxhall High School total Sing Choir qui a aussi un club Interact parrainé par l'East Kingston et Port Royal Rotary club. Un autre fait saillant a été l'intronisation d'un nouveau membre, Duane Burke, par le DG ainsi que la présentation des insignes à trois Paul Harris Fellows, Winsome Gordon, Howard Haughton et président Marcia (maintenant un multiple FSP) - définitivement menant de l'avant . Un autre prix a été encourageant de nouveau membre Damian comme "membre du mois" pour Octobre, après seulement deux mois dans le club - Félicitations à toutes les parties concernées. Nous avons quitté Port-Royal et André AG nous a conduits à l'Hôtel cour d'Espagne, appartenant à Chris Issa PP du RC Kingston, où nous devions rester pour la semaine et où nous avons été accueillis par un panneau de bienvenue dans le hall et un arrangement floral très agréable pour le DG. Merci André pour cette originale et réfléchie de bienvenue

Following breakfast we were collected by secretary of RC St. Andrew, Robert Gibbs, for the short drive to the Pegasus Hotel to meet with President Charles Ross and the board of the St. Andrew club. An excellent meeting with another involved and committed group of Rotarians which led into their lunch meeting held in the top floor restaurant of the hotel with great views of Kingston and the hills beyond. We were pleased to meet the club’s 2011-12 Ambassadorial scholar, Donelle Christian, who will be attending Aston University in England. A lively and friendly meeting with many light moments, including a thank you to PP LeRoi Lorde who was wearing his Rotary 2010-11 theme coloured jacket in support of the DG! Roger won the raffle….. again! Immediately following the lunch, President Charles took us to the Stony Hill Primary and Junior High School which has two projects supported by his club. One is the provision of an interactive white board to assist with remedial reading and the other is a food programme to provide a meal to those students who come to school without breakfast. This program is spearheaded by Rtn Karen Fitz Ritson and she showed us round the school together with the dynamic principal who is most appreciative of Rotary’s assistance to his school. Interestingly, but perhaps not surprisingly, one of the main impacts of these programs has been increased attendance which has to be a good thing. These are great projects and we were delighted to see them.

We returned to the hotel for “email break” and an early dinner.

Après le petit déjeuner nous avons été recueillis par le secrétaire du RC Saint-André, Robert Gibbs, pour le court trajet en voiture à l'Hôtel Pegasus pour rencontrer le président Charles Ross et le conseil d'administration du club de Saint-Andrew. Une très belle rencontre avec un autre groupe impliqué et engagé des Rotariens qui ont conduit à leur déjeuner de travail organisé dans le restaurant au dernier étage de l'hôtel avec une vue magnifique de Kingston et les collines au-delà. Nous avons été heureux de rencontrer 2011-12 le club universitaire des ambassadeurs, Donelle chrétienne, qui seront présentes à l'Université d'Aston, en Angleterre. Une réunion animée et conviviale avec de nombreux moments de lumière, y compris un mot de remerciement à la PP LeRoi Lorde qui portait son Rotary 2010-11 thème de couleur veste à l'appui de la DG! Roger a gagné le tirage au sort ... .. nouveau! Immédiatement après le déjeuner, le président Charles nous a emmenés à la Stony Hill primaire et lycée qui a deux projets soutenus par son club. Le premier est la fourniture d'un tableau blanc interactif pour aider à la rééducation en lecture et l'autre est un programme alimentaire pour fournir un repas aux étudiants qui viennent à l'école sans petit-déjeuner. Ce programme est dirigé par Karen Rtn Ritson Fitz et elle nous a montré toute l'école avec le principal dynamique qui est très reconnaissante de l'aide du Rotary pour son école. Il est intéressant, mais peut-être pas surprenante, l'un des principaux impacts de ces programmes a été augmenté de présence qui doit être une bonne chose. Ce sont des grands projets et nous sommes ravis de les voir.

Nous sommes rentrés à l'hôtel pour «casser email" et un dîner de bonne heure.

AG Andre collected us from the hotel for the two hour drive to St. Mary and we arrived in good time for the lunch meeting with President Paulette Phillips. The meeting venue was stunning, right on the beautiful north coast a few miles east of Ocho Rios. The board of this new club is very lively and enthusiastic with some great ideas. We enjoyed a lunch with St. Mary and drove on to Ocho Rios to meet with President Earl Watson and the board members. Once again, some lively discussion and exchange of ideas from the board members. Unfortunately, the distance from Kingston of these clubs did not give us the opportunity to visit the projects undertaken by St. Mary and Ocho Rios. We had time for a quick freshen up and on to the joint meeting of the two clubs. This was held in the grounds of President Earl’s home and we were fortunate that our visit coincided with a visit from members of the Rotary Club of Paonia, Colorado who were here on a fellowship/project visit with RC St. Mary. This was a very happy evening well attended by all three clubs. We were serenaded throughout the evening with old calypso and swing-era songs that seemed to accurately indicate the average age of the guests present! Suffice to say that Roger and I knew most of the lyrics! We departed for the long journey back to Kingston which was ably driven (if in record time!) by AG Andre. On the way we passed through Spanish Town – what a beautiful place! We will look forward to our visit to that club when we return later this month.

AG André nous recueillies auprès de l'hôtel pour les deux heures de route à Sainte-Marie et nous sommes arrivés à temps pour le déjeuner de travail avec le président Paulette Phillips. Le lieu de la réunion a été magnifique, sur la côte nord belle à quelques miles à l'est d'Ocho Rios. Le conseil d'administration de ce nouveau club est très animée et enthousiaste avec quelques bonnes idées. Nous avons apprécié un déjeuner avec Sainte-Marie et a conduit à Ocho Rios pour rencontrer le président Earl Watson et les membres du jury. Encore une fois, une discussion animée et l'échange d'idées parmi les membres du conseil. Malheureusement, la distance de Kingston de ces clubs ne nous donne pas l'occasion de visiter les projets entrepris par Sainte-Marie et Ocho Rios. Nous avons eu du temps pour une rafraîchir rapidement et à la réunion conjointe des deux clubs. Cette réunion s'est tenue dans l'enceinte de la maison Président Earl's Court et nous avons eu la chance que notre visite a coïncidé avec la visite de membres du Club Rotary de Paonia, Colorado qui étaient ici lors d'une visite du projet de bourses / avec le RC Saint-Mary. Ce fut une soirée très heureux ainsi assisté par les trois clubs. Nous avons été bercés toute la soirée avec le calypso anciens et chansons swing de l'époque qui semblait indiquer avec précision l'âge moyen des invités présents! Qu'il suffise de dire que Roger et je savais que la plupart des paroles! Nous sommes partis pour le long voyage de retour à Kingston, qui a été très bien entraîné (si en un temps record!) Par André AG. Sur le chemin nous avons parcouru la ville espagnole - Quel endroit magnifique! Nous nous réjouissons de notre visite à ce club quand nous reviendrons plus tard ce mois-ci.

We are collected from the hotel by RC Kingston President, Richard Josephs to visit his clubs major project for this year, the refurbishment of the Alpha Boys School. There we met the school administrator Sister Shirley who gave us a tour of the school, told us its history and regaled us with interesting accounts of some of the happenings at the school both current and from the past. Originally, the school was founded for the purpose of providing a home for orphaned children, but is now a residential school for boys who are, for various reasons, unable to live at home. In recent years the school has become well known for the standard of education it produces and for the vocational departments’ production of inlaid woodwork items, tailoring service and other items produced for sale. The band of the school is well known and received many bookings for the boys to play. Unfortunately, many of the instruments are now old and this curtails some of their engagements – enter RC Kingston who will be providing the musicians with new instruments. However, this is a small part of the ambitious project which the Kingston Club has embarked upon along with their partner JSIF (Jamaica Social Investment Fund) and with additional funding from Scotia Bank and the NCB Foundation. A very uplifting visit to the school and a pleasure to meet Sister Shirley, her staff and some of the boys.

We moved on to the Pegasus Hotel – home of the RC Kingston. The meeting with the Kingston Board gave us an opportunity to see what the advantage of fifty years of tradition can do for a Rotary Club. This is the senior club in Jamaica and has established a well earned reputation, not only in the community of Kingston, but also within the Jamaican Rotary Community. A truly inspiring club which is clearly proud of its heritage and which takes its responsibility of leadership of the Rotary movement in Jamaica very seriously.

The club meeting was lively and it was at this meeting that the launch of the Alpha Boys School project was launched with JSIF, Scotia Bank and NCB representatives present. At the end of the meeting, President Richard surprised the DG by presenting her with a medallion and ribbon of the prestigious Charlie Braham Achievement Award – a great honour and one that she will wear with pride.

Right after the meeting, we left with Liguanea Plains President, Trevor Riley, to visit their Health Fair project taking place at the New Providence Primary School. This club undertakes four health fairs each year. They transport a trailer which is equipped with basic health testing equipment and volunteer doctor and nurses. That particular day, in testing the children at New Providence, they discovered one heart murmur, one case of ringworm, one child with gastro-enteritis and one mal-nourished student. While this may not be good news, it certainly proved the success of the project and the need for it to be undertaken each year. While at the school, we took a tour to see the various items of equipment and upgrading that has been undertaken by the Liguanea Plains Club and also met the members of the newly formed EarlyAct Club. Another opportunity to enjoy the real work of Rotary.

We went from the school to meet up with AG Ruth for a meeting with the board and the club members of Liguanea Plains – they have to be one of the happiest clubs! The fellowship is very apparent in this club and is evidenced in their meeting as well as in the involvement of members in their projects. The DG had the pleasure of installing two new Rotarians - welcome Patrick and Marie! A really enjoyable end to an amazing Rotary day. Thank you all.

Nous sommes recueillies auprès de l'hôtel par RC Kingston président, Richard Joseph rendre visite à ses clubs projet majeur pour cette année, la rénovation de l'école Alpha Boys. Nous y avons rencontré l'administrateur de l'école Soeur Shirley, qui nous a donné un tour de l'école, nous a dit de son histoire et nous régala de comptes rendus intéressants de certains des événements à l'école à la fois actuels et du passé. À l'origine, l'école a été fondée dans le but de fournir un foyer pour enfants orphelins, mais il est maintenant un pensionnat pour les garçons qui sont, pour diverses raisons, incapables de vivre à la maison. Ces dernières années, l'école est devenue bien connue pour la qualité de l'enseignement qu'il produit et pour la production des services professionnels »d'articles marqueterie, service de couture et d'autres articles produits à la vente. Le groupe de l'école est bien connue et a reçu de nombreuses réservations pour les garçons à jouer. Malheureusement, la plupart des instruments sont maintenant vieux et ce pour réduire certaines de leurs engagements - entrer RC Kingston qui fournira les musiciens avec des instruments nouveaux. Cependant, ce n'est qu'une petite partie de l'ambitieux projet qui le Club de Kingston a lancé avec leurs partenaires (Jamaica Social Investment Fund) JSIF et avec un financement supplémentaire de la Banque Scotia et la Fondation de la PNE. Une visite très édifiante à l'école et un plaisir de rencontrer Soeur Shirley, son personnel et de certains des garçons.

Nous avons déménagé à l'Hôtel Pegasus - la maison de la Kingston RC. La rencontre avec le Conseil Kingston nous a donné l'occasion de voir ce que l'avantage de cinquante ans de tradition peut faire pour un Club Rotary. C'est le club du troisième âge en Jamaïque et a acquis une réputation bien méritée, non seulement dans la communauté de Kingston, mais aussi au sein de la Jamaïque Communauté Rotary. Un club très inspirant qui est visiblement très fier de son patrimoine et qui prend ses responsabilités de direction du mouvement rotatif en Jamaïque très au sérieux.

La réunion du club a été animée et il a été lors de cette réunion que le lancement du projet Alpha Boys School a été lancé avec JSIF, la Banque Scotia et de représentants des BCN présente. À la fin de la réunion, le président Richard surpris le DG en lui remettant une médaille et le ruban du prestigieux prix Charlie Braham Achievement - un grand honneur et un qu'elle porte avec fierté.

Juste après la réunion, nous sommes repartis avec des plaines Liguanea président, Trevor Riley, rendre visite à leur projet d'Expo-Santé aura lieu à l'école primaire de New Providence. Ce club entreprend quatre foires de la santé chaque année. Ils transportent une remorque qui est équipé avec des appareils médicaux essai de base et de médecin et des infirmiers bénévoles. Ce jour-là, à tester les enfants à New Providence, ils ont découvert un murmure cardiaque, un cas de teigne, un enfant souffrant de troubles gastro-entérite et d'un étudiant mal nourris. Bien que cela puisse ne pas être de bonnes nouvelles, a confirmé que la réussite du projet et la nécessité pour elle d'être réalisés chaque année. Pendant son séjour à l'école, nous avons pris un tour pour voir les différents articles d'équipement et de modernisation qui a été entrepris par le Club des Plaines Liguanea et a également rencontré les membres du nouveau Club EarlyAct. Une autre occasion d'apprécier le véritable travail du Rotary.

Nous sommes passés de l'école pour rencontrer Ruth AG pour une réunion avec le conseil et les membres du club des Plaines Liguanea - ils doivent être un des plus beaux clubs! La bourse est très apparent dans ce club et est mis en évidence lors de leur réunion ainsi que dans l'implication des membres dans leurs projets. Une fin vraiment agréable à une journée incroyable Rotary. Merci à vous tous.

We have a lazy, relaxed day. It starts with a visit to the Bob Marley Museum which was excellent. The Foundation has done a wonderful job of presenting the life and work of Marley within the house and grounds of the legendary singer. Thanks to Rotarian Christy Almeida, who was our tour guide for the morning, we had a great time and an opportunity to chat with Christy. The DG took the opportunity to fit in a visit to the Spa in the afternoon, courtesy of PP Chris Issa and the Spanish Court Hotel, so she was very relaxed and able to enjoy the great fellowship event put on by all the clubs in the evening. Thank you all for the wonderful hospitality and also for all the great work you are doing for Rotary.

Nous avons un paresseux, journée de détente. Il commence par une visite au Musée Bob Marley qui était excellente. La Fondation a fait un travail formidable de présenter la vie et l'œuvre de Marley au sein de la maison et le terrain de la chanteuse légendaire. Merci à Rotarien Christy Almeida, qui a été notre guide pour la matinée, nous avons eu un bon moment et l'occasion de discuter avec Christy. Le DG a saisi l'occasion pour tenir dans une visite au Spa dans l'après-midi, avec la permission de PP Chris Issa et la cour d'Espagne Hôtel, si elle était très détendue et en mesure de profiter de l'événement grande fraternité mis sur pied par tous les clubs de la soirée . Merci à tous pour la merveilleuse hospitalité et aussi pour tout l'excellent travail que vous faites pour le Rotary.

Time to depart, but not before making a quick visit to the RLI seminar taking place in the hotel. Once again, this was organized by our RLI Director Haresh who was in great form as always. We had time to meet all the participants, some of whom had travelled across country to be there, and to have lunch before departing for Miami in the afternoon and St. Thomas the following morning.

Temps de partir, mais pas avant de faire une visite rapide au séminaire RLI se déroule à l'hôtel. Encore une fois, cela a été organisé par notre Haresh RLI directeur qui était en grande forme comme toujours. Nous avons eu le temps de rencontrer tous les participants, dont certains avaient voyagé à travers le pays pour y être, et de déjeuner avant de partir pour Miami dans l'après-midi et St. Thomas, le lendemain matin.


Samedi 16 octobre

Nous sommes sur le plan du temps ... alors nous sommes au large de la place .... alors nous sommes sur le plan de nouveau trois heures plus tard! Pendant ce temps, notre fête de bienvenue à Port-au-Prince attend patiemment et, enfin, nous arrivons à un accueil chaleureux de bienvenue de Haïti AG Gary. Nous avons eu un délicieux déjeuner à la maison de Gary avec son épouse Marie Françoise et leur fille. Nous ne pouvons pas rester longtemps, nous avons un voyage de quatre heure d'avance sur nous et les Rotariens de Verrettes sont prêt pour notre arrivée. Le dirve à Verrettes prend dans certains des plus beaux paysages en Haïti et il est regrettable que certains de l'entraînement a été à la nuit tombée. À l'approche Verrettes, j'ai remarqué une grande résidence avec beaucoup de lumières sur la colline et a fait remarquer que lui à Gary, sa réponse a été assez non-comittal et plus tard, j'étais de découvrir pourquoi! Dès son arrivée à Verrettes à environ sept heures, nous avons été accueillis par un groupe de Rotariens et puis nous sommes allés à notre hébergement - au cours de ce voyage, Gary avait sa feux de détresse et quand j'ai demandé quel était le problème at-il dit "Pas de problème - C'est la voiture VIP "! Nous avons alors découvert qu'il était un Rotary "Motorcade" nous conduire à notre destination ... et quelle destination! La Chambre Mellon est l'ancienne résidence des fondateurs de l'hôpital, le Dr Larry Mellon et Gwen et une merveilleuse oasis dans l'enceinte de l'Hôpital Schweitzer Albert. Le lien familial est maintenu en tant que administrateur de l'hôpital est le fils de Gwen Mellon, Ian Rawson, qui nous ont accueillis chaleureusement et s'est avéré être un hôte charmant et gracieux pour les trois nuits que nous avons passé dans sa maison. Nous avons également pu rencontrer la femme de Ian, Lucy, qui est rentré en Haïti le jour avant notre départ Verrettes ainsi que leur propre fils, Edward, qui est aussi s'impliquer dans l'hôpital. Roger particulièrement apprécié l'abondance d'oiseaux dans le parc de la maison.

We are on the plane on time...then we are off the place....then we are on the plane again three hours later! Meanwhile, our welcome party in Port au Prince is waiting patiently and finally we arrive to a warm Haiti welcome from AG Gary. We had a delightful lunch at Gary's home with his wife Marie Francoise and their daughter. We cannot stay long, we have a four hour journey ahead of us and the Rotarians in Verrettes are ready for our arrival. The dirve to Verrettes takes in some of the most stunning scenery in Haiti and it is unfortunate that some of the drive was after dark. Upon approaching Verrettes, I noticed a large residence with many lights up on the hill and remarked upon it to Gary, his response was fairly non-comittal and later I was to discover why! Upon arriving in Verrettes at about seven o'clock, we were greeted by a group of Rotarians and then we drove to our accommodation - during this journey, Gary had his hazard lights flashing and when I asked what the problem was he said "No problem - this is the VIP car"! We then discovered there was a Rotary "Motorcade" driving us to our destination...and what a destination! The Mellon House is the former home of the hospital’s founders, Dr. Larry and Gwen Mellon and a wonderful oasis within the compound of the Hopital Albert Schweitzer. The family connection has continued as the Hospital Administrator is Gwen Mellon’s son, Ian Rawson, who welcomed us warmly and proved to be a charming and gracious host for the three nights we spent in his home. We were also able to meet Ian’s wife, Lucy, who arrived back in Haiti the day before we left Verrettes as well as their own son, Edward , who is also becoming involved in the hospital. Roger particularly enjoyed the abundant bird life in the grounds of the house.

Dimanche, Octobre17 

Nous avons été recueillis par PP Dawn Johnson pour la courte promenade à l'hôpital lui-même et une visite des installations et ont pu constater de visu l'ampleur du travail de la HAS et ses conséquences sociales et médicales sur le bassin versant large qui il a servi pour plus de cinquante ans. Amazing.

Après la visite, nous avons rencontré Gary AG et président du club Verrettes Luckner et a conduit à l'eau du projet Ka Charles qui fournit l'eau potable dans la région à la suite d'un groupe de stations de pompage, un réservoir et un point d'accès communautaire qui a été bien utilisé lors de notre visite. Nous avons suivi cette visite avec le projet très récemment terminé Christant latrines dans les latrines qui ont été établis pour chacun des quelque 100 maisons dans ce village. Ces deux projets ont été le résultat des subventions de contrepartie impliquant la RC de Ancastor, l'Ontario et de nouveau prouvé l'importance de la Fondation Rotary en Haïti et dans notre district. d'excellents projets qui sont définitivement «Développement des communautés" et félicitations à toutes les parties concernées.

Alors qu'il était temps de rencontrer le conseil de RC Verettes dans la salle du conseil de la caisse locale et nous ont ensuite été rejoints par le reste des membres de la réunion du club au même endroit. Après les réunions, un événement de bourses avait été organisée à la "maison avec des lumières" nous avions vu et commenté sur le moment où nous sommes arrivés à Verettes la nuit précédente et cet emplacement idéal est un endroit idéal. Au cours de la soirée, nous ont été présentés avec deux belles décorations en bois comme des souvenirs de notre visite. Un grand merci au président Luckner et les membres du RC Verettes pour leur accueil.


We were collected by PP Dawn Johnson for the short walk to the hospital itself and a tour of the facility and were able to see firsthand the extent of the work of HAS and its social and medical impact on the wide catchment area which it has served for over fifty years. Amazing.

Following the tour we met up with AG Gary and Verrettes club President Luckner and drove to the water project Ka Charles which provides clean water in the area as result of a group of pumping stations, a reservoir and a communal access point which was being well used during our visit. We followed this with visit to the very recently completed Christant latrines project in which latrines were established for each of the approximately 100 homes in this village. Both of these projects were the result of matching grants involving the RC of Ancastor, Ontario and again proved the importance of the Rotary Foundation to Haiti and to our District. Excellent projects which are definitely “Building Communities” and congratulations to all involved.

Then it was time to meet with the board of RC Verettes in the board room of the local credit union and we were then joined by the rest of the members for the club meeting in the same location. Following the meetings, a fellowship event had been organized at the “house with lights” we had seen and commented on when we arrived in Verettes the previous night and this great location was an ideal venue. During the evening we were presented with two beautiful wooden ornaments as mementoes of our visit. Many thanks to President Luckner and the members of RC Verettes for their welcome.

Lundi 18 octobre..

Un départ tôt que nous avons pris la quatre heures de route à Saint-Michel Verettes via Gonaïves. Les ravages causés aux Gonaïves par les tempêtes en 2008 est encore visible dans l'air épais de poussière rempli tout au long de la zone créée par le trafic et qui doit encore être un danger grave pour la santé. Les problèmes des Gonaïves ont pu être oubliés dans les nouvelles, mais elles existent encore clairement. Après Gonaïves, la route devient plus intéressant et nous avons apprécié le paysage et à la conduite habile AG Gary, nous avons progressé de façon constante et à gué la rivière des neuf fois pour arriver à Saint-Michel. La route passe par Ennery, la maison de Toussaint Louvature et nous avons pu voir la statue de ce héros distingués Haïtien. Une fois de plus les membres du club nous attendaient à la périphérie de la ville et nous a conduit à la maison le Rotarien où nous devions passer la nuit. Déjeuner avait été préparé et il était temps de rencontrer le conseil que nous avons pu faire dans le jardin de la maison. De là, nous sommes allés en ville et la réunion du club escortés par des Rotariens et un véhicule avec le test Rotary 4 voies à l'avant de la voiture. Ce fut un événement important parce que le club était en reconnaissant un certain nombre de personnes qui avaient obtenu leur diplôme d'un programme parrainé par le Rotary adultes alphabétisation et le DG a été en mesure de présenter leurs certificats et les féliciter de leur réussite. L'événement a été bien suivie par les Rotariens ainsi que les récipiendaires et leurs familles et amis. Un buffet est également disponible et ce grand groupe apprécié la solidarité qui a été une bonne occasion de promouvoir le Rotary dans la ville. RC Saint-Michel nous a présenté des souvenirs en bois de notre visite et ils peuvent être vus sur la section photos du blog. Un merci spécial à Rotarien Eveneau qui a traduit pour nous. Merci Rotariens de votre hospitalité et pour les souvenirs que nous avons de votre part spéciale d'Haïti.

An early start as we took the four hour drive from Verettes to St. Michel via Gonaives. The devastation caused in Gonaives by the storms in 2008 is still apparent in the thick dust-filled air throughout the area created by the traffic and which must still be a serious health hazard. The problems of Gonaives may have become forgotten in the news but they plainly still exist. After Gonaives the road becomes more interesting and we enjoyed the scenery and with AG Gary’s skillful driving we climbed steadily and forded the river nine times in order to reach St. Michel. The road passes through Ennery, the home of Toussaint Louvature and we were able to see the distinguished statue of this Haitien hero. Once more the club members were waiting for us on the outskirts of the town and led us to the Rotarian's home where we were to spend the night. Lunch had been prepared and then it was time to meet with the board which we were able to do in the garden of the house. From there we went into town and the club meeting escorted by Rotarians and a vehicle with the Rotary 4 Way Test on the front of the car. This was an important event because the club was recognizing a number of persons who had graduated from a Rotary sponsored adult literacy program and the DG was able to present their certificates and congratulate them on their achievement. The event was well attended by Rotarians as well as the awardees and their family and friends. A generous buffet was also available and this large group enjoyed the fellowship which was a good opportunity to promote Rotary in the town. RC St. Michel presented us with wooden mementoes of our visit and they can be seen on the photos section of the blog. A special thank you to Rotarian Eveneau who translated for us. Thank you Rotarians for your hospitality and for the memories we have of your special part of Haiti.

Mardi 19 octobre.
Après le petit déjeuner qu'il était temps de dire au revoir aux Rotariens de Saint-Michel qui s'étaient rassemblés pour nous voir partir et AG Gary a une fois de plus le fidèle Nissan retour aux Gonaïves et à notre prochain arrêt de la Petite Rivière. La délégation était prête accueil que nous sommes arrivés dans la ville et un arrangement floral grande a été présenté à la DG. Puis nous avons rencontré le conseil d'administration avant d'aller en ville pour le déjeuner de club, un grand merci à Rotarien Marco pour ses services de traduction! On nous a présenté deux tableaux par le seul club qui est d'un oiseau Hispaniola Trogon donc aimé que Roger - un cadeau parfait pour lui! Après la réunion, nous avons connu un autre point fort de notre voyage que nous avons été emmenés au palais de Henri Christophe de Portes 365 et le fort Crète-à-Pierrot, deux monuments importants du passé d'Haïti et à la fois, malheureusement, en grand délabrement. Nous avons eu une visite très intéressante par les Rotariens, en particulier par le président Fildort qui est évidemment un historien enthousiaste et bien informé. L'histoire d'Haïti est l'un des passions de Roger pour qu'il grandement apprécié l'expérience de ces sites historiques. Merci Rotariens de prendre le temps de partager ces trésors avec nous et il ya plusieurs photos dans la section Photos du blog. Nous prîmes congé de la Petite Rivière et retourné à la maison Deschappelles Mellon pour le dîner où nous avons pu discuter de la possibilité d'autres projets conjoints avec la HAS, en particulier les possibilités de plantation d'arbres et les cliniques de prothèse et donc le lendemain matin ... ..

After breakfast it was time to say goodbye to the Rotarians of St. Michel who had gathered to see us off and AG Gary once more pointed the trusty Nissan back to Gonaives and on to our next stop in Petite Riviere. The welcoming delegation was ready as we arrived in the town and a great flower arrangement was presented to the DG. Then we met with the board before going into town for the club lunch meeting, many thanks to Rotarian Marco for his translation services! We were presented with two paintings by the club one of which is of an Hispaniola Trogon bird so Roger liked that – a perfect gift for him!! After the meeting we enjoyed another highlight of our trip as we were taken to Henri Christophe’s Palace of 365 Doors and the Crete -a-Pierrot fort , both significant monuments to Haiti’s past and both, sadly, in great disrepair. We were given a very interesting tour by the Rotarians, in particular by President Fildort who is evidently an enthusiastic and knowledgeable historian. The history of Haiti is one of Roger’s passions so he greatly enjoyed experiencing these historic landmarks. Thank you Rotarians for taking the time to share these treasures with us and there are several pictures in the Photos section of the blog. We took our leave of Petite Riviere and returned to the Mellon house DesChappelles for dinner where we able to discuss possibility of further joint projects with HAS, particularly tree planting possibilities and prosthetic clinics and so the next morning…..

Mercredi 20 octobre

Nous avons visité la clinique orthopédique Hanger sein de la HAS et ont pu discuter de leur travail après le séisme et les plans du Rotary pour une clinique de Jaipur Limb de Pignon. Très discussion utile avec Jill Capariccio la RN et de gestionnaire de cas de la clinique. Il ya certainement un avantage dans le maintien de ce contact.

AG Gary nous recueillies et il était temps pour les adieux définitifs à la HAS et nos hôtes à la maison Mellon avant de commencer l'entraînement d'une heure à Saint-Marc. Saint-Marc Rotariens sont venus en force pour nous saluer et nous sommes allés immédiatement à visiter un projet communautaire de l'eau dans le centre de la ville. Alors qu'il était temps pour le déjeuner à la maison de Rotarien Dieudonné et de là nous avons voyagé d'une route panoramique dans les collines de visiter une clinique santé en milieu rural Il s'agit d'un projet d'envergure, a récemment terminé Rotary soutenu par RC Sarnia au Canada qui a fourni de l'eau et un laboratoire à la clinique. Le DG a été en mesure de joindre l'emblème du Rotary pour le bac de rétention citerne et visite de la clinique. Les responsables de la clinique, Rotarien Dieudonné a commencé une petite école avec environ 100 élèves pour desservir la région ainsi que pour accueillir l'afflux des enfants de Port-au-Prince, après le tremblement de terre. Un quart des enfants sont orphelins et leur soutien continu et de l'éducation est une question qui devra être pris en compte. Les travaux effectués à la clinique dans ce lieu éloigné est remarquable et les Rotariens de Saint-Marc et de Sarnia sont à féliciter pour l'identification des besoins et y faire face de manière aussi complète. Nous avons ensuite conduit de nouveau à St Marc et à Club Indigo où nous devions passer la nuit. Il s'agit d'un ancien Club Med de propriété et seront utilisés dans le cadre de l'hébergement pour la Conférence 2012 du district et nous étions curieux de voir ça. Pas beaucoup de temps ici que nous avons dû revenir à Saint-Marc pour la réunion du conseil qui a été immédiatement suivie par la réunion dîner club habilement menée par le président Mirlintz. Les animations après la réunion a été merveilleux. Trois des orphelins qui ont été encadrés par le Rotarien Dieudonné a donné une performance de danse traditionnelle Haïtien - très talentueux jeunes filles. Rotarien Dieudonné nous a présenté un tableau charmant, pensif laminés, au nom du club et vous pouvez le voir dans la section photos du blog.

We visited the Hanger Orthopedic clinic within HAS and were able to discuss their post earthquake work and Rotary’s plans for a Jaipur Limb clinic in Pignon. Very useful discussion with Jill Capariccio the RN and Case Manager of the clinic. There is certainly a benefit in maintaining this contact.

AG Gary collected us and it was time for final goodbyes to HAS and our hosts at the Mellon house before we started the one hour drive to St. Marc. St. Marc Rotarians were out in force to greet us and we went immediately to visit a community water project in the center of town. Then it was time for lunch at the home of Rotarian Dieudonne and from there we traveled a beautiful scenic road into the hills to visit a rural health clinic This is a major, recently completed Rotary project supported by RC Sarnia in Canada which has provided water and a laboratory to the clinic. The DG was able to attach the Rotary emblem to the cistern holding tank and tour the clinic. The clinic administrator, Rotarian Dieudonne has started a small school with approximately 100 students to serve the area as well as to accommodate the influx of children from Port au Prince following the earthquake. A quarter of the children are orphans and their continuing support and education is an issue which will need to be addressed. The work being done at the clinic in this remote location is outstanding and the Rotarians of St. Marc and Sarnia are to be congratulated for identifying the need and then dealing with it so comprehensively. We then drove back to St Marc and on to Club Indigo where we were to spend the night. This is a former Club Med property and will be used as part of the accommodations for the 2012 District Conference so we were interested to see it. Not much time here as we had to get back to St. Marc for the board meeting which was immediately followed by the club dinner meeting ably conducted by President Mirlintz. The entertainment after the meeting was wonderful. Three of the orphans who have been mentored by Rotarian Dieudonne gave a performance of traditional Haitien dance – very talented young ladies. Rotarian Dieudonne presented us with a charming painting, thoughtfully rolled, on behalf of the club and you can see it in the photos section of the blog.

Jeudi 21 octobre.
Un début précoce et nous sommes ravis qu'un certain nombre de Saint-Marc Rotariens avait chassé au Club Indigo pour nous souhaiter d'adieu. Nous sommes revenus à Port-au-Prince et s'arrêta à la maison de Gary AG d'abandonner la majeure partie de nos bagages avant de partir pour l'aéroport pour le voyage à Port de Paix. Malheureusement, l'avion était en retard et la salle d'embarquement a été bien rempli au moment de notre vol a été appelé. PAG Martial à Port de Paix Yves était conscient du retard et quand nous sommes arrivés nous avons été accueillis avec un merveilleux accueil à partir d'un grand groupe de Rotariens et qui comprend un tapis rouge et réelle d'une bande pièce en laiton qui a joué seize La Dessalinienne et le Star Spangled Banner! Cela a causé une certaine consternation parmi les Rotariens non présents à l'aéroport. Nous avons ensuite été transporté par Yves PAG avec escorte moto et des annonces mégaphone à travers la totalité du disque que le Rotary International était arrivé et était en visite à Port de Paix! Notre destination était le bâtiment historique qui appartiennent au club Port de Paix et utilisés pour leurs réunions et un centre communautaire. Nous avons ensuite marché de la courte distance de la maison Yves PAG 'où sa charmante épouse, Miscelaine, avait préparé le déjeuner pour nous tous. Nous avons également pu profiter de la vue sur la ville de la zone de divertissement sur le toit. Ensuite, nous avons vérifié à l'hôtel et est retourné en ville pour une réunion en fin de journée avec le conseil d'administration et ensuite sur le souper-rencontre très fréquenté du club. Un des points saillants de cette réunion était l'induction de cinq nouveaux membres par le DG et ils ont été bien soutenus par les amis et la famille et nous étions aussi heureux que le maire a pu assister et a été gratuit sur le travail du Rotary dans la région.

An early start and we were delighted that a number of St. Marc Rotarians had driven out to Club Indigo to wish us farewell. We drove back to Port au Prince and stopped at AG Gary’s house to drop off most of our luggage before leaving for the airport for the trip to Port de Paix. Unfortunately, the plane was late and the departure lounge was quite full by the time our flight was called. PAG Yves Martial in Port de Paix was aware of the delay and when we arrived we were met with a wonderful welcome from a large group of Rotarians and which included a real red carpet and a sixteen piece brass band which played La Dessalinienne and the Star Spangled Banner!! This caused some consternation among the non Rotarians present at the airport. We were then transported by PAG Yves with motor cycle escort and loud hailer announcements through the entire drive that Rotary International had arrived and was visiting Port de Paix! Our destination was the historic building owned by the Port de Paix club and used for their meetings and as a community center. We then walked the short distance to PAG Yves’ home where his charming wife, Miscelaine, had prepared lunch for us all. We were also able to take in the view across the town from the entertaining area on the roof. Then we checked in to the hotel and returned to town for a late afternoon meeting with the board and then moved on the very well attended dinner meeting of the club. A highlight of this meeting was the induction of five new members by the DG and they were well supported by friends and family and we were also pleased that the Mayor was able to attend and was complimentary about Rotary’s work in the area.

Vendredi 22 octobre
Un début précoce et ramasser par PAG Yves de nous prendre et Gary AG à son domicile pour le petit déjeuner. Puis nous sommes partis à la construction du club pour une présentation des filtres à sable bio aux représentants de 20 écoles. Cet événement a été très bien suivie et a une bonne publicité pour le Rotary comme il est un autre excellent projet qui profite à un grand nombre de personnes. Nous avons été accueillis par le chant d'un trio de jeunes étudiants et le maire a également assisté à la cérémonie. Puis nous sommes partis pour afficher un établissement scolaire qui fait l'objet d'une demande de Haïti DAF et sur la façon dont nous avons pu visiter brièvement l'hôpital local qui avait été le site proposé pour une subvention de contrepartie impliquant club de Roger pour qu'il puisse relais nouvelles Retour à Saint-Thomas. Sur le campus de l'école, qui est la maison de deux écoles travaillant en équipes, nous avons pu rencontrer les étudiants et les professeurs afin de comprendre la situation ainsi que de prendre un certain nombre de photos à l'appui de la demande de DAF. De là, il a été directement à l'aéroport où l'avion était encore tôt et nous avons fait nos adieux à l'nombreux Rotariens qui sont venus à l'aéroport et nous a présenté une figurine en bois magnifique. Ainsi se termina une 24 emballés et mémorable heures à Port de Paix et nos remerciements à tous pour faire la visite si agréable et productif.

Le vol de retour s'est déroulé sans incident et AG Gary est devenu le pilote officiel une fois de plus et nous a ramené à son domicile pour récupérer nos bagages, puis à l'Hôtel Visa Lodge, propriété de Hervé PP Dennis du RC Delmas Aeroport, et les quatre d'entre nous avaient une discussion agréable au cours du déjeuner, après quoi nous avons été en mesure de rattraper son retard sur les mails et remplir notre emballage prêt pour notre retour à Saint-Thomas sur ...

An early start and pick up by PAG Yves to take us and AG Gary to his home for breakfast. Then we were off to the club’s building for a presentation of bio sand filters to representatives of 20 schools. This event was very well attended and provided good publicity for Rotary as it is another excellent project which benefits a large number of people. We were welcomed with song from a young trio of students and the Mayor also attended the ceremony. Then we were off to view a school facility which is the subject of a Haiti DAF application and on the way we were able to briefly visit the local hospital which had been the proposed site of a Matching Grant involving Roger’s club so that he could relay news back to St. Thomas. At the school campus, which is the home of two schools working in shifts, we were able to meet the students and faculty in order to understand the situation as well as take a number of photos to support the DAF application. From there it was straight to the airport where the plane was early and we said our farewells to the many Rotarians who came to airport and presented us with a beautiful wooden figurine. So ended a packed and memorable twenty four hours in Port de Paix and our thanks to everyone for making the visit so enjoyable and productive.

The flight back was uneventful and AG Gary became the official driver once more and took us back to his home to collect our luggage and then on to the Visa Lodge Hotel, owned by PP Hervé Dennis of RC Delmas Aeroport, and the four of us had an enjoyable discussion over lunch after which we were able to catch up on emails and complete our packing ready for our return to St. Thomas on…

Samedi 23 octobre
Nous avons été recueillis par le président du RC Beauchard Port-au-Prince et emmené à l'aéroport où il a très habilement navigué à travers nous pour répondre à nos deux pilotes, Nels Rotarien Hagenson et PP Tom Gerker du RC Tortola qui avaient généreusement offert leur avion pour nous ramener à St . Thomas. Les conditions de vol étaient excellentes et nous avons apprécié de pouvoir écouter toutes les conversations contrôle du trafic aérien et quatre heures plus tard nous étions de retour dans Saint-Thomas à la fin d'une semaine exaltante qui renforce encore la puissance du Rotary est de faire une différence à la vie des gens. D'énormes vote des remerciements à tous ceux que nous avons rencontrés et qui ont contribué de quelque façon que notre visite et en particulier AG Gary et son épouse, Marie-Françoise, qui a pris soin de nous et qui nous a poussé des centaines de miles au cours de ce voyage.

We were collected by President Beauchard of RC Port au Prince and taken to airport where he very skillfully navigated us through to meet our two pilots, Rotarian Nels Hagenson and PP Tom Gerker from RC Tortola who had generously offered their plane to take us back to St. Thomas. The flying conditions were excellent and we enjoyed being able to listen to all the air traffic control conversations and four hours later we were safely back in St. Thomas at the end of an exhilarating week which again reinforced how powerful Rotary is in making a difference to peoples’ lives. Enormous vote of thanks to everyone we met and who helped in any way with our visit and particularly AG Gary and his wife, Marie Francoise who took care of us and drove us hundreds of miles during this trip.

After a pleasant dinner on Monday evening we were up with the lark and picked up from the hotel by AG Charles to travel to Abaco. An eye-opening coffee at the Nassau airport Dunkin’ Donuts made conversation a little less of an effort! We were joined by Bahamas PR Chair, Azaleta Ishmael-Newry and five year old Anjali. We took off with the sun rising and landed in Abaco at first light. There to meet us were President, Bill Albury, and Secretary, Dwayne Wallas. After a delicious breakfast we took a quick tour of Marsh Harbour which the DG found somewhat changed from her previous visits 40 years earlier!

Our first stop was at the Every Child Counts Learning Centre, a non-profit education facility for children with learning and physical disabilities. This amazing facility gives children assistance with academic subjects for those who are able, concentrating on giving individual attention to each student in order to ensure they fully understand the concepts. For those with more serious disabilities, the centre teaches a variety of skills with the long term goal of helping them to achieve skills which can bring them some form of independence even though they may not be employed in the general workforce. We were escorted around the facility by two of the senior young ladies, Alicia and Cardena who introduced us to all the classes and told us how the school had made such an impact on their lives “the teachers here care about us and will always spend more time explaining something if we do not understand it” “they don’t mind how long it takes or how many times they have to explain to us – we love it here”. Both Alicia and Cardena have part-time jobs as part of their curriculum and have a gentility about them that is very attractive. They are a perfect example of what can be achieved through care and attention.

The Abaco Rotary Club gives financial support to Brent, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy. We had the opportunity to meet Brent and to meet with Rotarian Mars Lawley and his wife, Melanie, both of whom work at the Centre. Both the Lawleys work with the more severely afflicted students. While Melanie supervises those with autism, Mars has organized an assembly line of workers who put together packages of knife, fork, spoon and napkins in a sealed plastic envelope. These packages are sold to local restaurants and the process provides a small income for the school. I asked one young man to show me how he sealed the plastic envelopes and he told me “Actually I don’t like people talking to me because it interrupts my work” if only we all had employees with that work ethic!

This was such an impressive facility and we were reluctant to leave but we had more projects to visit. It was so sad to note, however, that the school had a waiting list of over one hundred young people – some who may never be able to experience the esteem building so clearly evident at the school.

We visited the future sites of two water wells. These wells will be financed by the club and are situated adjacent to a slum area, unattractively named “Mud Town”. The area is home to a large Haitian community which has settled in Abaco. The shacks have suffered from catching fire on more than one occasion and the fire department has no hydrants close to the area so control of the fires has been impossible. The placement of the wells will solve this problem.

Next stop were two Interact Clubs – St. Francis of Sale and Forest Heights - which were holding their first meetings of the school year and we went along for the Installation of their boards. As always, both groups were enthusiastic and had great ideas for their projects.

It was time for lunch – but this was no regular lunch! We hopped aboard a beautifully decked-out boat and were whisked off past Hope Town and Man O’ War Cay to Guana Cay and to the new resort of Baker’s Bay. Here we had an excellent lunch in the “Carolina-style” restaurant. Thanks President Bill for the great experience!

Back in Abaco it is almost time for the board meeting and general meeting. Both were excellent, lots of questions and opinions from the board members and about 90% attendance from members. We were also joined by some former Rotarian Past Presidents and some Rotarians from District 6960 in Florida who had travelled by golf cart, ferry and taxi to get to the meeting! Not sure many of us would have made that effort so it was great to see them.

Roger won a raffle prize (again!) and donated it to the Florida Rotarians who had joined us. The club presented the DG with a bag full of Abaco hand-made products and Roger received a stunning wooden picture of an Abaco Sloop, thank you all!

A very happy visit to a really great club – I hope we can return before too long!

Another early start to return to Nassau and to visit two Interact Clubs there, first to CC Sweeting Club and a meeting with their officers – a very impressive group who had also taken part in the MUNS (Model United Nations) Rotary project last year. They also showed us the scrap book they were keeping of all their activities, very well compiled and a good historical record for the club. This was followed by a meeting with Interact at Government High where we had an opportunity to talk with the students and hear of their plans.

The evening produced what we considered an extremely productive meeting with all three Rotaract Club boards. The dialogue covered many aspects of the existing relationships between the Rotarct and their sponsor Rotary Clubs as well as within the Rotaract Clubs and many ideas were put forward regarding the way of the future. The Rotaract Presidents were invited to join the Presidents Council meetings held each month and I feel very excited for the future of these clubs. I believe the Bahamas is leading the way in maximizing the synergy of the Rotary Family.

A 45 minute flight on Sky Bahamas (with great customer service) took us to Arthur’s Town in Cat Island where we were met by President Kerry and taken to enjoy tasty breakfast at the café of Rotarian Merlene. From there, we went to visit the Norris H. McDonald Library to see the great job that the Club has done in providing the community with a library full of books. Next door is the Bennett’s Harbour Primary School, the home of the new EarlyAct Club. We had the opportunity to meet with the EarlyActors and to meet their President…..who happens to be the son of President Kerry! They are all keen to get started with their meetings and their projects and we look forward to hearing their news. The meeting with the board of RC Cat Island confirmed the news we had received about the high level of enthusiasm and participation of the members of this Club…it may be small but with 80% of its members participating, it is certainly strong! Thanks to all the members for making this visit memorable, to Leslie for the hospitality (and umbrella!!) at Pigeon Cay, to Odette for the loan of the car and to all the members for the wonderful straw gifts and for their determination to succeed – you were an inspiration.


The Zone Institute takes place every year for Zones 33 and 34 and plays host to Past, Current and Future Governors of the nineteen districts that make up these two zones. This year was, for us, the most relaxed. For the past two years our attendance involved many concentrated training sessions and left little time for pleasure. This year gave us an opportunity to meet up with our “Classmates” and compare notes about our successes and our challenges. It is always an opportunity to see our own 7020 team of leaders and to take the opportunity to meet and talk through plans for the district. This year, the event was in Naples, a pretty city and a great choice of hotel which was one of the best we have ever experienced. The service was first class and the rates were very reasonable so we owe a big thank you to Director John Smarge and his team of organizers. As I write this we are in mid-flight home to St. Thomas after a three week trip to Jamaica and Naples. It will be good to get home!


A beautiful sunny afternoon and a clear view of the famous Blue Mountain range was in sight as we approached Montego Bay. All flights were on time, luggage arrived safely and AG Govnd was there to greet us and take us to the Sunset Beach Resort which was to be our home for the next ten days.

Conveniently, The Montego Bay East Club meet at the Sunset Resort so being ready for the meeting with the board was no problem. The meeting started in Jamaican time and the cll to order was made possible by the activation of the fire alarm! After an ear-piercing few minutes, we discovered this was a fun, friendly and hard-working group of Rotarians with lots of questions and ideas, it was a pleasure to meet them and to also enjoy the entertainment from Sergeant Leroy at their meeting which followed. President Winsome, their first female Pres. Leads her club with a very positive, upbeat and can-do attitude, very refreshing to witness. We also had the pleasure that evening of meeting the incoming Charter President of the Rotaract Club UWI Mona-Western Jamaica Campus, Elvis Oliphant, a very impressive young man. Thank you Montego Bay East for the beautiful Jamaican gift basket.

A leisurely breakfast at the hotel and then off to visit the projects of the Montego Bay club accompanied by President Mexine and Past Presidents Kay, Michelle and Alfred. We were delighted to have the opportunity to visit the Blessed Assurance Home for mentally disabled children. The journey to the hills to this peaceful haven was scenic and gave us the opportunity to get to know President Mexine a little better. It was wonderful treat to see the progress which had been made since our last visit there; during the first RLI Seminar held here in 2007, we joined all the visiting RLI faculty for a hands-on painting project organized by Past President Michelle. A new chapel now stands on the site and our “painted house” now has windows and doors and is in use. The staff of this facility have a very demanding and heart-wrenching job of caring for about 80 or so children, some of whom are severely damaged. However, it was evident from our visit that some of the residents could very possibly benefit from further therapeutic stimulation and it was sad to note that none so far seemed to be available. With this project having been adopted by the Montego Bay Club for a number of years now, it is hoped Rotary may be able to facilitate this.

Lunch afforded us the opportunity to view one of the latest hotel developments in the Freeport area of Montego Bay – Secrets Resort. Thanks to RCMB for a great time.

The evening gave us the opportunity to relax with some of the Rotarians at the home of Haresh and Vindu Ramchandani. It was great to see the family again and to enjoy Vanda’s great home cooking. It also gave Haresh and I time to (as usual) come up with some training ideas to assist the clubs… this space for new ideas! This was a week of prayer and other activities within the Indian community so the junior Ramcandani’s, Shiv and Shia, changed into their national dress for a children’s event - take a look at the photos.

Another great day of project visits, this time with Montego Bay East President Winsome along with Past President Keith, PAG Haresh and Rotarian Curt. An hour long journey to the rural area of Grlands to view the site of an upcoming Matching Grant water project. This gave us a chance to see the site of the project (the brain child of PP Keith) as well as discuss the situation with some of the local residents. It also gave most of the group the opportunity to the current source of spring water which sadly has been reported to be contaminated. The DG declined the offer to climb down to the spring – one sprained foot was enough!

On the way back down, we visited one rural basic school in Coldspring for which the club had provided water containers and then into the city to take a look at the most recent project. This was a basic school in Rose Heights which had been in need of a fence to prevent the children from running out into the street. An early visit to the school however, pointed up the other many shortcomings, including making the electricity supply safer to use so I can foresee this will be a school which eventually becomes adopted by the club. It is situated in an area where there is certain amount of unrest and the upgrading of the school is viewed as being one way in which Rotary may be able to assist with some of the local issues by improving the facilities used by all small children. A tasty local lunch and a beer was enjoyed by all at the Garden Center, thank to RCMBE for a great Rotary morning.

Time to get out of our “working clothes” and into our finery for the celebration at the Charter Night of the Rotaract Club of University of the West Indies Mona Western Jamaica Campus (this should be in the Guiness book of records for the Rotaract club with the longest name!). A very enjoyable evening at the Montego Bay Yacht Club. As always, the Rotaractors were a very vibrant group and proved their ability by organizing such a successful event. The Rotarians were encouraged to maintain an active role in guiding the club and to listening to their ideas, goals and suggestions. We will look forward to following the success of this already large club (40 members to date and President Elvis has set ambitious goals for the upcoming year). The Rotaractors presented the DG with a beautiful clock/map of Jamaica and Roger with a bottle of Appletons, thank you all for sharing this event with us.

AG Govind offered a tour of the area but sadly, we needed to catch up on work and make sure our clients were still there! However, we were able to take some relaxation and the prepare for a wonderful evening of fellowship at the stunning home of PE Hermes. Great company, great food, great music – definitely the Best in the West!

A tour of more Montego Bay East projects – what an ambitious club! AG Govind took us to the Bright Star Day Care Centre where we met Nanette and her little charges. Clearly these children are well cared for by Nanette but it is a struggle for her to run this business without assistance so Rotary has been a very necessary partner for her. We noticied a small playhouse on the property and discovered that it had belonged to PP Michelle’s son and he chose to donate it to the centre – a naturally future Rotarian!

After a quick visit to a project which the club used to be involved in we had a very pleasant lunch followed by a side trip to view the famous White Witch golf course – what a stunning sight, quite breathtaking.

We then visited the Flankers Clinic which has been adopted by the club for a number of years, in fact it is now more than twice its original size thanks to Rotary. Through Rotary, each year a team of dentists visit to and run clinics for the residents of the community.

Thanks Govind for taking the time to share all of this with us.

We were driven in style by PDG Pishu to the meeting with the board of his club, RC Montego Bay. President Mexine is leading the oldest club in the Jamaica and it is clear this club is strong and healthy – and clearly enjoys great camaraderie. The rain which was falling as we left soon passed and we were able to return to the hotel and to stay dry. We had time for a short b

reak before being collected by President Michael to meet with the boards of RC Rose Hall and Falmouth. Both were successful meetings with ideas flowing for Bigger, Better and Bolder Clubs! The joint meeting that followed was very enjoyable and the DG had the pleasure of installing a new member, Fay Davy, into the RC of Falmouth. Rotarian Fay was sponsored by PP Clara, thank you Clara and welcome Kay! The meeting ended with Rose Hall President Michael presenting the DG with a beautiful book “Jamaica – The Beauty and Soul of the Land we Love” a real treasure, thank you Rose Hall! During the fellowship that followed, both clubs declared the success of the joint meeting (which was a first for both) and expressed the desire to do so more often.

Roger is a morning person and is happy to be up with the lark – Diana, on the other hand……We did, however manage to arrive for the RC Montego Bay Sunrise meeting on time and before the few late-comers who had battled with the traffic after dropping children off to school. The members’ energy and enthusiasm proved to be an eye-opener for the DG and the meeting most enjoyable. Hopefully, the suggestion of starting a new trend of “Happy Dollars” at the meetings will now be continued.

President David and Rotarian Mashario took us up to Adelphi (a 45 minute drive) to visit the police station in the grounds of which the club will be providing funds and overseeing the paving of an area to form a multi-sport court and the refurbishing of a derelict building to house kitchen and toilet facilities and a recreation room as a community center. It is hoped that there will also be a computer room available for use by the youth and the community in general. It was interested to see the compound which included a 200 year old building which used to be the jail. The conditions in this building would certainly have been a deterrent to those considering a career in crime!

We continued on with President David to visit Adama Blackgrove, a young woman from the USA who has opened her home and formed a school for children afflicted by autism. The schoolroom is in the basement and the therapeutic playground in the carport area. In talking to Adama and her assistant, Valerie, and in observing them with the children it was very evident that Adama is not only very experienced in the needs of autistic children but also of how to assist the family in coping with the difficulties and frustrations that this affliction places upon the family at large. We are always so grateful for these special people in the world who give so much of their personal time and emotional energy in helping others to cope with their lives. Adama is looking for a larger building in order to train more helpers and to take in the large number of people who are on her waiting list. A very inspiring visit and thank to the RC of Montego Bay Sunrise for helping to provide the supplies and other needs of Adama and her school.

Later in the day, AG Govind drove us to Lucea where we visited the local hospital to join the Lucea members as they presented three blood pressure monitors to the staff. A quick demonstration with a new mother proved that the machines were in working order! We then moved on to the local library (the office of Manager/Librarian and Club President Marvetta). Here we met with Shaun who was representing the new Rotaract Club of Lucea which will be holding its charter event in November. Also present were two members of the EarlAct club who seemed to lose their voice in the presence of so many Rotarians! However, their teachers explained the plans for the club once school really got underway.

Lucea board members then met followed by Negril and another very successful joint club meeting. Once again, Diana had the pleasure of installing new members to the RC of Lucea – in this case returning members Anthony Dinham, GarthGrant and Winfield Murray sponsored by PP Winston and President Stewart.

A visit to the Interact Club at Cornwall College boys school where we met an impressive number of young men who were gathered for their first meeting of the school year. The meeting was ably conducted by President Ivan Godfrey. Reports were given of last year’s activities and their plans for four projects for this year. Funds raised last year enabled this club to donate $200 to Polio Plus – thank you all! We had the opportunity to exchange ideas and to find out what the Interactors wanted from the Rotarian sponsors. Banners were certainly high on the list but also some meetings with the Rotarian offering advice and guidance in various areas including life skills

This was followed by a really fun and impressive meeting with one of the six (yes six!) EarlyAct Clubs being sponsored by RC Montego Bay. Rotarian Natasha is doing a fantastic job with these young people. The smallest Madame President I have ever seen was very efficient and effective with her gavel, keeping order during the meeting. Natasha is one of our original thinkers and is very innovative with these children. When it was time for introductions, each child was asked to introduce the person next to them, giving their name and which class they were in, a very inspirational meeting!

A wonderful finale to our club visits in Jamaica West when we were hosted, once again, by PAG Haresh and Vindu. This time, Many of the Rotarians showed off their vocal talents (which varied considerably!). The renditions were eclectic to say the least and ranged from opera to vaudeville, reggae and even The Four Way Test! There is a rumour that there are videos of the performers available on the black market!

We set off for the long drive to Mandeville – a great opportunity to see the natural beauty of Jamaica as we headed off into the hills, through lush foliage and winding roads. A quick stop in Santa Cruz for lunch at “Mothers” – Jamaica’s McDonalds – and then the remainder of the journey to The Mandeville Hotel, the venue selected for this year’s InterClub Assembly. This was a well organized affair, chaired by AG Linden Rose assisted by AG Ruth Palmer. The presentations from the clubs were interesting, well presented and informative. It was a great opportunity to get an impression of the vast amount of work being carried out throughout the country by the clubs. Congratulations to all who played a part in the organization.

The evening event was up to the high standard of hospitality always offered by our Jamaican friends and I was disappointed that the sprained foot still did not allow for vigorous dancing. Thank so much to PAG Patrick for opening his offices and his roof-top bar for us to enjoy the evening.

The journey home was interesting since AG Govind was following PP Keith Azzan over a road which he had never seen before! We arrived in one piece at a “Half Way Bar” where we al enjoyed a beer and some the pepper-spiced local shrimp. And reached Montego Bay in the late afternoon. Time enough to change and experience the Miss Global International, a pageant which has been organized by PP Manoj’s father Lachu Ramchandani. Mr. Ramchandani is well known for organizing these pageants and I have to confess that I was not expecting the spectacular event which took place! We first were treated to dinner, along with PAG Haresh and Vindu at one of the restaurants at the Palladium Hotel and this was followed by VIP seats for the final rounds of the pageant. The ladies were fabulous, both in their gowns, their looks and their talent and the judges had a difficult decision to make. Miss Jamaica won but I think only by a small margin since Miss Venezuela (who had my vote) and Miss Indonesia were very close runners-up. Thanks to all for offering us such an extravaganza for our last night in Jamaica

We should have known! We trusted our journey to LIAT and we all know what that stands for! The plan was to arrive at the Queen Juliana Airport in Sint Maarten at 8:00pm. Unfortunately, we did not take off from St. Thomas until after we were due to arrive! Thanks to the patience of our party of greeters we received a very warm welcome from AG Jim and his wife, Gloria , PDG Vic and Marie-Claude, PAG Louis, PP Rene-Jean and Presidents Bernadette, Kishore and Paul with his wife Carol, it was wonderful to see so many old friends as we came through the customs exit – thank you all for being there!

It is traditional in Sint Maarten/St. Martin for the clubs to take turns at hosting the DG each year. This year, we were hosted by Rotary St. Martin Nord and were delighted to be staying in Grand Casse. For anyone who knows the island, Grand Casse is arguably the gourmet capital of the Caribbean with its street full on both sides with five star restaurants offering an array of cuisine and atmosphere…….wonderful!

Our room at the hotel was right on the beach and walking distance from “Restaurant Row”. President Paul and Carol were very gracious hosts for the week and Paul and AG Jim spent many hours driving us around the hills and vales.

An early breakfast at the hotel with President Paul before going over the hills to Phillipsburg to meet with AG Jim, President Kishore and PAG Louis prior to our courtesy call on the Acting Governor. This was a particularly interesting meeting not only for the Rotary content but for us to learn more about the constitutional changes in Sint Maarten due to take effect on “10-10-10”. As we left the building the DG missed a step and fell heavily much to the concern of the rest of the group. The great Rotary machine swung into action and President Kishore immediately conveyed us to a family member who was a doctor for an examination of the damage. Fortunately nothing seemed broken and Kishore accompanied the DG to the pharmacy to obtain pain killers and bandages. We followed this up with a visit to PDG Victor Gibbs who arranged for an x-ray to make sure that sprained toes and bruising was the extent of the damage which we were pleased to learn was the case. The bandages meant shoes were a problem so the DG spent the rest of the week wearing one of Roger’s shoes on the damaged foot and made a definite fashion statement everywhere she went !!

Many thanks to all for their concern and their efforts to assist me.

All this excitement meant that the programme was put back and PDG Victor was keen that the DG rest the foot. However, although we missed two project visits we able to pick up from the afternoon itinerary which started with a combined and very well attended meeting at the Lekkerbek Restaurant with members of the Interact clubs of Learning Unlimited, St. Dominique H.S., Sint Maarten Acadamy and the newly formed club at the Milton Peters H.S. This is also the meeting place of the RC Sint Maarten Sunrise which is possibly the only club which meets in an aircraft!!! Despite an interruption for rain, we were again impressed with the energy, ideas and commitment on display. All four clubs had a range of community activities and their membership represented an encouragingly large percentage of the student body in the respective schools. All the clubs were well supported by their sponsoring Rotary club and the involvement and interaction between them was very evident – Congratulations to all for their dedication to this very important part of the Rotary family.

The meeting with the Interactors was immediately followed by one with the board of the community based Rotaract Club of Sint Maarten in the same location. AG Jim Ferris and PAG Louis Weaver were also in attendance for this meeting. Another encouraging meeting with the “Future of Rotary”.

The last meeting of the day was with President Bernadette Davis and the board of St. Martin Sunrise in preparation for their regular club meeting the following morning. This was also a good opportunity for fellowship and the exchange of ideas. Following this, the DG was able to rest her foot in preparation for……

Diana’s foot is still swollen but walking slowly we are off to an early start to get the meeting of Sint Maarten Sunrise where we were treated to an excellent breakfast and what must be one of the best value meals in all of St. Maarten. It may be an aircraft but it certainly has a menu superior to American!! A very energetic and well attended meeting and evidence of another committed group of Rotarians making a difference. From the meeting we visited the UJIMA project which is a residential rehabilitation programme for young men with behavioral problems. RC St. Maarten Sunrise has been a consistent supporter of the facility and the staff appreciate Rotary’s involvement because of the difficulty in maintaining a steady funding source. From there we returned to the hotel to rest the foot and catch up on emails.

In the late afternoon, AG Jim collected us for the journey to Le Charolais Restaurant, near the airport for a meeting with the board of St. Maarten Mid-Isle. This is a small club and most of the members are also on the board so it was almost possible to combine the board meeting with the regular club meeting which followed. Once again, a fabulous meal, four courses with wine and a cappuccino to top it off – this is definitely the way to enjoy Rotary!

Our last day in St.Martin-SintMaarten and a morning spent with RC Sint Maarten. This club provides an annual breakfast for all the staff at the hospital. A really sumptuous spread of everything you can imagine for breakfast for some 200 people, the line seemed to go on forever but a very successful project and a great way to show appreciation for the dedicated nurses, doctors and support staff of the hospital.

Shortly after this, we met with the board and heard about many other projects which includes the delivery of “nearly expired food” to those in need – great idea which other clubs may wish to emulate. There is also some preliminary research being undertaken to form a Rotary Community Corps, I look forward to further news on this.

The luncheon meeting followed in what is the most southerly location of club meetings. DG Diana presented a “Rotary Star” pin to President Kishore in recognition of the kindness and concern he had shown when she sprained her foot in her fall. At the end of the meeting, the DG was presented with a beautiful crystal picture frame. Thanks Sint Maarten for a great morning.

Our final evening spent with good friends and a gourmet meal in Grande Casse. We dined in a style that only the French can provide, thank you PDG Vic and Marie-Claude, President Paul and Carol for arranging such a grand finale for us!

Up to catch the Anguilla ferry from Marigot, a tranquil twenty minute journey to Blowing Point, Anguilla where we were met by President Seymour and Rotarians Calvert and Betty. On arrival, Diana discovered she had left her master file in President Paul’s car in Marigot! Thanks Paul for quickly coming to the rescue and putting it on the next ferry!

En route to our hotel we had the opportunity to see a sample of one of the playgrounds provided by Rotary to all the Primary schools on the island. An ambitious, well maintained project. We arrived at the Viceroy Hotel for checking in and were nothing short of spellbound with the facilities. I am not sure how President Seymour managed it but we were totally pampered with a splendid room complete with hot tub on the balcony – what a great shame we only had one night to enjoy it!

Just time for a quick settling in before going to visit the W.I.S.E program. This is an exceptional program which acts as an adjunct to the high school and is geared towards giving young men and women an opportunity to recognize their potential. Most of the students there have some social difficulties and are encouraged to try skills which enable them to discover new interests. Staffed largely by volunteers, the program includes pottery, sewing, boat building, carpentry and much more as well as additional academic coaching. Rotary and Rotarians provide both equipment and volunteer time to assist the professional staff.

Our day was topped off with a lively and productive meeting with the board members followed by the general meeting. This was all held in what has to be one of the most stunning venues in the world for a Rotary meeting. Right on the beach, we could watch the sun go down in a golden glow as we enjoyed the company of the Anguilla Rotarians – glorious.

Time to return home to St. Thomas. We travelled to the ferry terminal and, having completed the paperwork, President Seymour told us someone was here to see us. Imagine our delight and surprise when Past Rotarian Elkin Lloyd, who used to be a member of Diana’s club in St. Thomas, had taken the time to come and bid us farewell. We are not sure how he knew we were in Anguilla but thank you Elkin, it was great to see you. The early ferry took us back to Marigot where we were met by President Paul and Gloria Ferris and transported to Queen Julianna Airport for our flight to St. Thomas. The farewell party of President Kenny, AG Jim and Gloria brought to a close a most enjoyable and inspiring week.

This is a rather delayed update….we had a side visit from Hurricane Earl which got in the way. All well now and power back so off we go …..!


The late afternoon ferry took us from St. Thomas to Tortola where we were met by the largest welcoming committee of our travels – so far! Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors were all represented. Many thanks to Lynette Harrigan who spirited us off the ferry and through the arrival formalities in no time. Much picture taking with the beautiful welcome banner (complete with red hibiscus). Led by AG Ron Potter we were taken to the lovely Moorings Mariner Inn where we check in and find an array of personalized gifts from the BVI Tourist Board (with more red hibiscus), thanks again to Lynette. We then went with AG Ron for dinner and discussion about our visit. Thanks to everyone who came out to welcome us back to the BVI it was really very special.

We started with breakfast at the hotel with DGN Vance Lewis to discuss various district issues and then we were collected by AG Ron and taken to Peebles Hospital in Road Town where we met up with President Charles (Charlie) Benjamin and board member Charles Crane of RC Road Town, and President Ken Guiste of RC Road Town Sunrise. The Road Town Club has a long standing connection with the dialysis unit at the hospital and has arranged a variety of equipment deliveries for this vital service. We were shown round the unit by the nurse in charge who appreciated Rotary’s involvement and explained the importance of education in increasing the prevention of diabetes in the BVI. An interesting visit and another project of which Rotarians should be proud.

From the hospital we traveled with AG Ron and the three presidents the short distance to the Government Administration building to pay a courtesy call on the Premier of the BVI, Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal. The Premier is a charter member of RC Tortola and both Roger and I knew him from our time in the BVI in the late 70’s and early 80’s when Roger was a member of that club. We spent a happy hour with him reminiscing about various Rotary events including the famous annual Rotary Christmas Show in which Rotarian Ralph had played a leading role. Because of his duties he has been unable to be as active in Rotary in recent years but we hope that he will be able to participate more fully in the future.

The group broke up after this meeting and we had lunch with AG Ron and then moved on to meet with President Charles again but this time for the meeting with his board. We then moved immediately across town to meet with President Lorna and the board of RC Tortola. Clubs in the BVI are very active and have some inspiring projects. It was good to be among so many committed Rotarians. Two good meetings to end the business of the day.

We spent a wonderful evening with President Charles who took us to his home in West End for dinner with his wife, members of his board and friends. Thank you Charles and Norma for your hospitality and great food which ended a very enjoyable day.

Early start today, (Sunrise meetings usually are!) for the regular meeting of RC Road Town Sunrise at Maria’s by the Sea. Sunrise is only in its second year but they are an energetic group led by example by President Ken. DG Diana was delighted to be invited to induct their two newest members and to welcome Sian Evans and Nagi Darwish to Rotary. Both new Rotarians showed an impressive knowledge of Rotary when giving their remarks to the club, it was very clear that Sunrise have an excellent orientation program. The Club presented DG and Roger with a beautiful crushed coral sculpture by local BVI artist and a gift card signed by members of the club, thank you all! At the end of this meeting we immediately met with the Sunrise board for another productive session with news of Sunrise activities – only just a year old but a very active, and lively, membership.

A short morning email break before attending the regular lunch meeting of RC Road Town, held, very conveniently, at our hotel, the Moorings! Rotarians were serenaded by a guitarist at the beginning of the meeting which set the relaxed mood for the day. Much joke-telling and many fines were collected by the very effective Sergeant Lesmore. President Charles presented us with a lovely framed photo of the installation of his board which we had attended on Scrub Island in June – thank you for a beautiful and thoughtful memento.

Following an afternoon break for emails, AG Ron collected us for the short ride back to Maria’s for the “Family of Rotary” cocktail party hosted by the Premier, Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal and Mrs. Edris O’Neal. This was a very enjoyable and well attended occasion and enabled us to meet up with a large number of Rotarians who we had known from before as well as newer members. We were pleased that the newly arrived, only four days, H.E. Governor of the BVI, Boyd McCleary was also able to attend. We are very grateful to Premier (Rotarian) Ralph and Edris for their generosity and it was good to see their daughter Abby – also a Rotarian – present. AG Ron presented us with some local pottery tableware on behalf of all the clubs of the BVI. It will certainly be gracing our table when we are able to spend a little more time at home!

We left this event with good friends, Audley and Delma Maduro, who took us to President Lorna’s lovely home overlooking Road Town where we had dinner with her and her husband, Hon. Orlando Smith, members of her board and friends of Rotary. The dinner provided not only fine food but very interesting conversation and, despite a shower of rain which forced us to pick up our dining table and move inside, it was a fine finish to a great Rotary day.

Breakfast with Interact – what a good way to start the day! The Road Town Interact Club is community based and welcomes students from all high schools as well as the college. President Reynela and her team have some imaginative ideas as well as some real actions to back them up. They are well supported by DRC, PP Mary Findley-Jones of RC Tortola and Interact Liasion, Rtn. Charles Crane of RC Road Town. We were pleased to be able to attend the presentation of back to school bags and school supplies to representatives of the BVI Department of Social Welfare. These bags and supplies also include school uniforms and will be given to two under-privileged children in the community. President Reynela gave an excellent presentation about the project and about what Interact was doing and the Social Services representatives had many good things to say about these younger members of the Rotary family.

We then made a courtesy call on H.E. Governor McCleary who was fully aware of Rotary and its work because his father was a Rotarian. He admitted that his own work related responsibilities and travel had prevented him from becoming a member. We fully expect that he will be an honorary member before long! We were pleased that he volunteered to continue the tradition of previous Governors who have made Government House available for Rotary events and pledged his support to the Rotary Clubs of the BVI.

From Government House we moved to Treasure Isle Hotel and a lunch meeting with the Rotaract Club of Tortola together with AG Ron, President Lorna, DRC Mary Finley-Jones, ADRC Charles Crane and ADRR Al-Quamin Nibbs. Excellent reports had been prepared and were given by the board members. This club undertakes ambitious projects and has an excellent membership and PR program set for the year. Environmental awareness is encouraged and promoted by PADRR Abbi Christopher and we suspect she had something to do with the content of our gift package! As PR Chair, Abbi had ensured that the label on the package clearly identified Rotaract and inside were samples of the PR put out by the club as well as a pottery hatchling turtle to remind us of the protection of this animal in the waters and on the beaches of the BVI – good job Rotaract and thank you. After the meeting, many of the board joined us in a visit to The Rainbow Children’s Home, a foster home which is supported by the club where they are working to keep the grounds well manicured for the enjoyment of the young residents. Today we were able to witness the presentation of a new photocopier for the home much to the delight of the staff. Thank you Rotaractors

The visit to the Rainbow Home was the first of a series of project visits we were to enjoy this afternoon. Joined by AG Ron, the Rotary club presidents, and various Rotarians and Rotaractors on a bus tour of a variety of projects. Then we traveled east to the YEP (Youth Empowerment Project) Centre which gets some of its support from both RC Tortola and RC Road Town Sunrise. This provides a variety of after school activities for students in the East End/Long Look area of Tortola and is run by the dynamic Stacy Mather and it was in full swing at the time of our visit. President Ken is known as “Coach Ken” here as he is heavily involved in the football (soccer) program. (We subsequently discovered Ken has an impressive soccer background from the UK himself). This is a great idea which has been executed brilliantly thanks to the skill of its leader, Stacy, and the generosity of donors in Tortola including Rotary.

Heading back towards Road Town we visited the Mangrove Board Walk at Paraquita Bay which is a project of RC Tortola and had recently undergone some repairs and extension. This board walk is approximately 1,000 feet long and enables visitors to experience the extensive and very old mangrove area in this bay. Another imaginative project with wide public appeal which is enhanced with Rotary benches along the walk.

En route back to town we viewed the benches and tables supplied by RC Tortola to the Alexandrina Maduro school in Baughers Bay and were able to admire the many wonderful large mango trees in this area. RC Tortola has also “adopted” the main roundabout in Road Town and we were able to see that and the clock provided by RC Road Town to the Noel Lloyd Park. Our project visits ended at the RC Road Town Centennial Park on the water front which provides a great platform to view the Road Town area and great signage including flags announcing Rotary’s involvement in the facility. A fascinating range of projects and congratulations to all the clubs for the work involved.

After this there was just time to change before President Ken collected us for the drive to Beef Island and a very happy and enjoyable meal at a home overlooking Elizabeth Bay and Virgin Gorda. We were joined by the board of RC Sunrise and even a little rain did not dampen the spirits as we all got closer together!! Lots of laughs and great food provided by Secretary Norman Allen’s mother, Donna. So ended another busy and stimulating Rotary day.

Later start today as the first item was a mid morning joint press conference with all the clubs and a collection of print, radio and TV media representatives conveniently held at the Moorings. We were able to discuss Rotary and answer questions from the media but importantly we were able to assist with the publicity for three major donations. One from RC Tortola for $51,000 to assist with their adopted school in Isle la Vache, Haiti, one from RC Road Town for $20,750 for the purchase of dialysis machines for Peebles Hospital and a certificate of commitment from RC Road Town Sunrise for continued support for the YEP program. Rotary in Action!!

From this function it was straight to the regular meeting of RC Tortola at the Moorings dining room. Very good attendance and we were both pleased to be able to meet up again with Rotarians at Roger’s original club. Rtn. Astrid Wenske (without whom the clubs would not have such a fine record of their history) had arranged a display of photographs of RC Tortola functions from the 70’s which was fun to see. It was definitely a check-writing day today as this club donated another $15,000 to the K.A.T.S (Kids and the Sea) program. A good meeting with this, the senior, club in the BVI. We had leave more hurriedly than we would have wished in order to make the ferry back to St. Thomas but not before President Lorna presented me with a crushed coral hibiscus sculpture and Roger with a lovely painting as mementos of our visit. What a beautiful ending to a wonderful week.

At the ferry dock and Rtn. Lynette again worked her magic and we were on board in no time and off home to St. Thomas.

We cannot thank the BVI Rotarians enough; they welcomed us back home with such warmth. It was, indeed a very special time for us both.



An early flight from St. Thomas to Miami to connect with the short flight to Nassau. Both flights are on time and we are met by the ‘A Team” of PRID Barry Rassin and representatives from the Bahamas Tourism Board and the Airport Authority. This team whisked us very efficiently through the customs and immigration formalities and we are quickly into PRID Barry’s car and off to the Graycliff Hotel. This well known Nassau landmark hotel is a charming old building and a haven of comfort. We attended a delightful early evening poolside reception with Nassau Rotary leadership - great way to start our visit and to re-acquaint ourselves with this year’s group of Presidents. Not too late an evening because …..

We were collected by AG Charles at 5 a.m. to go back to the airport for the flight to Eleuthera. Neither the DG or the AG are at their best at this time of day but Roger managed to keep the conversation going! The flight was on time and we were met at the Rock Sound airport by President Shaun Ingraham who took us to breakfast giving us an opportunity to discuss his club, their plans and successes so far in the one year since they were chartered- which are quite impressive! We then drove south on this very long, over 100 miles, island to view both that part of the island as well as the locations of projects which this new club intends to support. There was time for some fishing in which President Shaun caught the largest fish outside the boat, Roger the largest fish brought into the boat and AG Charles caught the most fish – our DG did not feature in the fish catching but took pictures which are also on the blog! With help from the skipper, Roger’s mutton fish was cleaned and frozen ready for the trip back to Nassau. We then went to the private home of a part-time resident Rotarian to change and then drove in a spirited fashion with SAA Julian Carey to the Eleuthera Cancer Society building to meet with the board of the Rotary club and then immediately the regular club meeting. The Eleuthera Rotarians have managed to pack a good deal of fund raising and community service into their one year of existence and are to be congratulated for their efforts.

Another early start for the drive to Governor’s Harbour for the flight back to Nassau. While waiting there, someone who Roger had hired for Barclays Bank in Tortola in 1981 arrived at the airport and recognized Roger which he believes shows he had not aged over the past 30 years!! The flight left on time, actually 15 minutes early, and we were soon back in Nassau and the Graycliff Hotel. AG Charles organized the handing over of the fish to the chef to prepare for dinner that evening and we prepare for our meeting with President Joanne and her board of RC East Nassau at the Yacht Club. This is immediately followed by the club’s regular luncheon meeting at the same location. East Nassau is a vibrant club and it has the distinction of being the club with the highest donation level to TRF in our district – congratulations and much appreciation to the members for this achievement. Back to the hotel for email time and then an early dinner of THE FISH. This was a real event and Chef Bowe and his team had done a wonderful job of preparing and presenting our catch. Click here to see the pictures for the progression from catching to eating! Then DAG Lyndsey Cancino took us to the joint Rotaract fellowship event at which was well supported by Rotaractors and Rotarians from the sponsoring clubs of East Nassau and South-East Nassau. A fun evening and it is always stimulating to be in the company of these young professionals and their infectious enthusiasm. So ended another great Rotary day.

A truly inspiring morning! We were driven by President Charles Stuart and Secretary Elbert Ferguson from RC New Providence to visit two of their club’s projects. There we were joined by a group of club members who are a “regulars” of the club’s weekly food supply programme to two families, first in Bain Town where Ms Clara resides with her physically and mentally challenged grandson and second visit was to Ms. Elizabeth Mackenzie who cares for her two nephews, Omar and De Condrea, in the Kemp Road area. Elizabeth was so positive and so grateful for the help, we suggested to her that we may be able to provide her with a sewing machine so she can do alterations in order to try and bring in some extra money, let’s hope this can happen. In addition, the club hopes to be able to provide work opportunities and vocational training for the two boys. This is a real hands on project which requires a Rotarians to deliver the groceries each Saturday and I congratulate the NP Rotary Club for this great project requiring consistent application from club members.

We also visited the Bahamas Family Planning Centre, a long standing NGO which has received various direct Rotary support from the New Providence club including roof repairs and painting. New Providence Rotarians are obviously a practical group!

Next we went to Doctor’s Hospital to meet President Karen Pinder of RC Nassau Sunrise who was conducting a new member orientation session with help from IPP Carla Card-Stubbs and PAG Felix Stubbs. Both Roger and I shared some of our Rotary experience with the new members. President Karen then took us to a session of the “Making Your Money Grow”, a practical seminar designed increase money management skills among young people. These sessions are run by a dynamic young entrepreneur, Keshelle Karr, who seemed well in control of the approximately 50 young people who were enthusiastically involved in the project. This is an imaginative programme which may be of interest and use elsewhere in our district. This particular seminar was funded by RC Nassau Sunrise and the young participants were from the Kemp Road area - one of the areas of the government’s Urban Renewal Initiative. While there, we were able to chat with the Urban Renewal Manager for the area, Ms. Kolame Pedican another dedicated community-minded citizen who has experienced her own share of uphill struggles and is now giving others a helping hand up. A great project – congratulations Sunrise and thank so much for sharing it with us.

A very relaxed Saturday evening followed as we were driven by AG Charles and Rochelle to meet up with PAG Felix and PP Carla as well as DAG Lindsey and his daughters Sophie and Jacqueline for an early, fish fry dinner at Arawak Cay. An enjoyable end to a very interesting and inspiring day. Thank you all!

A relaxing day of dining and wandering at the Atlantis Resort and back to a fine dinner at the hotel….and to catch up with the blog!


Lunch time meeting with President Charles and the board of RC New Providence at the Breezes Resort rand we are accompanied by AG Charles and DAG Lindsey. We have slightly more time for this meeting and it allowed for a productive and spirited discussion on Rotary matters affecting this club. As we had seen examples of their projects on Saturday, we already knew something about their goals and these were amplified during the meeting and their plans should produce an exciting and productive year for the club. We have a little time back at the hotel and then it is back to Breezes for the regular dinner meeting of RC New Providence. The club provided a lovely welcome banner for us which we appreciated and gave Diana a hand crafted folio as a memento of our visit. Roger took so well to the hospitality of the club that he won the raffle AGAIN, AGAIN!! An evening meeting enabled us to enjoy fellowship with the members after the meeting and this reinforced our earlier view of this committed group of Rotarians. Thank you Rotarians of RC New Providence.

An early start - breakfast Haiti Task Force meeting with PRID Barry Rassin, PDG Dick McCombe and Rtn. Peter Bates. Peter has joined the team to add some hands on help and spread the work load of helping the Rotarians in Haiti to allocate and manage the various projects which are to be funded by the District emergency fund and the DAF. We spent time bringing him up to date on the proposed Rotary Jaipur Limb project for Pignon in advance of his visit there in September to meet with RJLP Trustee, Don Short and members of our district Task Force. It is the aim of that meeting to firm up on timetables and funding for this project which we hope will evolve into an ongoing Rotary sponsored project to assist amputees. PRID Barry brought us up to date on the considerable work he is doing with the potential DAF-funded projects which are particularly directed at school rehabilitation and improvement. A good meeting which again demonstrates the extent of Rotary’s assistance to Haiti. Not sure where either Dick or Barry get time to attend to their businesses or where District 7020 would be without these two dedicated Rotarians.

Next stop is Luciano’s Restaurant, the meeting location of RC Nassau. We were welcomed by President Raquel and her board immediately prior to their regular lunch time club meeting. RC Nassau is the oldest club in the Bahamas and has a number of distinctions, one of which is 82 Paul Harris Fellowships. We had the privilege of welcoming Paul Harris Number 83 during the luch meeting. This was a real highlight and DG Diana assisted President Raquel with the presentation of regalia to non-Rotarian Steven Kelly to recognize his long standing support and assistance to Rotary, most recently with his involvement in the airlift of supplies and people into Haiti following the earthquake. Congratulations Steven and thank you for all you do. IPP Sheila Bethel had arranged for the proceeding to be videoed and hopes to be able to insert parts into local newscasts.

The afternoon break gave DG Diana an opportunity to have a long chat with the Chef Bowe (who had previously cooked Roger's catchof the day) only to discover that his mother and DG Diana had worked together at Barclays Bank in Freeport - longer ago than Diana cared to remember! Small world.AG Charles and DAG Lyndsey accompanied us for the drive to IPP Anna Degregory’s lovely home. A lively meeting with President Marvin Bethell and the board of RC South East Nassau followed by an excellent dinner. Lots of ideas and discussion and very enjoyable fellowship. Thanks to all and particularly IPP Anna for your hospitality.

A more leisurely start to today which gives us the opportunity to visit the cigar factory of the Graycliff Hotel and to purchase some souvenirs of our stay here. This was a first as we were able to watch the Cuban cigar rollers work their magic of turning tobacco leaves into cigars. Pictures are on the blog! Click here. Roger was also pleased to be able, after several attempts, to get pictures of a Bahama Woodstar humming bird which has been building its nest in tree at the front of the hotel in a position cleverly designed to make picture taking difficult!

Due to various challenges, we were a little late in our arrival for the lunch meeting with South East Nassau – a situation which cost AG Charles heavily in fines from the SAA! RC South East Nassau meet at the East Villa restaurant and the general membership reflects the energy we had seen at the board meeting the previous evening. The club presented DG Diana with beautiful, handmade Bahamian table linen as a memento of our visit – thank you President Marvin and your board and members for an enjoyable time.

A short walk from our hotel took us to a meeting with the board of Nassau Sunrise (who clearly hold their board meetings at sunset!). A very productive and enjoyable meeting and dinner with creative (and grape) juices flowing!

Up early and take a short walk to the Hilton for RC Nassau Sunrise meeting. A lively group which, according to some of their members is "The best little club in the galaxy"! It was a pleasure to be able to "pin" Rotarians Janet and Effie in recognition of becoming multipe Paul Harris Fellows, congratulations and thank you ladies for your contributions. Under the leadership of President Karen, Nassau Sunrise have started a tradition this year of donating a book to the local library in the name of their guest speaker - a great idea and one which other clubs may wish to consider. The club also presented the DG with a painting of a red hibiscus (our district flower) by an up and coming young Bahamaiam artist, Jeremy Cartwright. Thank you Sunrise for such a thoughtful gift. We the enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at the Hilton with President Karen, AG Charles, PAG Felix and IPP Carla followed by a stroll back to the hotel.

After a short break, we met with the board members of RC West Nassau. This proved to be a somewhat noisy affair, not because the members were particularly vocal but because there was a union walk-out and demonstration apparently timed to coincide with our meeting. We were, however, up to the challenge and managed to get our points across despite the loud competition. Lunch, which had been specially cooked in accordance with the agreement reached betwen DG Diana and Chef Bowe during their conversation on Wednesday, was delicious. The meeting began with the RC West Nassau "choir" singing the National Anthem of the Bahamas - a great rendition and the only club we had met to that point who sang. The ensuing meeting, (of the one remaining all-male club in the District) was a vocal affair with members who had plenty of questions for the DG! PP Roger won the raffle AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN! A presentation of the 50th Anniversary Collectors Edition of The Bahamas Handbook - a great momento, thank you.

A relaxing dinner with Esther and Barry Rassin, Carla and Dick McCombe at the Rassin residence was a wonderful way to end our visit to the Bahamas. Nothing is better than dining with good friends, thank you Esther for an excellent meal and for opening your home to  us.


Photos can be viewed at


Back home in St. Thomas and President Yegin of RC St. Thomas collects Roger and me and takes us to the Nana Baby Home, one of his club’s longest running projects. The foster home provides shelter to children at risk up to the age of 12 and RC St. Thomas, which is Roger’s home club and the oldest club in our district, has been a consistent and generous supporter of this important social program. The time here also includes an interview with local TV station WTJX about Rotary and its work. We leave there and arrive on time at Frenchman’s Reef Hotel, the temporary summer home of this club, and meet AG Cheryl George-Chance and the club members. A good meeting which included “Question Time” from club members to the DG, and a very entertaining, and profitable, Sergeant at Arms, PAG Larry Benjamin.

Immediately following the club meeting we met with President Yegin and his board and learned about their plans for this Rotary year. This is another club with ambition and they anticipate an exciting year with more involvement by members. Then it is home to catch up on emails and prepare for….

Our visit to RC St. John. We meet up with AG Cheryl at the Red Hook Ferry dock and travel together to St. John where we are met by President Bruce Munroe who takes us on the short ride to the Westin Hotel and Resort. There we meet with his board and immediately follow this with their regular lunch meeting. RC St. John is a small club but has a history of successful fund raisers and a variety of community projects with an emphasis on youth. President Bruce has some innovative and interesting ideas for involving members and has made it a priority for his year to expand membership both in numbers and in classifications. We discussed the possibility of a satellite club which could address some of the geographic issues involved on St John and wish him well in expanding Rotary membership on that island.

Diana had a chance to do some real (that is paid) work with a client in the morning and then had a meeting with the Honorable John. P DeJongh Jr., (photos) Governor of the Virgin Islands. Governor DeJongh is a past member of DG Diana's home club, RC Charlotte Amalie and he is an honorary Rotarian of her club. First Lady, Cecile DeJongh is a member of Inner Wheel and also an honorary Rotarian in the RC St. Thomas II. The couple is always extremely supportive of Rotary and was responsible for airing the entire 2 hours of the DG's Installation event with RI President Ray on the local PBS television station. This gesture was completely unsolicited and we are most grateful to the Governor and his press secretary for their support. (If you would like a copy, please e-mail us)

Monday evening was spent with PDG Mulo, AG Cheryl the USVI North presidents and partners - a delightful evening at a private dining room at Frenchman's Reef hotel. Thank you AG Cheryl for hosting a wonderful evening and also for the beautiful plaque presentation from all the clubs in USVI North. This plaque was made by talented cabinet maker, Past President Hubert Raimer. It is complete with a red hibiscus and reads "Presented to Diana White, District Governor, District 7020. The Nature of Rotary - If a woman is sufficiently ambitious, determined and gifted, there is practically nothing she cannot do. Rotary Clubs of USVI North 2010-2011". Thank you all and I will try to live up to your high expectations!

A very early start to the day to attend the meeting of the Sunrise club. This is no problem for Roger but Diana is not usually too wide awake at this time of day! However, the St. Thomas Sunrise Rotarians are sufficiently lively that it is impossible not to enjoy the meeting. President Kathrynne presided and gave the latest news to the club. It seems one of the club projects has caught the interest of the Commissioner of Tourism and she is arranging for meetings with Carnival and Royal Caribbean cruise lines to support the this space!

The club presented DG Diana with a Christmas tree ornament hand crafted by Dennis Parker, husband of Rotarian Diana Parker. Thank you to Dennis and Diana and to Sunrise for their thoughtful gift.

A short break before being whisked away by President Joseph to visit one of the signature projects of RC Charlotte Amalie. For many years, the club has provided home cooked meals each month for the residents of the Eldra Schulterbrandt Residential Facility which houses mentally challenged adults. A great turnout of Rotarians for the serving of the lunch, with the member all wearing their "Rotarian and Work" t-shirts. No doubt as to who we were that day!

Later much was discussed at the meeting with the board and the unanimous view that Charlotte Amalie will be Bigger, Better and Bolder this year! The club meeting immediately followed - a very upbeat meeting. Roger won the raffle - AGAIN! The club presented DG Diana with a ceramic bowl from Diane Artware - thank you Charlotte Amalie!

Roger was not at all well this day, he seemed to have caught an intestinal virus. However, he was a trooper and still made it to the St. Thomas II board meeting and general meeting; although it was observed that he declined his customary Rotary lunch glass of white wine!

I think he must have known what the program was for the project visit in the morning - DG Diana went to visit the Anna's Retreat Senior Center which has been supported for many years by the club. Diana had visited this center four times previously with other Governors and it is always a happy occasion. The seniors usually sing a song of welcome and the governor is told about the latest purchase of equipment made by Rotary. So imagine Diana's surprise when Rotarian Cassie put a CD in the player, got out the dumbbells and proceeded to get the senior up on their feet with a fitness routine. Not to be outdone by (other) seniors, Diana joined in and then drove to the club meeting a little warmer than usual! Great fun though.

Rotarians Lorraine and Merle were the welcome committee in the lobby of the hotel with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a wonderful surprise, thank you. A well planned meeting with the board followed and we were able to learn in more detail what RC St. Thomas II has in store for 2010-11. I was delighted to see that the Rotaract Club was also included in the meeting - congratulations on recognising the importance of a working together. This is the home club of AG Cheryl, the club meeting was well attended and was, as usual a lively, positive event. DG Diana was presented with a beautiful piece of Rotary jewelry, thank you all for another great morning.

Time for a short break before attending a meeting with the board of RC St. Thomas East. A lively and informative meeting with President Fran and his team. Lots of ideas and enthusiasm in this club which has always maintained a great family spirit. The meeting included the East scholarship recipient who is now in her senior year and planning on taking an MBA. As usual with our scholarship recipients, I always enjoy their dedication and the enthusiasm they hold for their future. We usually stay for some time after the meeting with this club but Roger was still under the weather so we took ourselves home to rest so he would be fit and ready for our upcoming visit to the Bahamas.

Photos can be viewed at  

We arrive in Grand Cayman on time and the friendly Custom’s official lets us in with all our Haitian art and crafts on our promise that we will be taking them out of the Cayman Islands when we leave. We load all our bags into AG Rosie Jamieson’s Jeep and check in to the hotel just for one night because the next morning…….

We store most of our bags at the hotel and head back with AG Rosie to the airport for the short flight to Cayman Brac via Little Cayman. Weather is unsettled and wet and windy but we are met by the “Braker” Rotarians President Andrea Stevens, PP John Elliot, Secretary Sue Ingham and Rotarian Brian Enright and following check in at the Brac Reef Hotel and a cold beer, we are off in a seven seater van for the island tour. Being altogether meant many laughs as we drove around and were assured of the wonderful views that were available from the Bluff if only the heavy rain which kept us in the National Trust Museum would stop!! We did make it to the Bluff and Roger was able to add the West Indian Whistling Duck to his life list of birds which made the rain irrelevant. We really liked Cayman Brac and hope to return during our next trip to the Cayman Islands in February 2011 for the REDI conference.

We returned to the hotel in time for the Cayman Brac club board meeting and we knew we would be in time since most of the board was in the van with us! The board meeting was followed by the club dinner meeting and both these events showed that relatively small clubs and the challenge of location can be overcome when there is the enthusiasm and commitment as demonstrated by the members of the Cayman Brac club.

Roger is up early to search for the Red Legged Thrush and returns triumphant with pictures of this bird. Then it is breakfast and a discussion about possible literacy projects with Rotarian Brian. Back to the airport for the return to Grand Cayman and again we stop briefly in Little Cayman where we are able to photograph the airport road and its close proximity to the narrow runway. This could be a problem when the jets arrive but we were assured this would not be happening anytime soon. Our trip to the Brac was all too short but thanks to all for making it memorable.

Our first event in Grand Cayman was a lunch meeting with President Michael Levitt and the board of Grand Cayman Sunrise. An active club with ambitious plans for this Rotary year.

Then it was to the Grand Old House to meet President Wil Pineau and the board of Grand Cayman Central, another club with lots of energy and ideas for being Bigger, Better and Bolder!

Central is an evening club so we went straight to their meeting, also at the Grand Old House and what a great location it is and it really is “Old” – 102 years old! DG Diana inducted Central’s newest member, Denis Bourgeois as part of the evening’s program which is always a highpoint of any Rotary meeting. Welcome and bien venue to Rotarian Denis.

Up early and back to the Grand Old House, this time for the breakfast meeting of Grand Cayman Sunrise. Another good attendance, Grand Cayman Rotarians take their attendance seriously. President Mike has initiated a “Heart of Rotary” award with a suitable pin and surprised Roger and I by presenting one to each of us for past, and anticipated future, Rotary service. Thanks President Mike, we appreciate the award and applaud the idea.

We then moved on to a lunch board meeting with the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman, which is sponsored by RC Grand Cayman Sunrise. Meeting Rotaractors is always an energizing experience and this one was no exception. President Adrean leads his energetic board by example and to paraphrase last year’s theme, the future of Rotary in Grand Cayman seems in good hands. After this meeting we were able to spend a couple of hours back at the hotel catching up on emails and then on to the board meeting of the other Rotaract club, Rotaract Blue which is sponsored by Grand Cayman Central. This is a relatively new club but already has 34 members. The board meeting was followed immediately by the club meeting and then we adjourned to a local restaurant for some early evening fellowship which brought a very enjoyable and positive Rotary day to an end.

Early start for the regular breakfast meeting of the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman at a great little coffee shop. A good meeting with interesting reports from committee chairs of the club. The club presented DG Diana with a commemorative Cayman Rotary coin and Roger won the raffle!

After a short break we moved to the offices of Price Waterhouse Coopers to meet President Lori McRae and her board of RC Grand Cayman.

This club has a fine Rotary history and has, apart from anything else, produced four district governors and one of them, PDG Bobby Bodden was kind enough to introduce me to the club prior to my presentation at the club meeting which took place at the Wharf immediately following the board meeting. This was another well attended event and also involved the induction of Tim and Brian and also Patty Sue, the daughter of PP “Uncle” Bill McTaggart who was himself inducted into Rotary on the charter night of the club, 45 years ago. What a delight to witness this family’s continuing involvement in Rotary.

Following an afternoon of email “catch up” we attended a dinner party hosted by PDG Richard Harris and Nancy at their ocean front home which appeared to have been designed to host Rotary events!! A great evening of fellowship - many thanks to PDG Richard and Nancy for their gracious hospitality.

This was projects day. The three clubs of Grand Cayman combined to escort us around seven projects in which they were involved. This was a great idea as it also allowed each club president to see what the other clubs are doing as well as providing a further opportunity for interclub fellowship. The projects were all aimed at community improvement, three of them involved the development or enhancement of park areas for family or community activities. Some like the Lighthouse School recreation facilities and the Francis Bodden Home are the continuation of long standing support from RC Grand Cayman Central and RC Grand Cayman respectively. Overall, it is apparent that the three clubs on Grand Cayman provide significant leadership in a variety of high profile and effective projects in their community – congratulations to all concerned.

In the evening we attended the launch of the Junior Achievement Alumni Association, spearheaded by RC Grand Cayman Central as an extension of Rotary’s involvement in the JA program. This program has been in operation for twenty years in Grand Cayman and the idea of an Alumni Association to further involve those past JA members in the development of the current members certainly deserves to succeed. Good luck with it.

The morning was spent attending the interclub Assembly. The event was organized by AG Rosie and, following a West Indian breakfast, kicked off with co-chair PP Cathy Chestnut organizing an ice breaker which encouraged everyone to discover their latent talent as an aeronautical designer!! The paper planes which resulted had a variety of flight characteristics which would indicate that most of the Rotarians should remain in their present vocation. It was great fun and an imaginative way to mix everyone up for the discussions which followed.

The morning went very quickly and hopefully the conclusions will be put into action in the coming months to help the four clubs of the Cayman Islands become Bigger, Better and Bolder.

We then had a lunchtime meeting with the Cayman Compass newspaper who wanted more information about our district and what the DG does! Hopefully you will be able to read all about it soon. This was followed by a visit to the Island Living Expo where the Grand Draw for the Grand Cayman Sunrise Car raffle was to take place with the drawing to be done by me. This task was duly achieved and the second prize winner, of a new jet ski, was actually present in the front row and we were delighted with her reaction to the realization that she had won!!

This was a fellowship day from start to finish ! The Interclub beach BBQ at Rum Point an annual event organized by RC Grand Cayman was great. Some took the short route and arrived by boat, including AG Rosie and us thanks to PP Nick Friedland and his wife Angie, others took the longer route by road but it was very well attended as the pictures show. There was still time to discuss potential Rotary projects and grant procedures during the event which can only be described as a great success – thanks to the organizers and to PP Nick and Angie for the transportation.

Early start to the day for the REDI board meeting and PP Jeremy collected me at the hotel at 6.45 a.m. (neither of us was conversing at that hour of the morning!). Following this we visited the Sunrise Adult Training Center with RC Sunrise Director Doug and President Michael which is a day care facility for the mentally and physically challenged which has had a variety of Rotary support throughout its eighteen years of service. We took a tour of the facility and viewed the latest Rotary involvement of interior painting before joining the clients on a trip to the brand new Cayman Motor Museum. This contains some very exotic machinery with an emphasis on Ferrari but also containing the Bat Mobile from the 60’s TV series and, important to Roger, a 1952 Morgan. All the vehicles were in superb condition but Roger was a little sad to learn that none of them are apparently used, it would be nice to think of them having an outing and being able to listen to the music of some of those engines – that is Roger’s opinion not mine!!

With that we wound up our visit to the clubs of the Cayman Islands and returned to the hotel to pack and ready ourselves for the journey back to St. Thomas. Many thanks to AG Rosie for organizing our visit so efficiently and to all the Caymanian Rotarians for their hospitality and their enthusiasm for Rotary. We look forward to our return in February 2011 for the REDI conference.

HAITI, JULY 10 - 17
Photos can be viewed at

Our short flight from Puerto Rico landed on time on the tarmac of Toussaint Louverture Airport, Port au Prince, Haiti. After deplaning onto a bus, we were ushered into the “new” immigration and customs section of the airport. The building in which Roger and I used when we visited in November last year has been declared unsafe. The new arrivals building is a former cargo hanger and this time it was teeming with a great variety of humanity. The opportunity to stand in an organized line was not apparent to any of us until we had attempted, unsuccessfully to get to the front of the crowd that had suddently appeared from two jets landing just about the same time. For some reason, no matter where we started, we seemed to be always at the end of the line but could nor discover the reason!

All the paperwork went through without comment and we were delighted to see the smiling faces of PDG Amos,AG Kyss and President Mara behind the immigration booth. Eventually Roger and Amos managed to find the luggage and weave their way through the crowd to customs and finally out to the parked cars. The journey through Port au Prince was as we expected a depressing experience. Those residing in tents, especially those situated in the median of the highway, are vulnerable to passing traffic, particularly after dark. Others are clearly subject to the many challenges and often indignity of being forced to live under such public conditions. Much however has been accomplished in the capital city. Rubble has mostly been cleared to one side of the roads and most of the roads are passable. It is clear that much has been done in an attempt to ease the constant melee – both human and mechanical – that typifies the city of Port au Prince.

AG Kyss transported us to the Hotel Prince, a beautiful old building in the heart of Port au Prince and just around the corner from PDG Amos’s office. An oasis in the center of, what is still, a city in desperate need of help. That evening, we had a delightful dinner hosted by the Petionville Club – a time to catch up with old friends and to meet some new ones. Thank you all for making our first evening so memorable.

Although the most important event in the minds of most of the people of Haiti was the final of the World Cup between The Netherlands and Spain, it was not our highlight of the day! We had the pleasure of attending the Charter Ceremonies of the Rotary Club of Leogane and to meet with their board. This new club, under the leadership of Jean Marc Brisseau is clearly making its mark already on the Leogane community. As you enter the town, there are two pristine banners proudly claiming that Rotary welcomes you to Leogane. Not content with welcoming all visitors, the club also has a banner on the fence outside its meeting place claiming to be Bigger, Better and Bolder! Congratulations Leogane!

One great idea I learned from this club was a project which inserts a label in the back of every book in the library. Written on the label is the Four Way Test and the Rotary emblem – what a great PR project, especially from a new club!

Before the meeting ended, Diana and Roger were presented with a beautiful piece of art which can be viewed in our photo album at  The painting represents the Leogane Club in the center of a Rotary world with the District logo and Rotary wheel around it. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

After this event, the World Cup Final seemed almost an anticlimax. However, AG Kyss, Roger and I watched it at the Prince Hotel, Kyss was unfortunately rooting for The Netherlands and was disappointed when Spain finally scored the only goal of the match during extra time. None the less, this was an eventful and memorable day.

An opportunity for a leisurely and excellent breakfast at the hotel before being driven by AG Ted to the Delmas Aeroport area to meet with President Herve Denis and five potential new Rotarians. These were all young people and most impressive. Ideally, they would like to start a new club close to Delmas Aeroport club but,l ike most young professionals, it is not convenient for them to meet at lunch time. Since their location is so close to the existing club, we decided at this meeting to launch a pilot program successfully used in other areas of the world and the new group of 25 will become members of a “Satellite Club” –but initially will be members of the RC of Delmas. They will have their own board of Directors and hold their own evening meetings, however once a month, both clubs meet together. The joint meeting program will highlight Rotary awareness and fellowship. In this way, the new members will become familiar with the Rotary philosophy and traditions and will be more prepared as a club when they finally “leave home” to form their own club. We are grateful to the Delmas Aeroport President Herve and to AG Ted to taking this new concept on board and for agreeing to take the lead in District 7020 with this pilot program.

Later that day with met with the board of the oldest Club in Haiti, the RC of Port au Prince led this year by President Bouchard Theramine “President Bouch” (pronounced “Bush”) – not sure whether this is a name with which he wishes to be associated or not! They have an impressive list of projects and ideas, one of the most ambitious being the creation of a local “Gift of Life” program.

I was also impressed with their plan to repair a home for the elderly and for the project to be a joint effort with their Rotaract Club, a perfect blend of involving the New Generation with the old.

The PaP meeting was very warm and happy and we loved the tradition they use of installing a new member. One we had not seen before but is very symbolic and beautiful ceremony of leading the new member into the room escorted by the sponsor for presentation to the general membership. At the end of the meeting, a National TV station interviewed President Bouchard and I, the video is not yet available but should be coming soon…..

We set off at 9:00 with AG Kyss to visit a project of the RC of Petionville. We were accompanied by President Georges Nicolas and Joanne Haspil (wife of Past President Alain) and wound our way up to Kenscoff, situated in an area aptly known as :The Switzerland of the Caribbean”. A beautiful lush and mountainous area outside of Port au Prince. The air was cool and the scenery breathtaking, in places it even surpassed the beauty of St. Thomas!! Petionville Past President, Gary Perodin met us at our destination, he is now living there since he lost his own home and his school in Port au Prince. The RC of Petionville support an orphanage high up in these mountains run by Soeur Dona and PP Gary is a constant visitor and supporter. Sister Dona has been running the orphanage for twenty years and during that time some 5,000 children have passed through, many of them have left to do well in business having had the advantage of the good education given to them at the orphanage. During her talk to us, Soeur Dona gave thanks that during this 20 years only 50 children had died in her care. To us this may seem a staggeringly and unacceptably high number, but sadly most of these 50 came into her care too late for her to be able to reverse the ravages of starvation and disease that had afflicted them.

Haiti is fortunate to have many like Sister Dona and once back in Port au Prince we found another such caring individual in Father Simon. This gentleman – and gentle man – has taken in street children for some number of years. When he first started, the boys came into his church and emptied all their weapons in front of the altar and have stayed out of trouble since that time. His shelter is in one of the less desirable back streets of the city and he has now opened another shelter for girls across the street. Through help from donors in the United States and Belgium and also Rotary Petionville, he runs this sanctuary for the young people, provides schooling and vocational training giving the residents another chance for a good life.

At the end of a wonderful “Rotary” day, we attended the board and club meeting. Petionville meetings are a lively affair and our visit there was most enjoyable. Thank you to all the members for a great evening.

It was planned that AG Yvon Pierre would collect us from our hotel at 9:00, having left his home in Les Cayes four hours earlier for the drive to Port au Prince. Unfortunately his day started with a flat battery which put him behind schedule. We had the four hour drive back to Les Cayes, scheduled to arrive for lunch but this proved to be no problem. The Haiti telegraph worked its wonders and PDG Amos arranged for us to be driven to Leogane where we were met by Yvon and were on our way. Roger and I have been wanting to visit Les Cayes for many months to see what progress was being made with the District Project at the Lycee Philippe Guerriere, finally we did just that. When we arrived at the school, Robert and Rosa Leger were waiting to meet us and we were surprised by the banner above the entrance welcoming Diana and Roger! The students gave us a warm welcome and are obviously very excited about the upgrade and the new equipment which is on its way. They and the school principal gave us the grand tour and we could see how the generous donations of so many clubs in our district has been put to good use. Roger became the hero of the day!

We saw two other school re-building projects of the Les Cayes club and were welcomed at another school by a choir of students singing a welcome for us in the shade of an almond tree – very special! To hear their song click here.

Under the shade of an even larger, mango, tree, we held our meeting with the RC Les Cayes board. What a wonderfully enthusiastic group they are! They are certainly determined to win a Club of the Month plaque and will aim for the Platinum in the DG Award! Their general meeting was no less enthusiastic, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.

A fantastic drive with AG Yvon and his wife, Fernande, through the mountains to Jacmel. Jacmel is the oldest city and port in Haiti and its buildings are a stunning monument to its past, It was, therefore, all the more sad to witness the ravages of the earthquake in this historic town. President Jean-Joseph Forgeas gave us a tour of the centre of the city showing us the architecture and the crafts for which Jacmel is famous. The tour included a visit to the Hotel Florita, a beautiful old building in which Jean-Joseph had been present when the quake happened. He described his experience of gtrying to find ways out of the building which blocked him at every turn. He finally stood under an arched doorway which proved to be a safe haven for him. The tour, which was all too short unfortunately, gave us an opportunity to gather some Haiti crafts for the RC St. Thomas annual fundraiser the” Haitian Creation”.

The club meeting was a treat. We were entertained by local musicians who played a variety of music illustrating the colourful history of Haiti. Click here to hear them. We were fortunate to have “Madame Jacmel” present who could give us an account of the stories which inspired the music. Thanks to all who were responsible for the planning.

Breakfast in the hotel then out to AG Yvon’s car for trip back to Les Cayes –but the car battery is dead! Help soon arrives and with the aid of a coat hanger we are soon on our way. We arrive back in Les Cayes a little later than planned but still in time to prepare for the shorter journey to Aquin in time for a meeting with that club’s board and then immediately the club meeting and dinner. One of the highlights of this meeting was the entertainment provided by the two young ladies who performed a personalized greeting for us. To listen, click here. We were pleased to see a number of guests at the meeting who are potential members and membership growth is one of the goals of the board of this club. Following the meeting we drove back to Les Cayes for a farewell drink at the home of PAG Robert Leger and Rosa.

An early start and AG Yvon takes us to the Cayes airport for the short flight back o Port au Prince. The flight is on time and we are soon back and met by PAG Nesly Vastey who takes us to Hotel Prince for our final night on this visit to Haiti. We collect our stored luggage and repack ready for our departure the next day. We did manage to find room in the suitcases for all the wonderful gifts we had received from the clubs. Thank you all, we will treasure them greatly.

PAG Nesly takes us to the surprisingly quiet airport where, our flight to Miami is on time and we bid a temporary farewell to Haiti and the many Rotarians who have shown great hospitality and generosity to us during our visit – Thank you to everyone!

July 10 - 18
Off to Haiti on Saturday, July 10 for the first of many visits to our friends in Haiti. Our first stop will be Port au Prince and we are excited that we will be representing PDG Errol at the Charter Ceremony of The Rotary Club of Leogane.

The late afternoon ferry took us from St. Thomas to Tortola where we were met by the largest welcoming committee of our travels – so far! Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors were all represented. Many thanks to Lynette Harrigan who spirited us off the ferry and through the arrival formalities in no time. Much picture taking with the beautiful welcome banner (complete with red hibiscus). Led by AG Ron Potter we were taken to the lovely Moorings Mariner Inn where we check in and find an array of personalized gifts from the BVI Tourist Board (with more red hibiscus), thanks again to Lynette. We then went with AG Ron for dinner and discussion about our visit. Thanks to everyone who came out to welcome us back to the BVI it was really very special.

We started with breakfast at the hotel with DGN Vance Lewis to discuss various district issues and then we were collected by AG Ron and taken to Peebles Hospital in Road Town where we met up with President Charles (Charlie) Benjamin and board member Charles Crane of RC Road Town, and President Ken Guiste of RC Road Town Sunrise. The Road Town Club has a long standing connection with the dialysis unit at the hospital and has arranged a variety of equipment deliveries for this vital service. We were shown round the unit by the nurse in charge who appreciated Rotary’s involvement and explained the importance of education in increasing the prevention of diabetes in the BVI. An interesting visit and another project of which Rotarians should be proud.

From the hospital we traveled with AG Ron and the three presidents the short distance to the Government Administration building to pay a courtesy call on the Premier of the BVI, Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal. The Premier is a charter member of RC Tortola and both Roger and I knew him from our time in the BVI in the late 70’s and early 80’s when Roger was a member of that club. We spent a happy hour with him reminiscing about various Rotary events including the famous annual Rotary Christmas Show in which Rotarian Ralph had played a leading role. Because of his duties he has been unable to be as active in Rotary in recent years but we hope that he will be able to participate more fully in the future.

The group broke up after this meeting and we had lunch with AG Ron and then moved on to meet with President Charles again but this time for the meeting with his board. We then moved immediately across town to meet with President Lorna and the board of RC Tortola. Clubs in the BVI are very active and have some inspiring projects. It was good to be among so many committed Rotarians. Two good meetings to end the business of the day.

We spent a wonderful evening with President Charles who took us to his home in West End for dinner with his wife, members of his board and friends. Thank you Charles and Norma for your hospitality and great food which ended a very enjoyable day.

Early start today, (Sunrise meetings usually are!) for the regular meeting of RC Road Town Sunrise at Maria’s by the Sea. Sunrise is only in its second year but they are an energetic group led by example by President Ken. DG Diana was delighted to be invited to induct their two newest members and to welcome Sian Evans and Nagi Darwish to Rotary. Both new Rotarians showed an impressive knowledge of Rotary when giving their remarks to the club, it was very clear that Sunrise have an excellent orientation program. The Club presented DG and Roger with a beautiful crushed coral sculpture by local BVI artist and a gift card signed by members of the club, thank you all! At the end of this meeting we immediately met with the Sunrise board for another productive session with news of Sunrise activities – only just a year old but a very active, and lively, membership.

A short morning email break before attending the regular lunch meeting of RC Road Town, held, very conveniently, at our hotel, the Moorings! Rotarians were serenaded by a guitarist at the beginning of the meeting which set the relaxed mood for the day. Much joke-telling and many fines were collected by the very effective Sergeant Lesmore. President Charles presented us with a lovely framed photo of the installation of his board which we had attended on Scrub Island in June – thank you for a beautiful and thoughtful memento.

Following an afternoon break for emails, AG Ron collected us for the short ride back to Maria’s for the “Family of Rotary” cocktail party hosted by the Premier, Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal and Mrs. Edris O’Neal. This was a very enjoyable and well attended occasion and enabled us to meet up with a large number of Rotarians who we had known from before as well as newer members. We were pleased that the newly arrived, only four days, H.E. Governor of the BVI, Boyd McCleary was also able to attend. We are very grateful to Premier (Rotarian) Ralph and Edris for their generosity and it was good to see their daughter Abby – also a Rotarian – present. AG Ron presented us with some local pottery tableware on behalf of all the clubs of the BVI. It will certainly be gracing our table when we are able to spend a little more time at home!

We left this event with good friends, Audley and Delma Maduro, who took us to President Lorna’s lovely home overlooking Road Town where we had dinner with her and her husband, Hon. Orlando Smith, members of her board and friends of Rotary. The dinner provided not only fine food but very interesting conversation and, despite a shower of rain which forced us to pick up our dining table and move inside, it was a fine finish to a great Rotary day.

Breakfast with Interact – what a good way to start the day! The Road Town Interact Club is community based and welcomes students from all high schools as well as the college. President Reynela and her team have some imaginative ideas as well as some real actions to back them up. They are well supported by DRC, PP Mary Findley-Jones of RC Tortola and Interact Liasion, Rtn. Charles Crane of RC Road Town. We were pleased to be able to attend the presentation of back to school bags and school supplies to representatives of the BVI Department of Social Welfare. These bags and supplies also include school uniforms and will be given to two under-privileged children in the community. President Reynela gave an excellent presentation about the project and about what Interact was doing and the Social Services representatives had many good things to say about these younger members of the Rotary family.

We then made a courtesy call on H.E. Governor McCleary who was fully aware of Rotary and its work because his father was a Rotarian. He admitted that his own work related responsibilities and travel had prevented him from becoming a member. We fully expect that he will be an honorary member before long! We were pleased that he volunteered to continue the tradition of previous Governors who have made Government House available for Rotary events and pledged his support to the Rotary Clubs of the BVI.

From Government House we moved to Treasure Isle Hotel and a lunch meeting with the Rotaract Club of Tortola together with AG Ron, President Lorna, DRC Mary Finley-Jones, ADRC Charles Crane and ADRR Al-Quamin Nibbs. Excellent reports had been prepared and were given by the board members. This club undertakes ambitious projects and has an excellent membership and PR program set for the year. Environmental awareness is encouraged and promoted by PADRR Abbi Christopher and we suspect she had something to do with the content of our gift package! As PR Chair, Abbi had ensured that the label on the package clearly identified Rotaract and inside were samples of the PR put out by the club as well as a pottery hatchling turtle to remind us of the protection of this animal in the waters and on the beaches of the BVI – good job Rotaract and thank you. After the meeting, many of the board joined us in a visit to The Rainbow Children’s Home, a foster home which is supported by the club where they are working to keep the grounds well manicured for the enjoyment of the young residents. Today we were able to witness the presentation of a new photocopier for the home much to the delight of the staff. Thank you Rotaractors

The visit to the Rainbow Home was the first of a series of project visits we were to enjoy this afternoon. Joined by AG Ron, the Rotary club presidents, and various Rotarians and Rotaractors on a bus tour of a variety of projects. Then we traveled east to the YEP (Youth Empowerment Project) Centre which gets some of its support from both RC Tortola and RC Road Town Sunrise. This provides a variety of after school activities for students in the East End/Long Look area of Tortola and is run by the dynamic Stacy Mather and it was in full swing at the time of our visit. President Ken is known as “Coach Ken” here as he is heavily involved in the football (soccer) program. (We subsequently discovered Ken has an impressive soccer background from the UK himself). This is a great idea which has been executed brilliantly thanks to the skill of its leader, Stacy, and the generosity of donors in Tortola including Rotary.

Heading back towards Road Town we visited the Mangrove Board Walk at Paraquita Bay which is a project of RC Tortola and had recently undergone some repairs and extension. This board walk is approximately 1,000 feet long and enables visitors to experience the extensive and very old mangrove area in this bay. Another imaginative project with wide public appeal which is enhanced with Rotary benches along the walk.

En route back to town we viewed the benches and tables supplied by RC Tortola to the Alexandrina Maduro school in Baughers Bay and were able to admire the many wonderful large mango trees in this area. RC Tortola has also “adopted” the main roundabout in Road Town and we were able to see that and the clock provided by RC Road Town to the Noel Lloyd Park. Our project visits ended at the RC Road Town Centennial Park on the water front which provides a great platform to view the Road Town area and great signage including flags announcing Rotary’s involvement in the facility. A fascinating range of projects and congratulations to all the clubs for the work involved.

After this there was just time to change before President Ken collected us for the drive to Beef Island and a very happy and enjoyable meal at a home overlooking Elizabeth Bay and Virgin Gorda. We were joined by the board of RC Sunrise and even a little rain did not dampen the spirits as we all got closer together!! Lots of laughs and great food provided by Secretary Norman Allen’s mother, Donna. So ended another busy and stimulating Rotary day.

Later start today as the first item was a mid morning joint press conference with all the clubs and a collection of print, radio and TV media representatives conveniently held at the Moorings. We were able to discuss Rotary and answer questions from the media but importantly we were able to assist with the publicity for three major donations. One from RC Tortola for $51,000 to assist with their adopted school in Isle la Vache, Haiti, one from RC Road Town for $20,750 for the purchase of dialysis machines for Peebles Hospital and a certificate of commitment from RC Road Town Sunrise for continued support for the YEP program. Rotary in Action!!

From this function it was straight to the regular meeting of RC Tortola at the Moorings dining room. Very good attendance and we were both pleased to be able to meet up again with Rotarians at Roger’s original club. Rtn. Astrid Wenske (without whom the clubs would not have such a fine record of their history) had arranged a display of photographs of RC Tortola functions from the 70’s which was fun to see. A good meeting with this, the senior, club in the BVI. We had leave more hurriedly than we would have wished in order to make the ferry back to St. Thomas but not before President Lorna presented me with a crushed coral hibiscus sculpture and Roger with a lovely painting as mementos of our visit. What a beautiful ending to a wonderful week.

At the ferry dock and Rtn. Lynette again worked her magic and we were on board in no time and off home to St. Thomas.

We cannot thank the BVI Rotarians enough; they welcomed us back home with such warmth. It was, indeed a very special time for us both.
